《Stranded》Chapter 1: The Incident Of The Pink Bra


Becca's P.O.V

This could be the worst day of my life.

This morning I overslept and had to miss breakfast. It was raining and Mom wouldn't allow me to drive to school. She said that Most car accidents happened on rainy days.

I walked to school with my umbrella, My umbrella broke and the tip of the umbrella fell off. By the time I reached school, I was soaking wet. I dashed to math class. I slowly sneaked into my seat. "Miss Evans?" I heard. I sighed and faced her. She holds out a detention slip. "Starting from today, if you late to class. Detention." She said. God, could this day get any worse.

It did. Sadie Taylor walked up to me and said "I wouldn't have wore a white shirt on a day like this or maybe I would have wore a nude bra." I braced myself and looked down.

There was my pink bra, totally visible in my white t- shirt.

The bell rang. I dashed to the girls bathroom. I sat in one of the toilet stalls. Wishing that I could just disappear. "Becca, hey I got you a t-shirt." I opened the door. My best friend Stacy had brought me a black t-shirt from the lost and found. "Thanks Stace. You're the best." I said, as I shrugged it on.

The shirt was huge. I looked like a fat potato sack. I sighed. What was wrong with today?

We headed towards our lockers.

Noah Jackson walks by and says "Heard from Sadie. Nice bra. I'm sorry that I wasn't there.", smirking. I slam my locker as loud as I could.

Noah was the hottest guy in school, also the most irritating. I stormed off. "Oh my God, I cannot believe Noah Jackson talked to you!" squealed Stacy. I turned to look at her.


All the girls seemed to fall under the spell of his disheveled hair and his big blue eyes. Honestly, he was just a pretty face that had a great body that also had a husky voice.

Dammit! Well, he was hot, but IRRITATING. It was probably irritating, because I felt my heart jump in my chest as he winked at me, when he passed by.

There was one thing that was good today, I was going to Spain, tomorrow with Stacy and other people. I had a good feeling about that. Maybe about Noah, whispered a voice in my brain.

I wasn't under Noah's spell or was I?

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