《The Mysterious Hunter (Bleach x RWBY)》XXI. Bait and Switch
Yoruichi's POV
Ozpin's office is always sort of a drag. There's nothing fun about it. Yoruichi isn't an interior decorator or anything, but even she could do something better than this.
Ozpin looks up from his desk and sees Yoruichi coming from the elevator, putting down his pen and pushing his paperwork aside.
Ozpin: "Miss Shihōin, this is a surprise. I didn't expect to see you here. Is there something I can help you with?"
Yoruichi: "Yes, Headmaster. I wanted to inquire about you forbidding Ichigo from telling Ruby and Yang about their mother."
Ozpin: "He told you about that?"
Yoruichi: "He came to me for advice on the matter."
He was quite worried about it, in fact. Normally he wouldn't be, but he was worried, not for his own sake, but for everybody who came to this world to find him.
Ozpin: "I see..." He puts his mug down and cross his hands in front of his face. "I'll tell you the same thing I told him: It's too dangerous for-"
Yoruichi: "You and I both know that's not true." she interrupts. "If it were, you'd have Summer Rose under much heavier guard, not that that would stop Ichigo." She eyes a chair against the wall and brings it over, sitting down right in front of Ozpin. "You wouldn't risk losing Ichigo's trust like that without a proper reason. He's too powerful for you to take a gamble like that unnecessarily."
They stare each other down for a solid ten seconds, neither of them saying anything. Yoruichi's catty smile hasn't disappeared in the slightest, knowing she's right about this. Ozpin's body language indicates he's trying to keep his cool, but is internally questioning how she knows so much.
Yoruichi (thoughts): 'I see. That's what's going on.'
Ozpin: "Miss Shihōin, I don't know where you got the idea of my reasoning being a lie, but I assure you-"
Yoruichi: "You were testing him." she interrupts again. "But you have nothing to worry about. Ichigo's happy here, even if that permanent scowl on his face says otherwise. Heh, for as long as I've known him, he's been like that..." Her fond memories of how hard he tries at everything and how sincere he is come to mind. "The thing is that he's both completely honest and totally clueless about his feelings. He'll tell you exactly what he's fighting for, but keep everything else to himself."
He relaxes a little bit, but is still guarded, as if he's beginning to accept Yoruichi's conclusion of Ichigo.
Ozpin: "Why is that?"
Yoruichi: "Who knows?" she muses. "It probably has to deal with his family situation. He had to become responsible at a young age, especially after his mother's death. Add his strength and battle prowess and he just doesn't have the time for emotions. But seeing him here, being able to slow down like this... It's good for him. Thank you for doing that for him."
She gets up from her chair and bows to him as a sign of respect. Every word she just spoke is the truth as she sees it. Even if she doesn't mention his sisters or father, it would still be true that Ichigo had to become responsible for them and also when his powers awakened. Ever since Rukia transferred her powers to him, he hasn't had much time to actually rest, between invading the Soul Society, training with the Visored, invading Hueco Mundo, and then defeating Aizen. That's not even mentioning all the 'filler' that happened in between those major events. This is good for him and Yoruichi, with how she feels towards him, is grateful that he can finally get the break he deserves.
Yoruichi: "He's a man, a very good man, but nobody should have that responsibility forced upon them. I'm sorry for my part in that, Ichigo..." she apologizes while he's not even there.
Ozpin looks on in intrigue at her open and honest actions. How highly she speaks of him seems to indicate he's a good person. Ozpin thought he knew that much about him, but his suspicions towards Ichigo had put that into question. While Ichigo's intentions are still not clear, what is clear is that he's the type of person to inspire this kind of loyalty.
Ozpin: "I think I understand." Yoruichi lifts herself from her bow. "Miss Shihōin, I am willing to overlook Mr. Kurosaki's disregard for my order this time. It's true that I wanted to see what he would do, if he would follow me or have the resolve to go against me. While it was true that I don't know if Summer Rose can be trusted at this point in time, I don't believe there's much harm in her seeing her daughters."
Yoruichi: "Thank you, Headmaster Ozpin."
Ozpin: "On a different matter, how are classes going for you and the others? Ichigo hasn't given me much in terms of a report and Glynda's..." he hesitates, "well, let's just say her reports aren't very... impersonal."
Why would Ozpin care about how they're doing in classes? Well, while he's shady as hell, he's still an educator, so that's most likely the reason. Yoruichi doesn't sense any hidden intent in his question.
Yoruichi: "They're going well. I'm learning quite a bit and I feel the others are as well. I think my favorite subject is history, believe it or not. To know one's history is to be able to plan ahead for the future."
Ozpin: I'm sure Dr. Oobleck would be happy to hear that. She takes history very seriously, after all."
Yoruichi: "That she does. She also takes her title seriously as well."
Ozpin: "You are right about that."
There's a small silence between them, but it's broken when Yoruichi speaks up.
Yoruichi: "I believe that's all I wanted to talk to you about, Headmaster. Is there anything else you'd like to ask me?"
Ozpin: "No, Miss Shihōin."
Yoruichi: "Then if you don't mind, I'd like to take my leave."
She starts heading towards the elevator.
Ozpin: "Actually, there is more thing, Miss Shihōin." She stops in her tracks and turns back around. "Regarding Ichigo... I'd rather you not tell him we had this little chat. I think I've learned more about who and what kind of person he is, but if what you say is true, he probably wouldn't want me of all people knowing."
Yoruichi: "Of course, Headmaster. I'd rather not get chewed out by him either. On the other hand..."
She smiles and chuckles to herself as she turns back around, heading down the elevator to leave.
Ichigo's POV
Last Time on 'The Mysterious Hunter'
Yang/Qrow: "R-RUBY!"
Ichigo: "COUSIN!?"
Ichigo attempted to turn to his head towards Ruby, but was met with an unexpected kiss on his lips from her. Her lips are super soft and she's full of life and- NOW'S NOT THE TIME! Ichigo didn't expect his first kiss to be like this, especially in a situation where he's super confused!
And Now We're Back In The Present
He breaks the kiss and looks at Ruby, who's as wide eyed as he is. She releases her death-grip on him and scurries backwards against the wall, blushing as red as her cloak. Ichigo's heart is pounding hard in his chest because of what transpired. Everyone in the room is speechless, nobody saying anything. Finally, Yang breaks the silence, but she's mostly incomprehensible.
Yang: "I-Ichigo- R-Ruby- I mean-" she babbles, not knowing what to say.
Ichigo looks at Qrow. He's stunned silent and still just like he is. The flask in his hand is open, but he isn't putting it up to his mouth to drink, even as easily as he could. Ichigo then looks at Summer, who giggles.
Summer: "Look at you Ichigo, putting the moves on my daughter." she jokes at everyone's expense.
She's not helping at all. Why would she be? She's an amnesiac who doesn't know anything about why this is so weird. Ichigo was just confessed to by a girl that he only knew would love her weaponry and her family. So, WHY DID SHE JUST CONFESS TO HIM AND THEN KISS HIM!?
Qrow snaps out of the shock that hit him so hard it caused him to be silent and takes a big swig from his flask, not putting it away after he's done, probably because he knows he'll need it in a minute.
Qrow: "Ichigo, I- *sigh* The reason why Ruby said that is that she and Yang are my nieces. I told you before, I'm..." He looks back at his flask, but doesn't drink from it this time. "I'm your father, Qrow Branwen."
What? His father? But... This has to be some sort of mistake. His father isn't in this world. So why does he think he's his father!?
Ichigo: "W...What?"
Qrow: "You heard me. I'm your dear old dad."
Ichigo: "You're... You're not-"
Qrow: "Look in the mirror, kid, you look just like me. Your eyes and hair. There's only a few people who have that combination of features."
Ichigo turns and looks at the reflective surface of the window in the hospital room, seeing both his and Qrow's reflections. He's right. He had gotten so used to the fact that his hair and eyes were different colors than what they used to be that he forget exactly what that meant. Speaking in terms of shades, his hair's darker than Qrow's, but other than that, both he and Qrow look very similar. There's been no other person in this world he's seen with that combination of features, except-
Ichigo (thoughts): 'There was that woman I met when I first got here... Are they related? He said Ruby and Yang are his nieces, so maybe Yang's mom since Summer's Ruby's mom and Tai is their shared father? Questions for later.' He focuses his mind at the question at hand. 'Huh...' He touches his hair. 'He's right about looking like him. But he's wrong about being my dad.' He remembers what Qrow said when they first met, right as Ichigo was trying to accept Ozpin's offer of being a teacher. 'So that's what he meant?'
Qrow: "Oz told me about you and so, I came here to see. He wasn't wrong."
Ichigo (thoughts): 'Figures Oz had something to do with it.'
Ichigo: "...so how did you and my mother meet?" he breaks his own silence.
He decides to play along with what Qrow's talking about. If he just denied being Qrow's son at this point, it'd only be suspicious. How could Ichigo know for certain that Qrow wasn't his father, especially with the story he told about never knowing who his father is?
Ichigo (thoughts): 'There must be someone in his past that he thinks could be my mother, otherwise he wouldn't think he had a son.'
Qrow: "W-Well, I don't exactly... remember..." he sheepishly admits.
Ichigo: "...what?" he asks in disbelief as he was wrong.
Yang: "I-Ichigo..." she gains courage to speak again. "Uncle Qrow's a... bit of a drinker."
Ichigo: "Yeah, no shit." he says as he eyes the flask.
He half-expected Ruby to pipe up about him swearing, but she's still in shock.
Yang: "Yeah... He must have met her when he was blackout drunk or something. Probably wasn't the only time that's happened if I'm being honest."
Qrow: "Uh-huh. Sure. Make fun of the guy who likes to have fun when he can."
He rolls at eyes at his niece. So this guy does it with a lot of people?
Ichigo (thoughts): 'Hmm... So this has happened before? I could use that to my advantage. Still, something doesn't feel right about lying to them about this.' He has an idea. 'That might work.'
Ichigo: "Listen, Qrow." Qrow stands up straight. "Until you remember my mother, I'm not accepting you as my father."
He curls his hand into a fist to really sell it.
Ichigo (thoughts): 'Perfect. That'll buy me some time.'
Qrow: "That- *sigh* I deserve that. You're angry I don't remember her."
He bought it.
Yang: "I'm surprised he's not punching you in the face right now."
Qrow: "Yeah, yeah, firecracker." He turns back to Ichigo. "Can you give me a hint? Like her name? Or the name of your village?"
Ichigo (thoughts): 'At least he's trying to be a parent. Could throw him a bone to chase.'
Ichigo: "Masaki. Masaki Kurosaki."
Even if it's part of a lie, Ichigo would never lie about his mother's name. There are just some lines you don't cross. Not ever.
3rd Person POV
In the Kurosaki Household
Isshin: "I feel a disturbance."
Isshin looks at the giant picture of his wife that he loves at all times, running over to it and declaring his undying love for her.
Isshin: "My Masaki! I could never, ever hope to love again! The only thing I can do is to take care of our children! Masaki, I love you for-"
His eldest daughter, Karin, hits him over the head with an axe kick.
Karin: "Settle down, you old fart!"
Her father falls to the ground, injured. She's gotten quite strong for being a human and for her age. Maybe she should get trained.
Yuzu: "Karin! Don't be so rough with him!"
Karin: "The geezer started it, clinging to Mom's picture like that!"
The older twin vents her disgust at her father's attitude while the younger twin shrugs it off, knowing that's just who he is.
Yuzu: "You're acting more like Ichigo every day!" she smiles sweetly.
It's only been about half a day since the coalition of women left to go find Ichigo, but even so, Isshin can't help but worry. He's told the girls that Ichigo's on an extended trip from school, as they don't know about the Soul Society or anything regarding it, but...
Isshin (thoughts): 'Come back safe, son.'
He rubs the sore spot on his head where Karin hit him, remembering the times Ichigo's done the same to him. She's really becoming more like her brother with each passing day. Will she and Yuzu develop Soul Reaper powers too? Or will they just stay at least partially spiritually aware? Either way, Isshin should explain the situation one day.
Ichigo's POV
Back in the RWBYverse
Ichigo walks out of the room, now more content. Now it all makes sense. They think he's Qrow's bastard son, which would make them his cousins. How long have they thought this? Ever since he met them? Or maybe before that, since Oz was involved?
Ichigo (thoughts): 'Wait, if they think I'm their cousin, they why in the hell has Yang been teasing me so aggressively!? And why did Ruby k-k-kiss me!?'
He touches his lips as he starts leaving the hospital, remembering the feeling. He blushes some more, but then shakes his head. This isn't the time for that. Everything just got a lot more complicated.
3rd Person POV
Inside Summer's Hospital Room
With Ichigo silently walking out, they're all at a loss. Well, everyone except Summer, whose ignorance at the situation is making it so she doesn't understand the true gravity.
Qrow: "...that could've gone better." He looks at his flask. "I deserve it, though. One minute, he doesn't know who his father is, the next, he knows, but also knows I don't remember his mother."
He puts the flask away after considering drinking from it, but choosing not to. Ruby silently walks back over to her mom, sitting down in the chair next to her, her face still red from what she did. Looking at her, Yang remembers what Ruby did as well.
Yang: "Ruby! Why did you confess to Ichigo like that!?" she shouts half-angrily.
Yang (thoughts): 'N-Now Ichigo and I can't... C-Can't...'
She remembers all the naughty things she was thinking about before and is disheartened because Ichigo now knows the truth, that they're related. He wouldn't want to do things with her now, would he?
Ruby: "He saved Mom." she replies. "He's an amazing person with an awesome sword! He's helped us out more than once too and he's always patient with me, even when I expect him to blow up! Why shouldn't I love him?"
All fair points. She hit the nail right on the head.
Yang: "B-Because you're his cousin!" she rebukes her.
Qrow: "Unlike you, they're not blood-related." he clarifies and chuckles.
Ruby: "Ha! See!"
Yang's steaming, both because she knows they're right and because Ruby got the drop on her. She KISSED him on the LIPS! That's way further than she or Weiss have gotten with him!
Summer: "Don't look so jealous, Yang. Your jealous face is funny, though!"
At Summer's comment, she turns from jealous to embarrassed.
Ruby: "Jealous? Do you love him too?" she innocently asks her older half-sister.
Yang: "..."
She can't say anything. She does. She knows she does. What her dad told her about loving Ichigo, about following her heart... What should she do? Should she confess like Ruby did? Or would that just make everything worse?
Qrow: "Easy kiddo. Don't tease your sister like that. You'll turn into her." he teases her himself.
Ruby: "G-Gah! I don't want that!" she jokes at Yang's expense.
That comment snaps Yang out of it.
Yang: "HEY! What do you mean by that!?"
Cinder's POV
Deep in the Emerald Forest, Cinder goes into a small cave, where there's a Seer Grimm waiting for her. This is the only way to communicate with Lady Salem and Cinder needs to report in.
Salem: "Why hello, Cinder. I take it you're here to report your progress?"
Cinder: "Yes, My Queen. Everything is progressing smoothly. The Vytal Festival Tournament will begin tomorrow and they have no idea who we are or what we've done so far. We will succeed."
Salem: "That is most promising." The dark Queen of Grimm takes a bite of an apple, eating it. "Cinder, how are things going with that boy you mentioned?"
As if she were a completely different person, Cinder's eyes shine with excitement and she starts breathing strangely. Her legs shake slightly at the thought of that boy- no, that man!
Cinder: "My Queen, he is breathtaking! His philosophy, that a person's instincts should be used to take control and do whatever they wish, it was- just look!"
She sends a video that she took of Ichigo's speech. And she's salivating. Salem looks at this sight and crushes the apple in her hand, prompting Cinder to jump, startled.
Salem: "I meant how far have you gone with seducing him?"
Cinder: "W-Well..." she's trying to find a way to tell her she hasn't yet.
Salem: "Oh, Cinder... You know this is a time sensitive operation. Perhaps I should send-"
Cinder: "NO!" she interrupts. Salem looks disappointed in her, which causes Cinder to correct herself. "I-I meant no disrespect, my Queen. I only meant that I am fully capable of doing this myself. I have a plan to seduce him and bring him over to you."
Salem: "Hmph. That's what I like to hear." she muses. "Regardless, I shall be sending someone to assist you. I don't believe this to be an easy goal that you could accomplish while doing your main task."
Cinder: "I-I-" Salem raises her eyebrow. "I mean, yes, if that if what Your Grace thinks is best."
Salem: "Good. Also, Tyrian should be arriving soon to test this boy. I wish to gauge his abilities."
Cinder: "Of course, my Queen."
The Seer Grimm goes dark as the connection breaks. Out of frustration, Cinder throws a fireball at one of the walls of the cave.
Cinder: "She thinks me so incompetent that I cannot seduce one man!?" She calms down, the fire around her dying. "It's not my fault that he's literally surrounded by women on a daily basis!"
Salem's POV
- In Serial40 Chapters
Me! Zombie! Summoned to Another World!
In the Year 2030, a plague spread throughout the globe, turning most humans into zombies.Naturally, as a weakling, I turned into one as well, a weak one at that.I could never overpower a living human, nor have I taken a bite of human flesh. Now, even my mind was starting to go blank.I stared at the living muscular human standing in front of me with a huge RPG over his shoulder, and I thought my zombie life was going to end at that moment.Without any warning, a green light shot out from the cloud and enveloped me.Everything started to turn black after that. When I opened my eyes once again, I was already in an unknown world.In front of me stood an idiot who proclaimed himself as a necromancer. I glared at his tasty flesh and charged at the necromancer without any hesitation.At first, I thought it would be a harsh battle between him and me, but, unexpectedly, the necromancer was even weaker than me.After indulging in the necromancer’s brain, information appeared inside my head.[Notes of the necromancer’s growth][Records of the Mysterious Nolan Continent][My life with the Holy Church’s saint]
8 589 - In Serial11 Chapters
Was it meant to be?
A young man finds himself locked inside a chamber with no memories, after being released by an unknown female, he stumbles out to find himself trapped in yet another prision, a filthy room riddled with moss and cracks, but just before adressing that he may want to deal with the cable attached to the back of his head.
8 96 - In Serial7 Chapters
The Strongest Warrior Finally Reveals Himself.
100 years ago, all the arts users of the world were mysteriously killed. However now, some are awaking, follow Rubeoso, a max level, strong as possible arts user that just awoke...
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THE GOD OF SOUL HAS BEEN SENT TO EARTH. I am not a professional writer but will try my best to convey my story.
8 150 - In Serial11 Chapters
The Silver Exile
(Closed. Thanks for reading.)The Earth suffered a virus unprecedented in history. It mutated all things, the living and non-living, and turned fantasy into a horror-filled reality. Within twenty years, humanity only encompassed 15% of the Earth and lost 90% of its population to the virus.Humans began being born with a small crystal core in their bodies. After years of research, humanity discovered they could access a foreign energy and use it to fight the monsters. Some people devilry, some magic, and some called it divine prominence.Over a thousand years past and humanity was able to make city states, nations almost non-existent. Technology was nearly non-existent as the method to make them was lost. Those who lived in the city were safe and all immune or compatible with the virus to awaken the crystal cores' powers.This is the story of the Silver Exile, a boy wielding a silver sword who used to live out in the wilderness. Exiles were born out the city and were expected to die. This is the story of how he lived.
8 282 - In Serial14 Chapters
In a new world, so lets go it alone!
when the zombies came surprisingly little changed, the zombies came and were quickly destroyed by the worlds various governments. but what if I were to tell you the zombies were a test by the gods? to see if humans were worthy of joining the new world. well that's the truth, but I'm not much of a people person, well not a human people person, maybe I'll have better luck with none humans, but until then, let's go it alone!
8 186