《The Mysterious Hunter (Bleach x RWBY)》XII. It's... Complicated
3rd Person POV
Team RWBY had just finished clearing the train full of stolen technology, the White Fang, and Roman Torchwick. The entire time, this train had been creating openings for the Grimm to enter, but the tunnels are sealed... right?"
Ruby: "Weiss! Ice!"
Weiss stabs her rapier into the top of the train, creating a shield of ice, encompassing the entirety of Team RWBY.
The train crashes directly into the barrier sealing off the tunnel from the city of Vale, creating a huge breach in the middle of the city. Grimm start overflowing throughout and fairly soon, the city square is overrun. Nobody on Team RWBY is fully conscious yet, as the crash, even with the damage lessened by Weiss's shield and their Auras, was still rough. Ruby's the first to snap out of it, fully regaining her senses, and then surveying the area.
Ruby: "Everyone, get up!" she instructs her team. "We've got to protect the city!"
Team RWBY shakes off the probable concussions they each received and jump into action, taking out Grimm one by one. Ruby digs her scythe into the ground and starts kicking a bunch of Beowolves back, making them fall over. Yang jumps onto a Creep and uses it as a springboard, shooting multiple cartridges from her gauntlets at multiple Grimm. Three Nevermores come up from behind her as she's flying through the air and flock her in a frenzy, knocking her to the ground. Blake blocks a Beowolf Alphas claw strike and cuts its head. As it's stunned, her katana changes to its gun form and she shoots a group of Creeps trying to circle her. Weiss cuts through Beowolves and Ursai one by one, using her ice Dust to take down three of them with a wave of ice particles.
Nora comes in like a wrecking ball and smashes her hammer on top of a King Taijitu that's in the horde of Grimm standing before them. She's almost instantly joined by the rest of Team JNPR, who must have heard the sirens and came to help.
Jaune: "Ruby, any suggestions?" he asks his fellow team leader from across the field of battle.
Ruby: "Yeah, protect the town and defeat the Grimm!" she replies in earnest.
Jaune (thoughts): 'Yeah, 'bout what I expected her to say.'
Cinder's POV
Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury go to the airship pad and listen to the sirens.
Emerald: "You don't think..." she questions.
Mercury: "Sure looks like it."
Emerald: "But that's still days away!"
Mercury: "So, what do we do?" he asks Cinder.
Cinder glares into the distance, thinking about how she's going to punish Torchwick for his ineptitude. Emerald was right. This operation was still a few days away. Instead, he blew his payload early and now it's up to her to clean up his mess.
Cinder: "This is why I don't like working with amateurs."
Mercury: "Hey Cinder, question."
Cinder: "You're wondering about that thing we felt at the castle, aren't you?"
Mercury: "If it is a Grimm, think it'll come to this? I mean, there's a whooole lot of panic down there."
The villainess thinks about this. If it was a Grimm, there's a chance that it'll arrive at the scene. After all, an attack like this in the middle of the city would invite such a creature to at least investigate, if not take part. Cinder's lips part as they go into a small smile.
Cinder: "Who knows? I know I sure hope so."
Yang's POV
Unbeknownst to Yang, there's an Ursa about to hit her from behind while she's fighting off the Beowolves.
Ruby: "Yang! Look out!"
???: "Santen Kesshun, I reject!"
Out of nowhere, a triangular shield appears before Yang and stops the Grimm's claws, forcing it backwards at the same time. Even though the shield is orange and translucent, it's still somehow sturdy enough to stop an Ursa's attack.
Yang (thoughts): 'Is that hard-light Dust? But that's usually cyan?'
From in front of the shield, the blonde brawler sees her love interest, Ichigo, staring down the huge Ursa. His hand's on the hilt of his giant sword and he's sporting a pissed off look, his black robe flowing in the wind making him look even cooler and hotter.
Ichigo: "Yang, you okay?"
Yang (thoughts): 'Ichigo, TAKE ME NOW!' the pervert apparently alright with incest thinks to herself.
Yang: "Y-Yeah... Thanks for that."
Ichigo: "Don't thank me," He takes one swing of his sword and completely bisects the Ursa, "thank Orihime."
Yang: "Who?"
???: "Ichigo!"
The voice from immediately before the shield appeared calls Ichigo's name from the right. Yang looks over and sees a girl with long orange hair in a pink T-shirt, grey capris, and-
Yang (thoughts): 'HOLY SHIT!' she thinks as she takes note of her chest. 'She might be even bigger than I am!'
This well-endowed associate(?) of Ichigo's catches up to him, going to his side immediately, looking worried.
Ichigo: "Orihime, good job. Yang, this is Orihime Inoue, one of my friends. Orihime, this is my friend from Beacon, Yang Xiao Long."
Orihime: "Oh hi! I'm Orihime! It's a pleasure to meet you!"
The orange haired girl puts out her hand in a polite manner without any ulterior motives appearing on her face.
Yang (thoughts): 'She's gorgeous AND she's nice like Ruby!?'
Yang: "Umm... sure. Good to meet you too." she says as she hesitantly takes Orihime's hand.
Orihime: "Great! I hope we get to be good friends!"
Yang recovers from the shock of this pretty, but peppy girl and the fact that she and Ichigo know each other.
Yang: "Yeah, me too!"
Ichigo: "Now that you two are acquainted, Yang, sit back. All of us have got this."
Yang: "All?"
She looks across the battlefield to see multiple girls that she's never seen before. There's a few fighting with their bare hands, but there's also a few fighting with swords. They're all incredibly skilled in their fighting, most of them taking down Grimm left and right with nothing but a single strike. With them on the battlefield, Grimm are being slaughtered faster than they're coming out of the breach.
Yang: "Woah..."
With Weiss, Jaune, and Nora
Fighting back to back, the two teammates and Weiss are able to take out multiple Grimm in a large enough area. Nora's raw strength is being backed up with Weiss's masterful Dust usage and Jaune's... well, they're able to effectively work together despite not all of them being on the same team.
(A/N Yes, I did Jaune dirty like that)
Jaune: "Weiss, create an ice floor!"
Weiss: "On it!" she surprisingly obeys.
She stabs her rapier into the ground, releasing a blanket of ice across the unbroken ground, causing all the Grimm on it to slips and fall.
Jaune: "Nora, now!"
She starts skating on the ice floor, swinging her hammers left and right as she passes by the multitude of Grimm on it. She jumps and twirls, hitting numerous Grimm that jump her with her monstrous strength. She's surprisingly graceful while having fun beating up Grimm. A few Giant Nevermores fly through the sky, choosing to dive bomb the Valkyrie, knocking her off her feet while she's distracted.
Nora: "AH!"
She lands hard on her butt, her hammer sliding a few feet away from her. Struggling to stand up, the Nevermores come for another pass.
???1: "Comin' in hot!"
A dark-skinned woman with long brown hair jumps from the rooftops and punches one of the Nevermores away from Nora as it dives. She grabs it by the tailfeathers and starts spinning in a circle, releasing and sending it crashing into the others. She jumps off the ground, wielding a broadsword, and sprints to the crashing Nevermores, slicing them in half.
Jaune: "Who are-"
???2: "Get out of my way!"
Another girl rushes past Jaune and kicks away a Beowolf Alpha attacking him from behind. When he looks to see, he sees a medium-haired girl with a nasty look on her face. Her right eye is ice blue and her right is amber colored with a red outline around it.
???2: "Tch. These things really are weak. Killed it in only one kick."
???3: "Hitting things is all you're good for, so it makes sense that you're good at it."
From the fire escape of the building next to them, there's a slender girl with long, flowing, olive-green hair, long eyelashes, and lavender eyes. The sleeves of her robe obscure her hands, but when a Beowolf climbs the fire escape, she pierces it with what looks like a sai coming out of her left sleeve. Her name's apparently Sung.
???1: "You shouldn't get so worked up, Apacci. You know-"
Sung-Sun: "No thanks." She interrupts. "I'll stay up here while you and the gorilla take care of things. You're at least capable of that, or so I hope."
The two charge their friend(?), who skillfully and elegantly jumps from the fire escape onto the ground, impaling a Boarbatusk on her way down. Her companions are ambushed by some members of the White Fang and look in disgust as they fight, seemingly holding themselves back.
Sung-Sun: "Honestly, Mila and Apacci get so worked up over the slightest of things." She takes notice of Weiss and Jaune staring at her. "May I help you?"
Jaune: "Who... are you guys?"
Sung-Sun: "You may call me Sung-Sun. The idiot's Apacci and the one who helped your friend is Mila Rose. We were sent here by our mistress Harribel to assist." She looks Jaune up and down. "Looks like he was correct."
Jaune: "Why do I feel like that wasn't a compliment?" he says in defeat.
Sung-Sun/Weiss: "Well obviously because look at you." they say in unison, surprising one another.
Sung-Sun: "How quaint. To think that someone of intelligence other than me was here... although I'd give that outfit a 7/10."
Weiss: "*scoffs* Oh really? You're not exactly the belle of the ball either with your weird hair accessory. I mean seriously, what is that thing?" she says, referring to her hair clip.
Sung-Sun: "At least I'm not presumptuous enough to wear a crown around my side-ponytail."
Weiss points her rapier at Sung-Sun, who, in return, present her sai. Noticing the incoming catfight, Jaune decides to do something about it.
Jaune: "Girls! We can save fighting each other for later! For now, we've got Grimm to hunt!"
Noticing the incoming Grimm horde, the two snobbish girls put aside their differences for now and concentrate on the battle at hand.
Sung-Sun: "Huh. You're not as dumb as you look."
Weiss: "Ugh, fine. Let's just get this over with. Don't get killed." she says to Sung-Sun with a slight smile.
Sung-Sun: "Oh funny, I was about to say the same to you."
A King Taijitu approaches them and they look at each other, nodding before they-
Never mind. Nora's got it. The others start dispatching the pack of Ursai surrounding them instead.
With Pyrrha and Ren
Pyrrha: "Ren, how are you doing over there?"
The green-clothed ninja checks his equipment and looks around the battlefield. Taking note of the Grimm's numbers increasing by the minute, he tries to come up with something, but the situation keeps changing as more and more Grimm emerge from the breach.
Ren: "Hanging in there. Not sure if I've got enough ammo or stamina, but..." They're surrounded by more Ursai. "I'm going to try my hardest to defend the people here."
???1: "That's the spirit, kid!"
From all around, there's explosion after explosion, turning the Ursai into dust. However, when an alpha steps up to the plate, that voice seems eerily quiet. The teammates don't know where it came from, but Ren can hear that voice saying something. He just can't make it out.
???1: "Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of the warring spears fills the empty castle! Hado #63, Raikoho!"
A bolt of yellow lightning resembling a lightning bolt strikes the Ursa Alpha from above, destroying a good portion of the ground in the process. When the smoke clears, there's a scantily clad woman with green eyes and bandages over her long messy black hair that parts down in half at the small of her back. Her right arm seems to be a prosthetic, but it doesn't look like any Atlas technology.
???1: "You kids okay?" she asks Ren and Pyrrha.
Pyrrha: "We're fine, Miss...?"
???1: "Sorry about that! Name's Kukaku Shiba, how's it hanging?"
Ren: "Thanks for the help, but who are you?"
Kukaku: "HUH!?" she gets an annoyed look on her face. "Didn't I JUST tell you my name!? Kids these days, they don't know how to pay attention."
She takes out a pipe from her ample cleavage, to Ren's discomfort, and starts smoking it.
???2: "Miss Shiba, you should know that's bad for your health and while I would like to dissect your disease-ridden lungs someday, I shall suppress my urge to do so for the moment."
Almost silently, another person makes their way onto the part of the battlefield that Pyrrha, Ren, and Kukaku are on. The two teenagers look past Kukaku and see a slender and youthful young woman with green eyes not unlike Pyrrha's and black hair pulled back into a long braid and slightly parted bangs. She appears to be wearing a short black kimono which extends to her mid-thigh, with a white nagajuban underneath. The most noticeable part of her outfit is probably the red choker she has around her neck.
Kukaku: "Oh please." She takes in a puff of smoke and releases. "I know you're the scientific type and all, but I know what I'm doing. Besides, I'm surprised you haven't dissected cancerous lungs yet with that lover of human experimentation you call a captain. Lighten up, Nemu. Here, have a smoke."
Nemu: "No thank you." she declines. "While I am immune to such a disease, I personally find the smell disgusting."
Kukaku: "Eh, your loss." she says as she keeps smoking.
Pyrrha: "Excuse me?" she politely asks.
The girl named Nemu takes a piece of rubble and chucks it at an incoming Beowolf, making it fly almost like a bullet, killing the Grimm instantly and making a hole in the building behind it.
Nemu: "Yes? What do you want?" she asks slightly cold.
Pyrrha: "Umm... who are you two, exactly? You're Nemu and she's Kukaku, but I've never heard of you. Are you Huntresses?"
Nemu: "'Huntress'. Ichigo described that profession to me and I believe that I do not fit such criteria."
Ren: "If you're not Huntresses, then why are you here? It's dangerous here."
Kukaku takes her pipe, hits an incoming Boarbatusk, kills it, and goes back to smoking. The smoke blows in Ren's face, making him cough.
Kukaku: "Sorry about that, kid. Anyway, no, we're not Huntresses. We're here at the request of a mutual friend."
Pyrrha: "You mean Ichigo? You know him?"
Kukaku: "Yeah, sure!" she says with a cheesy smile. "Taught him a couple things. Like how to focus and refine his spi- I mean, his Aura. Took him a while to learn, but he eventually got the hang of things. With a few beatings, of course."
Pyrrha/Ren (thoughts): 'Beating someone as powerful as Ichigo? She's definitely scary...'
Kukaku: "Come on, let's kill the rest of these things. I need a nap."
Nemu: "As you wish, Miss Shiba."
With Ruby and Blake
A girl with medium length black hair wielding a white sword with a ribbon attached stabs a King Taijitu that Ruby's attacking. The Grimm freezes on contact and shatters, coating Ruby in small specks of ice and snow.
- In Serial154 Chapters
WARNING: THIS STORY HAS A SLOW START. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. We all grew up hearing stories about heroes and villains, but what would we do if we were to be part of one? One night, a bioweapon escaped from its laboratory in Zalcien, only to die in a dark alley. One night, a young man lent a helping hand, only to die alone in the dark. One night, a deity of death saw two lost souls and offered one a second chance in the other's body. Now a strange creature made of darkness, James has to deal with his new form in a strange new world where superpowers, heroes and villains are commonplace, far away from his home. Watch as he learns how to use his powers, as he meets allies and enemies and how, when facing the paths of heroism and villainy, he chooses a third way somewhere in between. Follow the story of James, a lost Earthling soul, as he becomes Silhouette, the mysterious power in the shadows. Greetings fellow humans. This is my first story on Royal Road and my first long-term project written in English, so I do hope you will have some mercy in your heart when reading. So, as you may have understood, this is a story with super-heroes - which is quite ironic for my first story considering all of the other ones planned are fantasy - and as such will take place in a modern-like setting. Despite dark themes and gory scenes making their way into the story, it is still a super-hero world with the logic that matches, so expect characters to survive nuclear explosions without a scratch and yet to get defeated by a rubber ducky - as well as similar dark humor, thus the comedy part.
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Told that his life was a lie and whisked away to a strange new world with unfamiliar magic, Snowflake struggles to find where he belongs. Join him as he meets vibrant people from different worlds, explores the complex ways of Skills and Classes, and does his best to fulfill his benefactor's last wish. With a bit of luck and more than a little Skill, he may just have what it takes to reclaim his world from the System. If he can survive that long. Author's Note: This is the Adventures of a Unique Snowflake rewrite. I plan to release a chapter (roughly 3k words) per week. Shout out to the Facebook group LitRPG Books! https://www.facebook.com/groups/LitRPG.books/
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The Aggie Show
Gary is a young man who lives with his cat, Aggie. One day, Gary receives a mysterious book on his doorstep. Aggie steals this book, claims horrible powers beyond comprehension, and becomes Gary's tormentor. Gary must learn to navigate a world unlike anything he has ever seen.
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The Genre of My Life Was Randomized?
The wheel spun and the genre changed. In every chapter, a new canvas made up of a thousand words was formed. I, the creator, do not know the future of this novel. I, the author, is but a mere slave that writes and creates what the wheel has given. What would happen after? What fate awaits the main character? When would you encounter the next chapter? Besides the latter, only the wheel could answer. Author's Note:Salutations dear reader. I'd like to dissuade you from reading this novel due to the following facts: 1. I am an amateur/new/beginner writer so it could be said that I don't know what I'm doing. 2. This novel is something which I wrote in order to hone my skills in adaptability, creativity, and writing in of itself. 3. Every chapter was made after spinning a wheel with the genres: Action, Horror, Romance, Comedy, Fantasy (as of writing) twice. The genres then would be showed in the chapter through theme, part of the story, flow, character, or whatever man idk. In case the wheel would show the same genre twice, the chapter itself would have the result as the main theme of the story with the other genres being free to use in order to fully show the theme. 4. I'm basically yoloing the story, trying to make sense of it even with the randomness of the current and future chapters; I swear I'm not a masochi.. *ahem* moving on, a variable left by the previous chapter won't suddenly just disappear because the next chapter doesn't have the same genre as before, meaning if a character that fits a genre was shown on let's say "Chapter 1", said character wouldn't just disappear or cease to exist for no reason at "Chapter 2" or the following chapters just because the character doesn't fit the genres. To make it short this isn't a collection of short stories but one big story instead. 5. Etc.
8 137 - In Serial6 Chapters
Toàn thân đều là gai - Tác giả: Trúc Diệc Tâm
Nguồn: kinzie3012.wordpress.comGiới thiệu vắn tắt:Thỏ tử cẩu phanh, có mới nới cũ.Đế quốc nguyên soái Thích Vanh tại thành công diệt sát Trùng tộc sau, bị vu hãm mưu phản,Tuyệt cảnh lúc, chỉ có hắn chán ghét nhiều năm bạn lữ ra tay cứu giúp.Trùng sinh sau, Thích Vanh quyết định muốn đau sửa tiền phi, đối Bạch Cận hảo một chút, lại hảo một chút.Hắn cảm giác, Bạch Cận nhất định ăn rất nhiều khổ.Nhưng mà......Tại Bạch Cận này khỏa xuyên việt xương rồng trong mắt, kịch tình căn bản không phải như vậy được rồi !Đây là một trùng sinh công bao giờ cũng là não bù lại nhất thế bị hắn sai đãi chịu khổ tình không được, các loại đau lòng.Trên thực tế, đó chính là một đóa Bá Vương hoa, không, là tiên nhân chưởng.Lục ý dạt dào, cả người mang gai, ai chọc đâm ai, sống được so với hắn thống khoái nhiều cố sự.Tô thích vô ngược, các loại sủng sủng sủng.Công trùng sinh thụ xuyên việt, thụ là tiên nhân chưởng thành tinh.Nội dung nhãn: Cơ giáp trùng sinh cường cường Tìm tòi mấu chốt tự: Nhân vật chính: Bạch Cận, Thích Vanh ┃ vai phụ: Đoan trang, Mạc Thiếu Khanh, An Ca, Tần Y Y, Trịnh Nhàn đẳng ┃ cái khác: Tinh tế, xuyên việt, trùng sinh, yêu tinh, cơ giáp đẳng
8 67 - In Serial33 Chapters
Classroom Of The Elite : Reaction fic
I am just writing this for fun .English is not my first language so there will be grammar mistakes . I hope you guys enjoy it.Ayanokouji will be OCC.This happens right after the second island exam. But the Island exam results weren't announced yet so ayanokouji's class is still class D.In this fanfic Kiyotaka won't be a very modest guy. And he will not be dumb when it comes to romance and harem stuff.Compared to the light novel there will be some changes in this fanfiction because I wanna make Kiyotaka a dominant guy.This will be a kiyokei fanfic no other ships.So I hope you guys find it interesting.
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