《Wrong Number | Matt Daddario》Chapter 28



It's been a few days since the last time I have seen Matthew. Katherine went up to his place to get my stuff from his house, mainly because I was running out of my own clothes and Kat's was to tight on me but also because I have a job interview today.

I tried talking Kat out of it so I didn't have to go and so I could go back to my lonely life back in Los Angeles but she didn't let me. She wouldn't let me miss out on this opportunity and I get where she was coming from but I wasn't sure that I wanted to be here, knowing I could run into Matthew at anytime.

Matthew tried messaging me but I didn't answer it. He apologised, asked me to meet him so he could explain himself but I wasn't ready to see him. I didn't wanted to. I didn't wanted to be lied to again. I just couldn't. Not anymore.

"Good luck." Katherine said with a smile, making me jump out of my deep thoughts. It hasn't been the first time that I have been lost in my thoughts. I zone out like this since whatever had happened between me and him.

"Thank you. I am going to need it." I said with a smile and Katherine scoffed as she held on of her hand up.

"You are amazing. They will love you." She said and I chuckled softly as I nodded.

"They might." I said and Kat looked at me. She held my by my shoulders and smiled.

"Have you talked to him?" She asked and I looked at her as if I didn't know about who she was talking too. I knew exactly who she meant. Matthew. I shook my head.


"I didn't." I answered simply and Kat nodded. Matthew tried coming to Katherine's house so he could speak to me but she sent him away every time he came.

I could hear them argue about it but at the end, he understood and left out of respect which I admired. I have always admired that about it... The respect he had for others... but where was mine when I needed it the most? I had a right to know... He kissed me, made me feel special but never spoke about the fact that he was still married...

That's not how you start a positive relationship...

"Why?" I asked out of curiosity as I looked at Kat. She just shook her head as she looked at me. She stepped away from, loosening her touch from my shoulders.

"I just wanted to know." She said with a smile. For a second, I felt like I heard disappointment in her voice as if she expected us to be talking right now.

Was I overreacting? Maybe... I don't know.

"Is something wrong with him?" I asked and worry overwhelmed me in a rush. What if something had happened to him and I wasn't there for him? I would never forgive myself for it.

"No. No." Katherine quickly said as she looked at me and I could see from her eyes that she was lying to me. There was something going on.

"What happened?" I asked worried. I just knew that something wasn't right. I could tell from the way she was looking at me and the way she was talking to me.

"Physically he is okay but mentally. He has lost it. He has been drunk ever since this has happened. He isn't himself anymore." She said and I looked away from her.


Matthew needed saving and I wasn't going to do that. He was going to get over this just like I would... I think.

"He is drunk. He will be fine." I said and Katherine shook her head. She looked honestly worried.

"I have never seen him like this and I know him for years. Matthew gets upset but he doesn't drink it out of himself." Katherine said and I could hear her worry in her voice.

"Matthew is hurting and I know that you are too. You two should speak to each other." She said and I sighed.

"I don't think that I am ready for it." I said and I meant it. I don't know what I would think or do it I see him again. I don't know how to feel anymore and I was afraid that it could be ending... I didn't wanted that...

I don't want to let go of him or the feelings I have for him but most of all. I don't want to let go of this wall that I have build ever since Julian. I was afraid that if I do. I would get hurt again and I did and look what had happened. Matthew hurt me.

"I know but if you don't do it, I am afraid that Matthew might do something stupid." Katherine said and I looked at her with sympathy in my eyes. I was afraid too...

"I..." I said softly as I looked down. I truly had no idea what I should do anymore... or how to feel.

"Aurora, I don't want to push you for anything but I have never seen him like this. There is something broken inside of him and it is internally killing him." She said and I gasped softly. I could feel the tears in my eyes burning, trying to roll down from my cheeks.

"I will go see him after my interview." I said as I looked at Katherine. I could see that she was relieved that I said that. She hugged me tightly.

"I know that both of you will be fine." She said as she hugged me. I smiled softly. Even though I wasn't sure about it. I just hoped he wouldn't do something stupid.

"I will see you later." I said and Kat smiled as we came out of the hug. I grabbed my stuff and left her apartment.

Now I was attending my interview being both nervous and afraid that something could go wrong with him or me...

I just prayed that everything was going to be fine because I don't know what I would do if something would happen to Matthew...

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