γ€ŠJesse Lee Sofferγ€‹κ§π™½πšŽπšŸπšŽπš› π™·πšŠπšŸπšŽ 𝙸 π™΄πšŸπšŽπš›κ§‚


I woke up the next day, and I smiled at Jesse, he was sleeping next to me, and was letting out little snores. I quietly tried to get out of bed. Once I was out, I walked into the the living room and sat down. I looked at the clock on the wall, and I noticed it was 5. I went to the bedroom to get my phone. Once I grabbed it, I looked to see some text I had.

πŸ’œπŸ’œMARINAπŸ₯³ - I know your not up yet, but when you wake up text me, and we can meet in the lobby.

Me - hey M. I actually am up! But anyway, want to meet?

πŸ’œπŸ’œMARINAπŸ₯³ - come downstairs. Like in the lobby.

Me - can I take a shower and get ready first.

πŸ’œπŸ’œMARINAπŸ₯³ - yeah, I'll get ready then meet you there!

I ran to the bathroom, I jumped in the shower quickly. Once I finished with the shower, I got out and did my hair. I then realized I forgot clothes. Fuck, just my luck. I wrapped the towel closer to my body, and ran out of the bathroom and into my room. I found what I wanted to wear, but before I could go back to the bathroom. I heard some movement behind me, I turned around to see Jesse sitting up, he had the biggest smile on his face. My face quickly turned red.

"Shit, didn't mean to wake you." I told him looking at the ground.

"It's okay." He told me, he came up and stood in front of me. He lightly pulled my chin up to where my eyes meet his. "What's wrong beautiful?" He asked me slowly. I didn't answer but looked down again. "Olivia, can you look at me please?" He asked. I slowly looked up. "What's bothering you?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around my body.

I shrugged again, and pulled the towel closer to my body. Jesse noticed and looked at me.

"Are you embarrassed about your body?" He asked me, I nodded slightly and kept looking at the ground. Jesse places two fingers under my chin, and he pulled it up to meet his eyes. I gave me a slight smile, and I tried to return it, he slowly leaned in and kissed me, the kiss was really slow, he pulled back after a couple of seconds. "What's there to be embarrassed about? Your body is perfect, and I love it. I love everything about you. Don't be embarrassed about anything when your with me." He told me, while our faces were still inches apart.

"There's a lot to be embarrassed about, there's cuts on my stomach. And those cuts are something I'm very embarrassed about. I know I don't have to hide it form you, but I'm used to everyone treating me different about it." I told him, he grabbed my free hand, he intertwined our fingers together.

"Olivia, don't be embarrassed. And I don't care what cuts you have, I'll still love you the same." He told me in a quiet voice. I didn't answer for a minute, I was thinking about what I was about to do. I slowly let go of the towel that was wrapped around my body. Jesse looked down at my body. He gave a small smile to me.

"Here, I'll show you the cuts. But just because I want to be completely honest with you. Only a couple people have seen them, I'm really good at hiding them." I told him, he slowly nodded. He was looking into my eyes. I grabbed his free hand moves both our hands down to my stomach. I placed his hand on top of the first couple of cuts. He touched them very gently. After a couple seocnds, I moved his hand again to the other cuts. Then I stuck my arms out.


"These cuts are very hard to see. But you can still see them a little, but only if your looking a lot of them." I told him, he nodded slowly, and I pulled his hand onto the cuts in my arms. After I showed him all of my marks, he looked into my eyes again.

"I love you." Was all he said, he smiled a little at the 3 words, my favorite three words he's ever said. And those three words when said by him, make my forget about every problem, everyone other than him and me.

"I love you to." I mumbled to him, he smiled.

"Just so you know." He said with a laugh. I laughed along with him.

"I'm going to finish getting ready. I'm supposed to meet marina." I told him, he nodded slowly.

I ran back into the bathroom to get changed.

When I walked out of the bathroom, I saw Jesse sitting on the couch with his phone, and he was dressed. I went over beside him, and sat down while putting my shoes on.

"Olivia." Jesse said slowly. I turned to look at him. Once I looked at him, he continued. "I'm really happy you showed me the scars on you. Those cuts make you, and I love you." He told me, I smiled and nodded my head.

"It actually felt kinda good to show you everything." I told him, he smiled slightly.

"Whenever you said only a certain amount of people know about what happened, who is it?" He asked me. "Only tell me if you want to." He said again. I took a breath before telling him.

"Well, my sister knows about some of it, only in my arms though. And Patrick knows about all of it, because he was the one who got me to stop doing it." I told him, he held my hands.

"Okay." He told me as he leaned in, he kissed my head and I laid on his chest for a moment. Until I heard my phone go off. I looked at it to see marina texted. Shit! Marina!

"I was supposed to meet with marina!" I told jesse as I stood up. He laughed a little. I leaned down and kissed him, "I'll see you later at our meet." I told him, he nodded, and I walked out to door. I walked down the stairs and into the lobby. I saw marina standing there. I walked over to her and she looked at me.

"Where the hell where you?" She asked me.

"Something happened." I told her, she looked at me confused.

"Everything okay?" She asked, I nodded.

"So what's up?" I asked her.

"Is it weird that you and Jesse work together and date?" She asked me. I quickly shook my head no.

"No, absolutely not. I love working with him. Why?" I told her, she just looked at me, I wonder if this is about Patrick?

"Well, it's no secret that I like Patrick. And I think he likes me, but what if it ruins everything." She says with a sigh.

"I've known Patrick for a long time, and even if you guys were to break up. He wouldn't stop caring. He's not like that. And you'll make it work, maybe it'll be complicated at times. But you'll make it work, and working together makes me and Jesse closer." I told her, she nodded her head and smiled.

"I hope he asks me out soon! I'm really tired of waiting!" She says with a little laugh.


"Well, me and Jesse kissed the first time we ever hung out. And he asks me out like a week later, but it felt like forever before he finally asked." I said while laughing with her.

"Thank you Olivia!" She says with a smile.

"Anytime marina!" I told her, we hugged.

"Okay, our cast is supposed to be at the meetings at 10." She told me, I nodded and we both started walking to the elevator.

"Where do we meet everyone at?" I asked her, she shrugged. "Alright, we can go to my room." I told her, she nodded as we got inside of the elevator.

Once we got up stairs, we walked to my room, I unlocked the door and walked in. I saw Jesse sitting on the couch with Morgan and Elias.

"Hey guys!" I greeted them. Elias waved and smiled.

"Hey." Jesse said to us before redirecting his attention to the TV.

"Marina! Olivia!!" Morgan yelled as she hugged us.

"Hey Morgan!" I said as we hugged.

"You do realize we're supposed to be at meetings in like 20 minutes." I told them, they both stood up quickly.

"Alright, time to go!" Elias said ushering is out of the door.

"I'll go get Patrick!" Marina said going to her room. "We'll meet you in the lobby." She said again. We all nodded and went to the elevator.

Morgan was holding on to my leg, but before I could pick her up, Jesse already picked her up. She was holding onto him tight. I smiled at them.

"Morgan, your okay. I won't let anything happen." He told her, I smiled and walked to them. Morgan saw me and stuck her hand out for me to hold. I gave her my hand and she squeezed it.

Once we were off the elevator, Jesse was still holding her.

"Jesse! Put her down, you'll mess her dress up." Marina told him, he laughed and put her down, he held her hand. Then marina and Patrick walked over to us and stood with us as we waited for the car. When it came, we got in. Once we got in, we told the driver where to go. He drove us there, and dropped us off. We all walked in and we made our way to dick.

"Hey guys! Your going to play some games. Just walk through, and talk to reporters." He told us all. We nodded and started walking.

"Hey Jesse Lee soffer!" Some girl yelled and waved at him, he waved and walked to her. He was holding my hand, so he pulled me.

"Hi, My name is Natalie. Im going to be asking you questions for never have I ever." She told us, we nodded.

"Great! I can't wait to play." Jesse told her, she smiled.

"Me either." I told her, she laughed a little and started with the questions.

"So, you just say some sort of agreement if you've done any of these." She told us, we smiled and nodded.

"Alright, great. Can't wait to play!" I said getting excited!

"First, never have I ever broken a bone?" She asked, me and Jesse both agreed. "Cheated on a test?" She asked. Jesse started to say yes, but then put it down.

"Are you unsure?" I asked with a laugh. He shook his head.

"I mean, I don't know if it counts as cheating." He said, with a laugh.

"What do you mean, either you cheated, or you didn't." I told him while laughing, he then shook his head.

"Okay, then yea. But only when I was in like middle school." He said, Natalie laughed.

"Met my idol?" She asked.

"Not sure who my idol is, so." Jesse said, I agreed with him.

"Yeah, not sure who mine would be so, next question?" I said, Natalie laughed a little and nodded her head.

"Been awake for 24 hours?" She asked.

"I have, her probably not." Jesse said pointing at me.

"I can stay up!" I told him, he laughed a little.

"Hate to break it to you babe, but you really can't." He said.

"Do you fall asleep a lot?" Natalie asked me.

"All the time." Jesse said, I sighed.

"Okay, that may be true. But I have actually stayed awake for 24 hours so." I told them both, Jesse laughed along with Natalie.

"Okay, so next. Had braces?" She asked us.

"Nope, never." We both said. She laughed.

"Been camping?" She asked us, we both agreed. "This ones totally obvious, but gotta ask the questions." She said with a small laugh. "Ever dated some one?" She asked us, we both looked at eachother and laughed.

"Yeah, completely. Like right now, I'm dating marina." I told her, she laughed and Jesse gave me a hurt expression. "Oh yeah, Jesse too." I said pointing at him. He wrapped his arms around me.

"You know you love me! And I'm dating her and Patrick and nick so!"jesse said, I shrugged. And Natalie was laughing.

"Now that we got that sorted, next. Crashed a car?" She asked. I didn't raise my hand. But Jesse did. I looked at him confused.

"Wait really!" I said to him, he nodded.

"Yeah, when my mom thought me to drive. I was terrible, and I accidentally hit a tree." He said, Natalie was laughing. But I was still looking at him. "I'm okay Olivia, you don't need to worry." He said while leaning down to kiss my check.

"Aww, we love when you support her, and when she worries about you!" She said getting excited. We both smiled. "Anyway, next. Lied to a friend." I nodded but Jesse didn't.

"Yes you have!" I told him, he looked at my confused and raised any eyebrow.

"When?" Natalie asked me.

"When me and him first kissed. Patrick and marina both asked us about what was happening between us, or if anything has happened. And we both denied it." I told him, he laughed a little.

"Oh, at the dinner?" He asked, I nodded. "Oh yeah, so I change my answer.

"Olivia, was that your answer as well." Natalie asked, I looked up at Jesse. And he was looking down, he already know what I was talking about.

"Yeah! Olivia doesn't like lying. So she would never lie if she doesn't have to." Jesse said saving me, I smiled up at him to say thank you.

"Aww, so sweet. Next! Been dumped." She asked, I shook my head no, but Jesse spoke up.

"Actually yes. But we don't need to go into details." He said while locking eyes with me. I smiled up at him.

"Okay, we can move on. Used a fake I.D?" She asked us, we both said no. "Well we're thankful for that! Fallen down in public?" She asked. Jesse laughed and looked at me, I nodded my head. "Okay, really when!" She asked

"Umm, it was about a week ago, and Jesse was carrying my his back because my feet hurt because of wearing heals. And when he finally put my down, I was half asleep, and I tried to walk, but I missed the step I had to take, and I fell" jesse was laughing so hard, along with Natalie.

"Well, were grateful your okay! Did Jesse help you up?" She asked me. I nodded.

"I did, because I'm a very good gentleman, and I ended up carrying her back up to our room." Jesse said, she smiled.

"Such a good gentleman! Spied on my neighbor?" She asked, neither of us said anything. "Does that silence mean no or yes?" She asked.

"No, I haven't." I said, and Jesse Agreed with me.

"Thankful that you guys aren't creeps. Lied about my age?" We both shook our head no.

"Wait, actually yes! When I was 9. I wanted to go on a ride at an amusement park. But I had to be 10. Or ride with an adult, and the line was so long, and I didn't want to wait again. So I lied and said I was ten." Me and Natalie both laughed.

"Was it worth it?" I asked him, he shook his head no.

"No, the ride actually broke down half way through it." He said while laughing.

"That's karma." Natalie said. "Made a prank call?" We both said no. "Been lost?" We both said yes, and we all laughed.

"Hasn't every body?" Jesse asked.

"Very true." I said.

"Built a fire?" Natalie asked us, we both said yes.

"Yeah, for roasting marshmallows!" Jesse said getting excited. "Now I'm hungry!" He said as his smiled faded.

"We're almost done." Natalie told him. "Played golf?" She asked us.

"No! And don't get this one started on it!" I said looking at Jesse.

"Yes, I love golf! But Olivia won't go with me. I'm trying to talk her into it." He said looking at me.

"You should go, make it a date! Are you good at golf!" She asked us.

"It's gonna be a date idea, so she can't say no!! And no, I'm terrible at golf." He said while laughing.

"Oh I bet your not." I told him, with a laugh. He looked down at me.

"Thanks for the encouragement babe, but its true. But if you where with me, I would be better." He said with a smile and giving a quick kiss to my check.

"You guys are adorable! Next, cheated on someone." She asked us, we both said no. "That's good, stole something?" She asked.

"Only Jesse hoodies." I said with a laugh, she laughed with us.

"Does that happens a lot?" She asked, Jesse nodded his head.

"All the time." He said while looking at me.

"They smell good!" I told them in my defense.

"That's because they have my cologne of them!" He said with a laugh.

"What about you Jesse? Ever stole something." Jesse thought for a moment.

"Not that I can think of." He said. Then nick walked behind us.

"Only my heart!" He yelled. We all laughed.

"Oh, we love your relationship!" She was about to talk but I talked first.

"But we love our relationship more." I said while hugging Jesse. And glaring at nick. And sticking my tongue out! Everyone laughed a bit.

"That is very true. Can't believe someone asked this next question!" Natalie said while laughing. "Most obvious answer ever, but have you ever been on TV?" She asked with a laugh.

"Nope, never." I said.

"Yeah, we just have a TV show. But never been on TV." Jesse said, we all laughed.

"Sang in the shower?" She asked us. I nodded, but Jesse didn't.

"I don't sing." He said in a monotone.

"Cried for no reason?" She asked, both shook our heads no. "Really?" She asked, we nodded. "Okay then, lied on an job interview?" She asked us. We both nodded no.

"Nope, I don't see the point. If I really want the job, I don't want to lie to get it." Jesse said. I agreed with him.

"We love purity. Been on a blind date?" She asked, we both shook our heads no. "I kinda expected that. I find it most people don't like those anymore." She said, we both agreed with her. "Faked an illness?" She asked.

"Nope, I hate being sick! And I'm like super terrified of doctors, so I won't be sick unless I have to." I said, she nodded.

"Jesse?" She asked him.

"I mean, probably when I was kid. To not go to school." He said, we all laughed.

"Gotten drink?" She asked, we both stayed silent. "Is that a yes?" She asked.

"Well, it's -" I stared to say, but then Patrick walked by.

"What's that question for them?" he asked Natalie.

"Ever been drunk? She answered.

"Oh yeah, Olivia has. And Jesse." He said then smiled and walked away.

"There's our answer, is that true?" She asked. We both nodded and laughed.

"Been robbed?" She asked us. We both shook our head no. "That's very fortunate! Okay, last one. Never have I ever had a scar?" She asked. Of course this question! I was about to speak up but Jesse did.

"Yeah, everyone has scars. Like even form just falling down." He said with a laugh. I nodded but didn't say anything.

"Okay, thank you for playing the game. We will see you again hopefully." Natalie said hugging us both. We hugged her and got a picture. Then walked away form the row of camera.

Once we finished, Jesse Turned around and faced me.

"I love you so much!" He told me.

"I love you to." I told him as I reached up and kissed him. I pulled back a second later and hugged him.

"What's wrong beautiful?" He asked me.

"Those questions." I told him, he pulled me tighter and kissed my head.

"Your okay beautiful. I'm right here, and not going anywhere." He said.

We finished the day, and went back for the hotel, the whole cast that was there was in Elias room, we watched movies and different shows. And ate, and hung out. Until it everyone started to go to sleep at 12. I was almost asleep, when Jesse stood up with me.

"See you guys later." he said as we walked out. And I waved to everyone. We walked to our room, and each changed. And I look my makeup off. We laid on the bed and I went to sleep as soon as Jesse Put his arms around me.

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