《Jesse Lee Soffer》꧁𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝟷꧂


I woke up at 5:00. Jesses alarm was going off. I sat up, Jesse followed my actions. He smiled towards me.

"Good morning." He said as he kissed me. I kissed back, then pulled back.

"Good morning." I replied. I stood up.

"I'm going to take a shower." He told me as he got his clothes. I nodded and went to pick my clothes out. I then changed into my clothes. And then Jesse came back.

I started on my hair, then I heard a knock at the door. Jesse went to open it, he came back with Morgan. I smiled at them.

"Hey Morgan!" I greeted her. She smiled.

"Hi Olivia. Can I get ready now?" She asked me. I nodded and she went to the bathroom. She came back later, with her clothes on. She sat down in front of me, and I started doing her hair. Her dress was light brown with black dots. She had some white adidas shoes. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail. And her hair was curled. She had a bow that was tied in her hair.

Once we finished, we went to the living room where Jesse was. He smiled when he saw us. We then decided to leave, everyone was already down there.

"Hey guys!" Jesse said as we came out of the elevator.

"Morgan, Olivia! You guys look so pretty!" Torrey yelled at us. We both smiled.

"Your look prettier than me." I told her back. She just smiled.

Elias smiled at Morgan. "You look so pretty Olivia. Morgan, you look beautiful." Elias said as he hugged her. I smiled and thanked him.

"Okay, let's go before we're late." Nick called out to us. We all agreed and headed towards the cars.

Once we got to the cars, we all got in and drove to the place we were having our interviews at. Once we arrived, we all got out of the cars and saw dick standing at the door waiting. He smiled at us all.

"Hey guys. You all look good." He greeted us with a laugh. We all laughed back at him. "So, your gonna have a certain group with you all day. It's gonna be with your cast." He told us, he then smiled. We all nodded in agreement. "I'm going to text your schedules to your phones." He told us. A minute later, everyone's phone dinged. He all looked at our schedules.

We all separated and started walking towards our pictures. Once we got to the pictures place, we were greeted by the photographer.

"Hey guys, I'm going to be taking your pictures. You can do Individual or pairs or group pictures." The photographer told us. We all nodded then she motioned for Jesse to go over and take pictures. He takes some pictures, then it's marinas turn, then Patrick, the Elias, lastly me. The photographer asks us Morgan's wants some pictures so they take hers, next they do a group picture of everyone. After that, Elias speaks up.

"We have 2 couples. So can we do pictures of them?" He ask while looking at us. We all smiled and the photographer agreed. She did me and Jesses pictures first, then Patrick and Marina. After our pictures, we then went to our first interview. We all walked there, once we were there, we got set up in our seats. It was me and marina in the front. And Elias, Jesse, and Patrick were standing behind us. Jesse was behind me playing with my hair, I was smiling. We where all in a conversation when we got a call that our interview was starting. Once it started, there where many questions that we answered. We answered them all to the best of our ability. The interview was really fun. We laughed a lot during it. Next, we went to get more pictures. It was group pictures with all the cast combined. Our pictures where really fun to pose for. The had mixed pictures with every cast. My favorite to shoot was definitely the pictures with the girls. It was so fun to pose for the pictures, with my friends. Next, the PD cast walked to where we were meeting fans. Me and Jesse knew what was going to come form this.


Ever since we've gotten together, there has been a lot of talk about it from fans over social media. Neither of us pay attention to it really. But we where gonna be forced to deal with it today.

"Are you nervous?" Jesse asked as he wrapped our hands together. The rest of the group was walking ahead of us.

"A little." I told him honestly. He stopped us from walking, he looked down at me and gave a small smile.

"Why?" He asked as he looked into my eyes. "There isn't anything to worry about. Who cares about what they thing. The only thing that matters is what you and I think." He told me. I smiled at how sweet he is.

"I know, and I don't care about what they think. But at the same time, I've seen all the stuff everyone has sent me, and said about us. And I don't want it to bother me, but for some reason there's something about what people said. That got to me." I told him, he wrapped his arms around my body and held me close. I smiled and hugged him while barring my head In his chest.

"Whatever they said, no one cares. And I don't want you to tell me right now, because it'll make me mad. But later tonight, tell me what someone say. Okay? But for now, just focus on the fact that we're both happy. And that we're here with all our friends, and that your living your dream of acting." He told me. He always says the right things. I nodded against his chest and smiled. Then we heared Patrick yell at us.

"Corn in guys we don't have all day!" He yelled. We broke apart and walked towards the interview, our hands still interlocked.

Once we got In our seats, and situated. We started having questions. There where questions about the show, me and Jesse, previous shows we've all worked on, and so many other topics. On the questions I would get nervous about, Jesse would always answer for me. After we finished our questions form the fans. We walked towards the meeting room for Chicago Fire. Once we got there, we greeted all the fire cast. And sat down. The front row was me, Marina, Miranda, and Kara on the other side of me. Behind us there was Patrick behind marina. Jesse begins me. Jesse Spencer begins Miranda. Taylor behind Kara. And Elias was standing on the edge beside Jesse Spencer. We all answered more questions. All very similar to the other questions we've answered. Once that interview was done, we went to the room next door to meet with med cast. Once we got there, we once again greeted them. And we all took our seats. It was me, Marina, Torrey, and Elias. Behind me and Jesse. Behind marina was Patrick. Behind Torrey was nick. And behind us was Collin. We answered questions. And we had a lot of laughs shared through our us all. Once we finished with our questions, the PDcast had lunch. Fire had 1 more interview. And Med had 2 more pictures to take. We all decide on where we wanted to eat at. We all decided on a place and called an Uber for us to take. After we arrived at the restaurant, we all got out and entered the building. We got a booth for us. And sat down. It was Jesse, Morgan, and me. Across form me was marina, then Patrick. And Elias had a chair on the edge of the booth.


"How'd you all think the interviews went?" Elias asked us.

"Honestly think it went well. But marina and Olivia kept answering all the questions." Jesse told us while looking at me and Marina. I shrugged.

"Well, I knew the answer, so why not answer it." I replied simply. Everyone laughed a little.

"Morgan, did you have fun taking pictures?" Marina asked Morgan. She nodded and smiled really big.

"They where so fun! I love getting my pictures taken." She told us. We all laughed a little.

"Wow! You sound just like Olivia." Patrick told her. We laughed at what he said.

"Really! Do you like pictures?" She asked getting happy. I nodded back at her.

"Yeah! There so fun. Your the center of attention, and I love having all attention on me, as long as it's in a good way though." I told her. She smiled. We then all ordered our food and ate. After we ate, we drove back to the place. We got out and went to the pictures too for our last thing for today.

We all got our pictures taken more. And got pictures taken together.

Once we where done, we all decided to go back to the hotel for a little. Until the other cast were done. We drove to the hotel and went to our rooms.

"Who's roon are you going to?" Marina asked mad and Jesse.

"Probably ours. I'm going to try and take a quick nap." Jesse said as he smiled. I nodded in agreement.

"Can I go with you? I want a nap to!" Morgan asked Jesse. He smiled and looked at me.

"Of course!" I told her with a smile. "But ask your dad first." I told her while looking at Elias.

"Daddy! Can I please got with livi!" She begged Elias. He smiled down at her.

"Yes you can. Be good okay?" He told her. She nodded and we all walked in our different directions. Once we got to our room, we all took our shoes off.

"I'm going to use the bathroom, I'll be right back." Jesse told us both, we nodded.

"Can we lay in your bed?" Morgan asked me. I smiled towards her.

"Yeah come on." We ran to the bed and laid down. Within seconds, Morgan was asleep. A couple seconds after Morgan was asleep I heard Jesse call my name.

"In the bedroom." I told him. He walked in and saw us both, he smiled and go in the bed. I closed my eyes.

"Have a good nap beautiful." Jesse told me as he kissed my head, I smiled. And continued going to sleep.

Once we got back to the hotel, the other casts were already there. We texted in the group chat to see where everyone was at. They were all in nicks room. We walked in nicks room, to see everyone there expect Olivia, Jesse, and Morgan. We all walked in and sat down.

"So, what's the plan now?" Miranda asked everyone.

"No clue." Patrick replied. We continued talking about what's next.

"We should all go eat some where. Is everyone else hungry?" Collin suggested. There were a few yes for food. We all decided to go eat.

"What about Morgan, olivia, and Jesse?" Kara asked.

"Someone go wake them up." Patrick said.

"Who?" Nick asked. "I'll do it!" He yelled. Everyone laughed.

"No, you don't get to spend more time with Jesse that's not fair." Patrick yelled.

"We need someone who's on fair ground with both." Collin said.

"Well, that puts. Me, Collin, Marina, Torrey, Kara, Jesse Spencer, Patrick, and Nick out." Miranda said.

"Taylor go do it." Jesse called out. I nodded and stood up.

"Okay, be back." I said as I walked out the door.

I walked to there room and knocked, no answer. But they did tell me , they would be asleep. So I walked in, I walked in and went to the bedroom. I saw them all laying asleep. I took my phone out and took a picture, I sent it to the group chat to show everyone. Then I woke them up. I woke Jesse up first. He shot up, but once he saw it was me, he calmed down.

"What's up man?" He asked as he sat up.

"Everyone told me to wake you guys up. We're going out to eat. You coming?" I told him. He nodded.

"Yeah, I'll wake Olivia and Morgan up. You can go and we'll meet you in the lobby in line 10 minutes." He told me, I nodded and walked out.

Once Taylor left, I went to olivias side of the bed. I sat beside her, I shook her gently. And whispered to her.

"Olivia, you need to get up." I told her. "Come on beautiful." I told her. She opens her eyes slowly.

"What time is it?" She asked as she sat up.

"Around 4:30." I told her as I looked at the clock. She nodded and stretched.

"What are we doing?" She asked.

"Going to eat with everyone. If you want?" I told her. She nodded and started to get up.

"I'll get Morgan up." I told her. She nodded and walked into the living room. I slowly woke Morgan up. Once she woke up, we walked into the living room. We saw Olivia standing by the door.

Morgan sat down on the couch and I helped put her shoes on.

Once we were all ready, we walked down the the lobby. Once we got to the lobby, Morgan walked over to Elias. And Olivia curled up in my arms. I had my arms wrapped around her.

"Are you still tired?" I asked her.

"Mm..." she said. I laughed at her response. Soon enough, everyone else cane down stairs to. We all got in cars and went to a restaurant they picked. Once we got here, we all walked inside and sat down. We ordered food and talked more.

Once our food came, we ate and talked. Then we went back to the hotel. After we got back, everyone went to there rooms. We went to our room, and Olivia and myself changed. I changed into shorts and a hoodie. Olivia changed into a pair of shorts and a sports bra. She came out of the bathroom.

"Nick texted and asked if we wanted to go watch a movie at his place. Do you want to?" I asked her. She nodded and went to go find a shirt. I went with her and gave her one of my hoodies. She smiled and took it, she slipped it over her bra, and we walked to nicks apartment. Once we got there, we just walked in and sat down on the couch. It was me, Olivia, and nick on the couch. And marina and Patrick on the other couch. Then Kara was in the chair.

"What movie you want to watch?" Kara asked us.

"I don't care. Not gonna lie, I'll be asleep soon." Marina told everyone.

"Yeah me to probably." Olivia told everyone. Everyone laughed and I pulled her closer to me.

"Here. We'll watch Friday the thirteenth." Nick said as he played the movie. Olivia held my arm closer. So I leaned down and kissed her head.

"Your okay beautiful. I'm right here." I told her. She nodded slowly. About 30 minutes into the movie, Olivia and marina were both asleep. We finished the movie, me and Patrick carried then back to our rooms. Once we got to our rooms, I laid Olivia down on the bed. I pulled the cover onto her body, then laid next to her. I pulled her close to my body, and I went in my phone. I saw everyone was posting pictures of today. I posted some aswell. And commented on some. I soon put my phone down and laid down, I kissed Olivia in the head. And whispered goodnight, then I went to sleep.

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