《Jesse Lee Soffer》꧁𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚊𝚗꧂
The next day I woke up to find the bed was empty. I looked around and saw no sign of Jesse. I walked out of the bedroom to see Jesse sitting on the couch with coffee in his hand. He was watching Tv, so he didn't see me. I walked over to him, and sat on his lap, he smiled as I sat down.
"Good morning" he told me as I sat down and rested my head on his shoulder. I never answered he laughed slightly. And put his arm over my waist, I smiled at his movement. "What do you want to do today?" He asked after a couple seconds.
"Lay here all day." I said still tired.
"Okay. Whatever you want." He said while kissing my head. I turned around and faced him, i was straddling him now. He put his hands on my hips and we both leaned in, we slowly both closed our eyes and our lips connected. It went slow at first, but our lips were moving in perfect sync with each other. Jesse pulled away, I looked at him, my eye brows were furrowed together. He kept his hands on my waist and looked into my eyes.
"I don't wang to rush things." He said as he looked into my eyes. I smiled back at him.
"Okay. I agree with that." I told him as we locked hands.
"Let's get to know each other more, we haven't done much of that. I know about you past, is there anything you want to know about?" He said while smiling towards me. I smiled back at him. We spend all day sitting there in our pajamas watching movies and talking. We talked all day, I felt like I knew everything about him. I was completely honest to him about everything. It was around 3 pm, when my phone went off, I got off the couch and checked my phone. It's was Elias, I smiled and looked at the message.
Me - Of course she can! I will pick her up tomorrow morning. How does 8 sound?
See you Elias!
I put her phone down and went back to where Jesse was, I sat down next to him with a smile. "What was that about?" He asked once I sat down.
"Tomorrow Morgan's going to hangout with me. I'm going to get her to in the morning." I told him while looking back to him still with the smile on my face.
"Okay, what are you gonna do with her?" He asked me. Shit, I had no idea. What was I supposed to do.
"Umm, no clue." I said while racking my brain to thing of ideas for me and her todo. He laughed slightly and rested his hand on my leg.
"You'll think of something." He said while smiling and looking into my eyes. We both smiled at each other.
"I think I'm going to go home." I told him starting to stand up, he stood up with me, I wen to his room to get my shoes, then walked back out and got my keys and phone.
"Alright, ill see you tomorrow?" He asked as he stopped in front of me.
"Sure, you can come over with me and Morgan if you want?" I told him with a smile.
"Okay. Text me when your home, okay? He said while taking ahold of my hand. I smiled at the small touch we had.
"Yep, will do." I told him with a smile.
"Bye Liv." He said with a smile. As he opens the door.
"Bye Jesse." I told him as I leaned up and kissed him goodbye. After the kiss, I walked over to my Jeep and got in, I drove to my place. I texted Jesse, "I'm home.Thanks for today!❤️" I cooked some pizza, after I ate. Then noticed Jesse texted me back, "Anytime you want to come over, my door is always open for you beautiful. See you tomorrow.💞" I smiled and replied to him, "See you tomorrow!😘" I went to my bathroom and took a shower. Once I got out, I noticed I had another text form Jesse, "Get some rest beautiful.😘" I texted him a. Quick goodnight. Then went to my room and went to sleep.
The next morning I woke up to my alarm going off, I turned it off and saw it was 6:50. I went to my closet and got my clothes out for today.
I left my hair naturally straight, and just put a little mascara on. After I was done, it was 7:10, I went to my living room and sat down on the couch, I was on my phone and watching TV. I texted Jesse.
Me - 'Good morning. I'm going to go get Morgan in about 29 minutes, then go get something to eat, are you coming with us?'
Jesse - 'Good morning! Yea, I'll come with, where do you want to meet at?'
Me - 'Is it okay if I pick you up at your place after I get her?'
Jesse - 'yeah, sounds perfect. See you then Liv😘'
I smiled and put my phone down, it was around 7:40. I decided to leave and go pick her up. I locked the door and got in my Jeep. Before I left, I called Elias.
Me - 'Hey Elias'
Him- 'Hey Olivia. What's up?'
Me - 'I'm on my way now, I need your address.'
Him - 'okay, I'll send it in a second.'
Me - 'Thank you. Alright, see you in a bit.'
Him - 'Bye Olivia.'
I hung up and waited for him to send his address, once he did. I typed it into the GPS, and started my Jeep. I drove to his house. I turned my Jeep off, and walked up their drive way and towards the door. Once I reached the door, I knocked. After a couple seconds, the door opened and I saw Elias open to door. "Hey Olivia. Morgan will be down in a second. Come in." He told me pulling the door farther open and moving to the side. I walked in a stood beside the door with Elias.
"So what are you guys gonna do today?" He asked once to door was shut.
"Um, not sure really. First get breakfast, and Jesse might go if Morgan's fine with it. Then we'll find something." I said with a small laugh at the last part. He smiled and nodded.
"Sounds fun, thank you for doing this. She wouldn't stop asking. Hope I'm not intruding." He said with a small smile.
"Oh, of course not! I love hanging out with Morgan." I said with a smile looking at him. Then Morgan came walking down the stairs.
"Olivia!" She yelled and ran to me, I wrapped her in a big hug.
"Hi Morgan!" I told her as we hugged. Once we finished our hug she smiled, "ready?" I asked she nodded her head enthusiastically. I smiled at her movement, we walked to the door, and she hugged Elias.
"Bye daddy. I love you." She said as they hugged.
"Bye sweetie. Love you to." Elias told her as he kissed her head. "Bye Olivia." He said as he gave me a side hug.
"See ya Elias." We walked out the door and to my Jeep, she got in the back and I got in the front seat. I looked back at her, "ready?" I asked her with a smile. She gave me two thumbs up and I smiled, "so, do you care if Jesse hangs out with us?" I asked looking towards her still.
"Umm, I don't care" she said with a small smile.
"Okay, where going to go pick him up." I told her as we started to drive as pulled out of her drive way. I connected my phone to Bluetooth and let her pick some music, she picked Disney songs, she sang them all with a huge smile on her face.
We drove to Jesses apartment, I turned the car off, and unbuckled. I got out of the door and walked to Morgan's door, I opens it and she unbuckled and climbed out. We walked to the stairs and ran up them, once we reached his door, Morgan grabbed my hand. I looked down at her.
"What's wrong?" I asked her as I looked down at her.
"Nothing." She said with small smile but looking to the ground.
"You sure?" I said as I looked back to her.
"I just don't like meeting new people." She said with a small smile.
"You already know him, and besides nothing will happen." I kneeled down beside her. "Everything will be fine, You have me." I told her with a smile. She looked at me and hugged me, I hugged her back. After the hug, I stood back up and knocked on the door with my free hand, after a couple seconds the door swung open.
"Well, hello ladies." He said with a smirk looking at me and Morgan.
"Hi." Morgan said a bit shyly.
"Come on morg, that's no way to greet people." He said with a smile looking down, she smiled at his goofiness, and giggled. He opens the door and let her in, "what about you, aren't you going to greet me?" He said with a smirk on his face.
"My apologies kind sure." I told him with a smile. "It's Jesse Lee Soffer. I can't believe it's him! Your so hot!! Please just kiss me, I can't believe it's you. I love you and Chicago PD, and you and Hailey Upton are so goals!! But personal I think Adams better than Jay." I told him mocking how many tweets he has gotten while I was with him like this. He acted as if he was hurt by what I was saying. But then a second later, his face went to a smirk.
"You said I was hot!" He said while laughing, my face turned bright red.
"Oh, well. I umm, I I." I stuttered I didn't know what to say, he wrapped his hands on my waist and kissed me. I was shocked at first, then kissed back. I broke away remembering Morgan was there. We both had huge smiles on our faces, we walked inside the apartment and sat down after he shut the door, Morgan was smiling at us both.
"Ready to go get food?" I asked breaking the silence. Morgan stood up fast and nodded.
"Yeah, let me get my shoes first." He went to his room and came back a couple seconds, we all stood up and walked to my Jeep. Jesse leaned over and wrapped his arms around my waist, I didn't know what was happening at first, until. I felt his hand go into my front pocket. I pulled away. But not fast enough, he had the keys.
"Hey, not fair." I said while looking at him. He shrugged and smiled and walked to the Jeep. He got in the drives side and I went for the passenger after I helped Morgan in. He drove us to a breakfast place and we got out food. After we ate, we decided to go to my apartment and watch movie. We drove to target first though. We all walked in and went straight to the snack area. We each picked out a couple snacks like candy and popcorn. Then went to the movie section. We saw a bunch of movies, but Morgan wanted all the princess movies, so we got the new Aladdin, the old Aladdin, Cinderella, and the new beauty and the beast. After we had everything, we went to the kids section and we got Morgan some comfy clothes so she wasn't in jeans. She picked out a matching pajama set. We went to check out lines and paid. After we paid we walked back to the car and drove to my place. After we got back to my place, Morgan went to change, while me and Jesse set up the movies, and a build fort on the ground for us to lay in. After Morgan was done changing, I went to my room and got Jesses joggers he left here. I brought them back out to him.
"Here you go, you left these here." I said as I threw them at him.
"Oh thanks, I was actually looking for these yesterday." He said with a laugh, I laughed and changed into Comfy clothes as-well.
I then walked to the bathroom and took off makeup. I walked back in to see Jesse and Morgan laying down, I walked over and laid down with them. It was Jesse on one side, me in the middle and laying my head and Jesses shoulder, and Morgan's was beside me and laid her head on my stomach.
"What movie first?" I asked as I laid down.
"Beauty and the beast!" Morgan said loudly.
"Good, that's my favorite." I said with a smile. Jesse got up and put the movie in, then laid back down.
After we watched beauty and the beast, then new aladdin, then Cinderella, and then the old Aladdin. I fell asleep I'm during the old Aladdin. Morgan's fell asleep during Cinderella. I woke up when the movie was over, I looked around to see Jesse on his phone he had has arm around me, and his hand resting on Morgan's shoulder, I smiled. I looked up at him and he smiled.
"Sorry, did I wake you?" He asked with an apologetic look.
"No, what tine is it." I asked, he looked at his phone and saw that it was 4:15. I nodded, "wheres my phone?" I asked looking at him. He reached on the couch and handed it to me with a smile.
"Thank you. I'm gonna text Elias and ask if Morgan can stay here." I told Jesse while looking for Elias contact. Once I found it, I clicked on it and texted him.
Me - 'Hey, Elias. Morgan fell asleep at my place. Do you think it's fine if she spend the night here? I can bring her to work tomorrow.' I sent the test. Within second he replied.
Him- 'That's fine. The schools are on break, so that'll work good. Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow.'
Me - 'okay, see you tomorrow. I then put my our on back down and laid my head back on Jesse. He put his phone up and looked at me.
"What's wrong?" He asked me.
"Nothing." I told him honestly. Nothing was wrong, today was the best day. He smiled down at me. "So, about this morning." I said with a smile. His smile grew bigger.
"Which part, when you called me hot, or when we kissed." He said with a small laugh.
I smiled. "Both." I told him he laughed again.
He stopped laughing after a couple seconds. "I'm sorry." He said looking down at me. He looked straight into my eyes.
"About what?" I asked him confused.
"I just kissed you, but I couldn't help. You looked so cute when you where embarrassed." He told me with a smile. I leaned up and kissed him. I broke away quickly.
"Don't be sorry. I actually like kissing you." I told him with a smile. He smiled back.
"Is it because you think I'm hot?" He said with a smirk.
"Maybe it is, so what." I told him with a smile. His smile got so big.
"I knew it, you think I'm totally hot." He said while getting excited.
"Oh shut up." I said as I laid my head back down on him. He kissed my head.
"You beautiful." He mumbled into my hair. I smiled.
"Thank you, thank you very much." I said with a smile. He laughed slightly.
"You heard that?" He said getting slightly embarrassed.
"Are you embarrassed you got caught saying it?" I asked him looking at him again.
"Hell no, I will tell anyone. There's nothing to be embarrassed about, my girl is fucking beautiful." He siad, my stomach got butterflies in it as he said my girl. I looked up at him, my face slightly pink.
"Did you say my girl?" I asked quietly. He looked down quickly at me. He started blushing.
"Shit, I'm so sorry." He told me, as he looked away. I put one of my hands on one side of his face.
"Don't be, I like it. As long as your talking about me though." I told him with a small smile. He looked down at me.
"Your the most beautiful person in the world. I'm always talking about you. Especially when I say my girl." He said with a smile. I put my head back down on his shoulder and smiled. I got my phone and started to look threw social media. And I posted a few pictures form today.
After I was done, Jesse was already asleep, so I laid back down and went to sleep myself.
A/N - like it said in the beach chapter. I don't think Elias has a daughter, I may be wrong. But Morgan is my original character. And someone asked me this, her mom isn't around, that's why I never mention her.
But anyway, hope you enjoyed. Please vote and comment, I want to know what y'all think.
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