《Jesse Lee Soffer》꧁𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝꧂


We where all walking towards the main building. I was walking in between Jesse and Patrick. And Marina on the other side of Patrick. We where all talking. Once we reached the building. Jesse held the door for me. "Thank you. Wow your such a gentleman" I said laughing. He bowed as I walked threw the door. And I messed up his hair.

"Oh, your gonna pay for that." He said while picking me up. I was laughing. And telling him to put me down. "Say sorry." He said while still holding me." I mumbled sorry. "What was that?" He said really cocky.

"Sorry" I said to him. He put me down and tried to kiss me check. But it pushed him away. He whined and got mad. And I stuck my tongue out at him. We continued walking into the casting room. As soon as we walked in, we saw Jason and Amy talking. They noticed me, and hugged me. First it was Amy.

"Hi, I'm Amy. It's so nice to meet you. I can't wait to work with you." She said before bringing me into a big hug.

"Hi Amy. I'm Olivia. I can't wait to work with you." I told her as we let go from the hug. She smiled then Jason put his hand out for me to shake. "Hi, Jason right?" I asked smiling at him.

"Yep, you must be the famous Olivia, Patrick is always talking about." He said with a smile.

"That's me. Hopefully all good things." I said with a smile and looking back at Patrick. Who had his hands up acting innocent. We all laughed. Then Laroyoce walked in and smiled. He came over and hugged me.

"So nice to finally meet you!" He told me with a smile.

"You as-well." I told him returning the smile. Jon and Dick walked in and smiled at us. Jon didn't say anything, but smiled towards me. I returned the smile. Then Dick told us all to sit down. I found my name in between Jesse and Jason. We all sat down in and seats. They passed our script out. We went over what we would shoot today.


We are going to shoot the trailer. And the beginning of the first episode. We did a read through for what we are doing g today, then we all went towards the dressing rooms, or hair and makeup. I was going to go to get dressed first. Me, Jesse, and Jon walked towards the dressing trailers. We all walked together. And talked. I think everyone knew something was up with me and Jesse. We kept messing with each-other.

Once we got to the trailer, we walked in and saw a 4 female dressers waiting. Jesse and Jon walked over to theirs. But I don't know who to go to.

Jesse came over and took my hand. "It doesn't matter who you go to. We have 4. Between the main cast we each pick one, and we just share. Who do you want? There's Vanessa." He pointed to a girl with Blake hair. "Jenna" He pointed towards a older girl with red hair. "Christina" he pointed to a tall girl with dark brown hair. "And Maddie." He pointed towards a blonde girl. "Mine is Maddie, do you want to share with me?" He said giving a small grin. "Sure. I'll choose Maddie. But I'm going first." I said and walked over to her. I turned around to see him looking at me with a huge smile. I smiled back and winked. I then walked towards the clothes and Maddie picked my outfit.

After I got dressed, I started to walk out of the trailer. But Jesse stopped me. "Not gonna wait for me?" He asked while a smiles was forming.

"Well, my hair and makeup takes longer then yours so, meet you there." I said with a smile and started to walk out again. Once I was outside. I walked towards the makeup trailer. They did my hair and makeup. Jesse walked in about halfway threw. And sat down next to me, we where enjoying the time. Once we were both done, we started walking towards the filming house. We walked towards the district set. We walked in, as soon as we got there. We started shooting.


We finished our first day of shooting. It was around 10 PM. I walked towards my trailer. Once I got in my trailer. I changed out of me outfit. And back into my original clothes. Now, I actually set my trailer up properly. I was about to put my shoes on, but then I heard a knock on the door. I walked over to the door. And opened it, I saw Jesse standing there. He was smiling at me.

"Hey, Olivia." He greeted me.

"Hey Jesse, what's up?" I asked returning the smile towards him.

"Nothing much. Just felt like I haven't seen you all day." He told me while the smile never left his face.

"Wanna come in?" I asked pulling the door farther open, and stepping to the side.

"Uh, sure." He told me as he walked inside my trailer. We walked to the couch and sat down. "So how have you been."Jesse asked once we sat down.

"Good,you?" I asked while smiling.

"Good. Today felt so long though." He said with a small laugh.

"Yeah it did." I told him while laughing with him.

"I was actually just about to leave set before I decided to come over here. Do you wanna maybe go get something to eat?" He asked. He sounded kinda nervous. I smiled.

"Yeah. I would love to. Come on." I said as I stood up and took his hand. We turned off the lights, locked my trailer. And started walking. As we where walking we saw Jon walking out of his trailer. He smiled and walked over to us.

"Hey Jon, wanna ho get something to eat with us." Jesse asked him.

"Yeah sure." He said with a smile. The three of us started walking.

"Where was Elias today. I haven't seen him?" I asked Jesse. They both shrugged. We continued walking. Once we where at the cars, we all stopped

"So, where are we going." Jon asked.

"I don't care. What sounds good to y'all?" I asked them.

"Mexican!" Jesse said getting happy. We all laughed then drove to the nearest Mexican place.

Once we arrived, I got out and was the first there. I waited for a couple minutes then Jon showed up. We both got out then walked inside. We saw Jesse pull up from out seats. He came in and sat down beside me.

We talked and ate our food. After we ate, we went outside towards our cars. I was freezing, so Jesse wrapped me into a hug as we walked. Jon looked over at us once we where at the cars.

"What's going on with you two?" He asked looking between the two of us.

"I don't know what your talking about." Jesse said with a small smile.

"Yeah, nothings going on." I said while smiling as well.

"Hm. I'm going to find out. You both aren't good at hiding it." Jon said with a smile.

"We don't have anything to hide." Jesse told him. We where smiling so hard.

"Okay. Whatever you guys say." He said while turning to his car. "See you tomorrow" he said with a smile. He got in his car and drove away. Leaving just Jesse and I standing there.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I said unwrapping myself form his arms. He pulled me back and hugged me again.

"I don't want to let go." He whined. I laughed slightly. I stayed in the hug, until he finally let go. "Bye Olivia." He said while leaning down and kissing me. I kissed back, once we where done I waved and got I. My car. I drove back to my apartment. I took a shower and laid in my bed. I then went threw my social media. Then went to sleep.

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