《✓ SOFTCORE ( millie bobby brown )》twenty one.



3 participants

looks like they're

official now

sorry mills



it's fine.

you're allowed

to be heartbroken

not if she wasn't

mine to begin with

what matters now is that you're

going to see her tomorrow

wait- she texted me

private conversation


i'm sad

what's up?

lilia has to go back

to la tomorrow morning

what happened?

some brat stuff idk

finn said y'all will be

visiting soon

when's that happening?


okay okay keep

your secrets


3 participants

okay so turns out

lilia is going back

to la tomorrow


now y'all can talk alone

work things out you know

i don't think that would

be fair to lois

she just got into a relationship

with lilia, don't wanna mess

that up for her

sadie's right

i can't do that to her

i'm just saying - talk to her

let her know there's

possibility of millis


you mean come out

to her


then, if she's interested,

she'll come to you

ig i could do that

sadie, what do you


i mean ofc you can come

out to her; but if you're

doing it just to ruin

her relationship with

lilia - then it's messed up

no, of course not

but she can tell lois

that she likes her

lois can do whatever

she wants then

but it's not okay towards lois

lol why

cuz she just got

into a relationship

also you don't

know her feelings

you mean, she might

also like me back?

you said lois likes

someone, is it millie?

i don't wanna get in

the middle of this

i just want lois to be happy

with millie or with lilia

it's her choice

and i don't wanna anyone

ruing what she has with

lilia if she's happy with her

sadie i would never

do that to lois - you know

how much i like her

but i need to know

if she likes me back

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