《Stranded》Stranded - Chapter 17


Chapter 17

The bright sun streaking through the window woke me up. I lay in bed, feeling refreshed, thinking about what happened yesterday. I frowned when I thought about Tori but then I remembered where she is now and it made me feel a bit happier.

I rolled over to my left so I wasn't facing the window. Lauren was in the bed opposite mine, and she was still asleep. Tom was in a bed at the other end of the room near where Lewis and Josh were sleeping. Faye and Bradley weren't up here; I assumed they had stayed downstairs overnight.

Everyone was exhausted from the past few days events so they were definitely not going to take sleeping in a comfy bed for granted.

I quietly got out of bed, trying not to creak the floorboards. I tiptoed to the window and folded my arms as I looked outside. If you forgot about the dead bodies outside the courtyard, it actually looked quite peaceful.

Dead bodies. Where was Tori? Maybe Lewis and Josh had sorted the situation out while I was asleep.

"Morning Bella," Josh interrupted my thoughts as he stretched.

"Morning," I turned around and smiled pleasantly at him. My stomach rumbled and I remembered our food was downstairs. "Are you hungry? I'm gonna get some food," I offered. Josh nodded and thanked me. I shuffled across the room to the door, passing Tom.

I trotted down the stairs and opened the door into the waiting area. There was no sign of Faye or Bradley. I opened my mouth about to call them when I heard gagging from the toilet. I scrunched my face up realising someone was throwing up.

I coughed and knocked on the door. "Is everything okay?" I asked worriedly.

"One moment!" Bradley called back. He swung the door open and then closed it behind him.


"What's going on?" I whispered.

"Faye - she's been like this all night,"

"Oh god,"

"...it's not normal. Something's not right with her," he looked at the ground.

"Can I... Go in?"

"If you want, but she's a mess,"

Bradley moved out of the way, and I opened the door. Faye was sitting against the wall. She was a pale grey and her eyes were puffy. I gasped and sat down beside her. "Oh Faye," I said. She looked so sad. "Do you need anything?" She shook her head slowly, like it took a lot of effort for her to do so. I stood up and she looked worried, as if she didn't want me to leave. "Don't worry, I'm staying. Just cleaning up," I took a deep breath and started mopping up the mess. Bradley appeared with a drink for Faye.

However she took one sip and vomited again. It made me jump and Bradley and I stared at each other really worriedly. I held her hair back for her and he clenched the mop. I hoped she was going to be okay.

"Has she had any medicine?" I said loudly.

"No, I don't know what to give her!" Bradley replied, anxiously.

I hurried out the toilet and into the infirmary office. There were shelves full of different tablets and medicines for each illness. I scanned the labels, looking for 'sickness', 'virus' or 'bug'. I found nothing, until I opened a drawer and found a box of them. I grabbed them all and ran back to Bradley.

"Here," I thrust the box at Bradley who immediately dissolved one of the tablets into her water.

"Faye, I need you to drink this for me," I said. She had calmed down a bit and would hopefully drink it all. Her eyes were closing, but she managed to hold the water herself. It took so much effort for her to drink all of it, but when she did, Bradley and I smiled. Faye stayed sitting up. "Thanks," she croaked. "Don't... Don't feel like you have to stay here with me," she breathed, "I could do with some time alone,"


Bradley and I nodded, and then walked out closing the door. We stood in the waiting area. I was biting my nails, hoping she'd be okay.

"I'm sure she's gonna be fine," Bradley reassured.

"I need to take the food up to them," I said worriedly, ignoring what he just said.

"I'll take it for you," I just stared into space.

Bradley had stayed upstairs. It felt so cold down here and I just had to see if Faye was okay. She was awfully quiet.

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