《Show Me, Sensei》4| I Don't Expect You To Know What Lovemaking Is
"Oh, babe, I really need you. My feelings getting deeper. My mind is in a free fall, but there's nothing I can do when it comes to you." —Sam Smith & Burna Boy.
Derrick narrows his eyes when he sees me walking into the class, grinning my face off like a crazy hyena. I send him a wink as I gracefully sit in my chair, coiling a leg over the other smugly.
"You alright?" He squints his eyes worriedly, and I nod.
"Just peachy." I shoot him a grin then steer my torso to the rest of the class, waving my hand around arrogantly. "By the way, you imbeciles, Mr. Todd is on his way to class soon. So, those who don't use this room for Advanced History, you should be leaving now."
Look at me. Getting all smug after one civilized conversation with Mr. Todd. Gather your senses, Kelly. He did say you guys aren't friends.
"And how did you get to speak with Mr. Todd?" Gabriella leans back with furrowed brows, clearly finding it impossible that the monster would want to relay a message to me.
"Don't worry about that," I smirk while turning around in my chair and Derrick slides to the edge of his, pushing his face into mine and sniffing. I open my eyes wide and push him away.
"W-what are you doing?!"
Jesus, I have never had such close contact with a boy before, don't play with me like that.
"I was sniffing for any sign of cocaine or liquor." He straightens his spine. "You're acting strange."
I blink my eyes and sigh in relief, my heart popping from my chest at the proximity just now. My virgin heart can't handle such sudden closeness. "Well, I-I have good news." I lean over to him, but not too close. "Mr. Todd is helping me with my math assignment after school." I back away with a cocky smirk.
I watch as Derrick's eyes grow wide as if I just told him that pigs could shoot a bullet from their butts. "What, no way. Really?"
"Yeah, so that's an easy hundred for us right there!" I rotate my hips in victory, attempting to twerk but probably resembling a handicapped duck instead.
"Ahssa!" He raises his hand in a high-five, and I narrow my eyes bewilderedly.
"What is Ahssa?"
"Yes in Korean."
I bob my head, impressed. "Oh, nice, nice. Alright, Ahssa!" I slap my hand against his and we laugh.
"The devil is coming!" Henry chases into the class at the speed of light while everyone who isn't a part of the Advanced History group begins to get up from their seats in a hurry.
Yeah, I did tell them to leave the class.
Mr. Todd is very impatient when it comes to teaching his lesson, and the entire school knows how annoyed he is when people take up his class time. He'll often quarrel with teachers whose sessions laps over into his, bluntly telling them how unorganized and incompetent they are, having no care for his discourteous behavior. But that surely doesn't stop the female instructors and professors from fawning over him openly.
He's the most sought-after teacher at this school, courtesy of his model-like looks, flat stomach, and muscular biceps. I don't like the man, but that doesn't mean I'll be dishonest. He is good looking, it's just that when he opens his mouth, you get the strong urge to punch out his perfect rows of milky teeth.
He steps into the class with a few books in his hand, and the first thing that is pulled to his attention is Surrey—a girl that sits next to the door who eats lollipops for every meal of the day. My mom thinks I don't put enough effort into my schoolwork, but she should meet Surrey Gray, she literally does nothing at school but scrolls down her Instagram and suck tootsie pops. You know that candy advertisement where a kid asks the Owl how much licks there are in a tootsie pop? Well, I am convinced that Surrey has already solved that impossible mystery a hundred times.
"Jesus, sit properly, young lady." Mr. Todd frowns at her, and she quickly sits up with red, sugary lips, uncoiling her legs from underneath her and hurriedly pulling her skirt over her thighs. She looks flabbergasted, and I am guessing she missed the memo that he was on his way to class. Just like she misses everything else that happens at this school.
"And who are you people?" He places his resources on the desk, leering at the five students who didn't exit the class fast enough.
"We were just leaving, sir." A girl with braces reports timidly, her eyes displaying sheer agitation from beneath her circular glasses. I am unsure of what her name is because she seldom speaks in class and normally sits at the back, but Derrick and I like to call her Urkel. Please don't ask where we got that from.
"Then get out. This is my class time and Ms. Carter's session ended a minute ago."
"Y-yes, sir."
And the batch quickly scuttles their way to the exit, almost tripping over one another as they force themselves through the door. I did tell them to leave, now look where their disobedience landed them.
A snigger passes through my lips unintentionally, and due to how quiet the room is, it doesn't miss Mr. Todd's ear.
"Something funny, Ms. Young?" He raises a brow, and I purse my lips tightly, shaking my head.
"No, sir."
He glares at me for a while and I try to keep a straight face, though I feel compelled to chuckle again for some reason. Derrick looks over at me tensely. He knows I tend to laugh in the most inappropriate situations. It's just something I can't control. The more I am expected to be serious, is the more I feel the need to snicker. It's probably a mental disorder or something.
I jerk my legs to repress the giggle that's bursting my tummy, and Mr. Todd crosses his arms against his chest, clearly seeing the struggle on my crimson face.
"Since you seem so happy Kelly, why don't you come to the front of the class and answer the first question of the homework."
What? What homework? Did we get homework?
I stiffen noticeably, and the sensation to laugh fades away instantly as I look over at Derrick, sending him a quizzical gaze. I used his notebook to get my notes down and I didn't see any section where we were given an assignment. So what is this conundrum?
"Homework?" I mouth to him, and he shrugs cluelessly.
"I didn't say you could ask your boyfriend." Mr. Todd says, and the class chuckles at this—as they always do when Mr. Todd makes that sly remark about Derrick and I dating.
I rub my arm and look back to the dark capacity of his eyes, knowing that I am doomed because I have no clue what the homework was. "I-I didn't do it."
"You didn't do what?"
"The homework." I fiddle with a piece of thread on my skirt. He makes me so anxious. I wouldn't be surprised if at my next medical examination my doctor reports that I have high blood pressure.
He stares at me with a straight face, and I squirm a little, dreading what he'll say next.
"That's because you weren't given any homework," he speaks. "If you were paying attention in the last class and if you were so invested in this subject, then you would have easily known that."
I purse my lips and drop my gaze. Damn, I hate him so much.
He sighs and uncoils his arms, reaching for his marker from the pocket of his trousers and turning to the board. "Today we will be continuing the civil rights movement."
"Don't worry, he's just trying to tease you," Derick whispers to me, and I sigh.
"I know. I just don't know why he hates me this much." I mumble.
"Stop the talking, Kelly." Mr. Todd says as he writes his headings on the board, and I regard his back with wide eyes of disbelief.
God, I hardly spoke above a whisper.
He turns around again and throws his marker down. "Now who can give me a summary of what we spoke about yesterday?"
A few hands go up, Gabriella's higher than the rest—unsurprisingly. He points to her and she smiles as she stands to her feet, tossing her hair over her gaunt shoulders. I roll my eyes and fix my gaze ahead as she starts speaking in her squeaky, nasal voice.
"The civil rights movement was a struggle for justice and equality for African Americans that took place mainly in the 1950s and 1960s. It was led by people like Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, the Little Rock Nine, and many others."
I suck my teeth quietly. She sounds like a Bing website page.
Derrick glances over at me and smiles, knowing how much I greatly detest her.
"Hate her," I whisper to him.
"Kelly!" Mr. Todd barks my name and I jerk in fright. "Last warning."
"Sorry," I whisper.
"Thank you, Gabriella. Now today, we'll be focusing mostly on Rosa Parks and the role she played in the Civil Rights Movement. Now have any one of you ever heard of her before?" He perches his rear against the desk as a few hands fly up again.
God, they sure are zealous.
"Think I have watched a movie with her," Derrick says under his breath, and I nod in agreement.
"Mm. Yeah, me too."
"Christ. Kelly, that's it. Get up." Mr. Todd eases up from the table in annoyance, forking a hand through his silky hair. "Please step outside."
I gape at him. "Mr. Todd."
"You're sitting right under my damn nose and you keep talking. Kindly leave my classroom." He points to the door, and I swear I hear a snicker from Gabriella at the back.
I've freaking had it with her jeering; I don't know what on earth her problem is. This girl hates me for no reason at all.
I turn around to glare at her, jerking her a fat middle finger. The class cracks up with laughter at this and Mr. Todd gawks at me in utter bewilderment.
I meet his angry eyes and slump my shoulders remorsefully. "Sorry, sir."
"Please leave my class, Kelly." He shakes his head in disappointment, and I get up from my seat, grabbing my bag and making my way toward the door.
"And Gabriella, if you laugh one more time you will be joining her." He says, as I fix my straps onto my shoulders and position myself at the doorway.
Derrick sends me a soft smile from his seat, but it quickly slips from his lips when Mr. Todd looks over at him. I can't even get a smile of encouragement anymore, what is this man's problem?
Rolling my eyes, I turn away from the door and lean my back against the wall of the hallway. Pulling my phone from my skirt, I load up YouTube and decide to watch some K-pop concerts. My mood returns to one of tranquility as I plug my EarPods in and begin to listen to BTS—a group of seven Korean guys. I don't get half of what they are saying but they sure are cute to look at.
"I didn't say you could watch a movie, Kelly Young."
I jerk at the sound of Mr. Todd's voice, whirling around to find him leaning against the doorsill, arms folded across his chest while he pries on my phone screen. I gulp as I quickly pull the EarPods out.
"It's not a movie, sir."
"It doesn't matter what it is. It could be a movie; it could be porn; I don't care. I still expect you to listen to the lesson. Put it away or I'll confiscate it for the rest of the day."
"Yes, sir. Sorry." I slip it into the pocket of my blouse, and he turns away to return inside.
I feel like this man is out to get me for reasons I may never know. I wasn't the only one talking; Derrick was too, yet he keeps yelling my name. And I am pretty sure I heard Henry bickering behind me about the new PS5 that just came out, but somehow, I am the only one disrupting his class. I couldn't hate this man more than this.
Class finally ends and Mr. Todd packs up his resources and begins to move toward the door. I turn my back in his direction so that he won't speak to me, but it obviously doesn't work as I hear footsteps approaching me from behind, followed by a faint whiff of manly cologne.
He smells great. I'll give him that.
"Kelly Young."
I think the universe is punishing me by allowing me to meet this man. For what reason is he perplexing my life?
I sigh and turn to face him, shuffling on my feet. "Sir?"
"If you're still interested in getting assistance for your math assignment, I would suggest you arrive at the staff room at three on the dot. No later than that, or you're on your own," he states, glancing at the silver watch encircling his wrist.
I nod. "Okay, sir. Thank you for deciding to assis—"
He turns away and walks off and I gasp. I wasn't even done talking! So bloody disrespectful!
I roll my eyes at his retreating figure as Derrick exits the class, turning his gaze to my point of focus. "What did he say to you?"
"After school on the dot." I frown.
"So then why are you sulking?" He chuckles, leaning his side against the wall of the hallway.
Derrick just doesn't understand the level of hatred I have for this man. No one ever will. My resentment runs so deep that if The Purge were in real life, he'd be the first one on my hit list.
"I just can't stand him." I groan.
He laughs. "Then sit him."
I deadpan him, and he shuts his eyes, folding his lips. "Yeah, that was lame."
I shake my head with a smile, patting his back. "Hey, it's alright. I used to make lame jokes too. It gets better with time."
He chuckles, drooping his eyes. "Your jokes are still fairly lame, Kelly."
"I know. You don't have to remind me. Come on, let's head to lunch." And he laughs as he follows me toward the lunchroom.
"You remember when you used to have a crush on Peter Carson?" Derrick grins, and I roll my eyes skyward. Why on earth is he bringing that up?
Derrick reminds me so much of Kevin. They always have a stack of your most embarrassing moments tucked away in their mind, and they tend to pull for them at the most inappropriate timing.
"Just look at him, putting those two fries in his nostrils." He shakes his head as we look across the cafeteria at my said ex-crush, jamming two sticks of potatoes into his nose, attempting to make a joke with his jock friends. "Can't see what you saw in him."
"Can't see what you see in Gabriella either." I retort, and he smiles.
"At least she doesn't stick food in her nose."
He has a point. I half-shrug then gesture to reach for a fry from my tray. Recalling the ones Peter has in his nose currently, I scrunch my face up and shove my lunch to the side.
I know what you're thinking. Kelly, you're eighteen almost nineteen, in your last year of high school for the second time and your ex-crush is a twelfth grader? Let me clear that up. Peter Carson is repeating the twelfth grade as well. The reason I liked him last year was not solely because he had attractive qualities—grey eyes, full lips, and an appealing pair of lashes—but also because we could relate to certain stuff. We had physics and gym together and we would often talk about how our parents kept pressuring us to do better and to get good grades. I was feeling him. Until he invited me to this party and humiliated me in front of everyone. Just so he could impress his friends and some girl.
"There's Mr. Todd." Derrick nudges my arm, and I look up to see my history teacher walking into the lunchroom with Ms. Smith, an attractive instructor that teaches us Personal Development. She's what you'd call a slim-thick woman. With her small waist and broad hips, she could easily pass for a magazine model, with thick healthy black hair and unique green eyes. She's quite the catch, I must admit.
They stand in the cashier line and she leans over to say something to him before smiling as she pulls away. Mr. Todd keeps a straight face, however, and I suck my teeth in feign pity. This man will never get a girlfriend.
As if telepathically hearing my crude remark, he causally swings his head around and our eyes instantly meet. Coffee-colored, emotionless circles connecting with mine. I erase the grimace from my face quickly and sink in my chair, dropping my eyes to my food and suddenly forgetting how to eat, looking like a ignorant caveman instead.
The fries go into your mouth, Kelly!
I nervously reach for a piece of nugget and put it in my mouth, hoping he has stopped looking by now. Jerking my legs restlessly, I wait for a few seconds before glancing up again, noticing that his head is now fixed ahead as Ms. Smith attempts to crack another joke, earning her just a shrug from the self-absorbed man. He reaches out to collect a white bag of food items from the lady behind the counter before turning toward the exit, the P.D teacher walking in line with him as she chatters away with enthusiasm. They leave the cafeteria and I turn my head back to my food.
"Ms. Smith is so sexy for a teacher." Derrick sighs, and I make a face.
"Psh. She isn't all that."
Woah, why am I being touchy? Okay...weird.
"She actually is. She's my second crush after Gabriella." He grins, and I shake my head, reaching for my carton of orange juice and taking a sip.
"Everyone's your crush." I roll my eyes as I rest it back into its spot.
Derrick chuckles throatily as he playfully throws an arm around my neck, causing me to stiffen at the unexpected gesture. Close contact with boys tends to make me a little flustered. Derrick never seems to notice this which is why he keeps invading my personal space.
"Except you. You're not my crush." He smiles and waggles his brows, and I lift his arm, sliding from underneath his captivity.
"Mm. No one asked. Eat your food." I pop a fry in my mouth, and he chuckles.
I kept watching the clock like a hawk the entire Literature class, and as soon as the hand goes to three o'clock, I arise from my seat, saying my farewell to my teacher, Ms. Brooks, and giving Derrick a quick wave before clambering out the door.
I need the devil's help. As much as I hate to admit it, he is my ticket to passing Advanced Math at this moment. After I get a hundred on this assignment, then I will resume my quest of staying far away from the demon. Far far away.
Fooling around with the hem of my pleated skirt, I stand at the door to the staff room, watching as Mr. Todd converses with Mr. Leon at his seat.
The two men are laughing and chatting away; Mr. Todd lounging back in his chair while Mr. Leon sits on the rim of his desk, gesticulating with his hands.
Admittedly, the devil looks even more handsome when he isn't wearing a frown. The sleeves of his dress shirts are rolled up to his elbows, showcasing his muscular arms that I found myself gawking at this morning. Oddly enough. His silky hair is a bit tousled, but I know he won't be leaving the campus without raking his comb through it later. He appears severely self-absorbed.
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