《Outside The Lines [boyxboy]》Outside The Lines {12}
I jumped, almost falling out of my chair. “What?”
Thalia raised an eyebrow. “You’re completely zoning out. Why?”
I shrugged. “Tired,” I lied.
I risked a glance at Dimitri, who was sitting with his friends and talking, his hands flailing like usual. He was extra flamboyant today.
He had the usual: tons of bracelets and rings, purple fohawk, mascara and eyeliner, sparkly black fingernails, glittery hair.
He was wearing an obnoxiously sparkly gold shirt with a neon green vest over it. His royal purple scarf was wrapped securely around his neck. His pants were white with light pink polka dots scattered about them. He was wearing bright orange flip-flops and his toenails were painted blue and purple.
“That shirt. I just want to burn it. And those pants,” Oliver said with a sigh as he followed my gaze.
“Oh, leave him alone,” Thalia said, rolling her eyes.
“Well he’s right. I’d burn his clothes if it didn’t mean he had to walk around naked for the rest of the day,” I grumbled, trying not to blush from Dimitri’s words yesterday.
“Can we just burn him with his clothes still on?” Oliver asked eagerly.
“I’ll get the gasoline,” I said.
“I’ve got the lighter,” Oliver said.
He held out his hands, and I slapped him an atomic high five. After shaking the sting out of our hands, we grinned at a face-palming Thalia.
“I hate you guys,” she groaned.
“You love us,” we insisted.
My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out. I opened the text, carefully angling my phone so that Oliver couldn’t read it.
I’m at the lockers.
I shut my phone and put it back in my pocket, standing up. “I’ll be right back. I have to go talk to my teacher,” I lied, slinging my bag over my shoulder and hurrying out of the cafeteria.
I went down the senior hallway, my eyes instantly landing on the girl sitting in front of a set of lockers. She looked bored, flicking through her iPod.
She jumped and looked up at me. “Theo. I should’ve known it was you who had texted me to come here,” she said, laughing a little as she stood up. “Dimitri told me about you guys, so I’m assuming this has to do with him.”
I nodded. “Yea. I have some questions about him.”
“Doesn’t everybody,” she mumbled. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed. “Okay, I’ll answer what I can. But Dimitri is a very complicated person, so I might not be much help.”
I gestured at her to sit again. We slid down against the lockers together and I struggled to find a way to word my questions.
Deciding to be blunt, I came out with it. “Who’s Kayden?”
Kim’s face paled. “Kayden. Dimitri told you about Kayden?”
I nodded. “He said they had sex, Kayden was mad they weren’t dating, and he attacked Dimitri. What exactly happened?”
“Well, Dimitri wasn’t lying. Kayden and Dimitri had sex a few times, but Dimitri didn’t want a relationship with him. In Dimitri’s defense, he made that very, very clear to Kayden before they had sex. Kayden went over to his house one day, they had sex, and when Kayden was getting ready to leave, he tried to convince Dimitri to go out with him. When Dimitri kept telling him no, he started yelling at him. His brother ran into the room at that point, and that’s when Kayden started hitting Dimitri.” Kim bit her lip, her hands shaking a little.
“Dimitri made it sound like it wasn’t that bad,” I said, telling Kim what Dimitri had told me yesterday.
“Dimitri never makes a big deal out of anything. But it was bad. God, his parents wanted to press charges against Kayden, but Dimitri wouldn’t let them. Kayden had broken Dimitri’s nose,” she said, her voice disgusted.
“Why didn’t Dimitri want to press charges?” I asked in shock.
Kim sighed. “You’d be surprised at how good of a person Dimitri is. He’s sarcastic, he’s promiscuous, and he likes to annoy people. But when it comes right down to it, he’s too kind for his own good. He forgave Kayden.”
“How many partners has he had?” I asked suspiciously.
“Theo, Dimitri rarely kisses and tells. His sex life is his sex life. He barely tells me anything, believe it or not,” she said.
“But you knew about Danni!” I said.
“When things go wrong, the word gets out. Dimitri rarely says anything about his sex life. It’s usually the other person who I hear it from. They usually snap at me before going after Dimitri,” she said with a shrug.
“Why do they snap at you?” I asked, confused.
“Because I defend Dimitri. I always have, and I always will. He’s been my best friend since elementary school. So they come after me, trying to get me to snap at Dimitri and change his ways. But that’s impossible to do. I’ve talked to him about it before, but he doesn’t think like us,” she said.
“What do you mean he doesn’t think like us?” I felt like I was getting more confused as this conversation went on.
“Dimitri sees sex as a natural instinct and nothing more, for the most part. For him, sex doesn’t have to be about emotional attachment. It’s just something you do. Most people think that sex is about emotional attachment, which is where the conflict lies,” she explained.
“Oh,” I said, starting to understand now. For most people, sex was a serious thing. For Dimitri, it was just another activity, like breathing or blinking. “Have you slept with him?”
Kim let out a choked laugh. “Me? Sleep with Dimitri? Theo, you’re out of your mind.”
“I just want to understand him,” I said, ruffling my hair in frustration.
Kim gave me a sympathetic look. “Good luck with that. I’ve known the guy since he moved here in the third grade, and I still don’t understand him.”
“Was he flamboyant back then?”
Kim nodded. “Yep. Dimitri told me you met Galen yesterday. Just imagine Galen wearing Dimitri’s current outfits, and you have little Dimitri.”
“That is terrifying,” I groaned. “And the resemblance between Galen and Dimitri is creepy as hell.”
“They look exactly like their dad. Seriously, when they’re all together, it’s almost scary because of how they all look exactly the same except for their ages,” Kim said, laughing a little.
I looked at Kim, trying to swallow down my jealousy. Dimitri spent so much time with her, and she was such a pretty girl. She was average height, with a healthy build. Her hair was shoulder length and pin-straight. It was a light shade of brown with blond tips.
Kim herself never dressed anything like Dimitri. She had more of a casual style, usually wearing Pac-Sun shirts and shorts. Standing with Dimitri, she always looked incredibly normal.
“How do you put up with him all the time?” I asked, unable to help it.
Kim shrugged. “Like I said; he’s been my best friend since the third grade. He’s always been the way he is. But he’s a good guy, and a great friend. So yes, sometimes I want to strangle him to death with his own scarf. But more often than not, he’s just a funny, outgoing friend.”
“But he and I aren’t friends,” I mumbled, resting my head against the lockers and shutting my eyes. “We skipped that stage.”
“If he says he has feelings for you, it’s because he honestly has feelings for you. Dimitri’s not a liar, not unless he has to lie. Besides, he told me he likes you, and he’s never lied to me before,” Kim said, her voice suddenly serious. “Theo, trust me. Dimitri wants a relationship with you.”
I stayed silent. I knew I had feelings for Dimitri, but did I want a relationship with him? Did I want other people to know I had feelings for him?
Kim sighed and stood up. “Sorry I wasn’t much help. You have to get to know Dimitri on your own. There’s really no other way to understand the guy.”
I opened my eyes and stood up as well. “I’m kind of scared to get to know Dimitri.”
“Don’t be,” Kim said, patting my shoulder and grinning at me. “He’s not that bad of a guy. Just a little, you know, outgoing. Also, if you want to completely win him over, watch Tarzan with him. It’s his favorite movie.”
She winked at me before strolling out of the hallway and around the corner, out of my sight. I blinked and shook my head. Of course Dimitri would love Tarzan.
I made my way back to the cafeteria and sat down. Oliver and Thalia were having some argument, and listening to them was confusing the hell out of me.
“Well maybe if you hadn’t licked it, we wouldn’t be having this argument right now!” Thalia was saying angrily.
“You offered it to me, so I licked it,” Oliver said, glaring at her.
“You didn’t have to lick it!”
“Maybe I wanted to lick it!”
“Keep your tongue in your mouth and away from things that belong to me!”
“Quit offering your belongings to me and maybe I’ll quit rubbing my tongue all over them!”
“Whoa! Oliver, did you do something to Thalia that I have to hit you for as part of my brotherly duties?” I asked, trying to keep my mind from wandering to dirty places.
“He licked my book,” Thalia said, waving her copy of Insomnia in my face.
“Oh. Well, in that case…” I reached over and smacked Oliver in the back of the head. “Quit licking great literature!”
“Ow! Don’t hit me Theo!” he whined, swatting my hands away.
“I’m sorry. I had to do it to be a good brother,” I said with a frown. “Forgive me for messing up your perfect hair?”
“Of course. How can I stay mad at my secret lover?” Oliver slung an arm around my shoulders. “Tholiver prevails!”
“Ugh, that is the worst couple name ever,” Thalia said, shaking her head at us.
“Shhh, don’t listen to her Oli baby,” I said, placing my hands over his ears.
He grabbed my wrists and pulled my hands away from his ears. I let my arms fall back to my side as he and Thalia began to playfully argue again.
The bell rang, and we went off to class. When our ninth period study hall rolled around, we sat in our usual seats, talking and joking around for a little.
“Hey Theo.”
I looked up at Alek. She was blushing lightly, and nervously plucking at an invisible thread on the edge of her shirt.
“Do you think you could come over again today to help me with another economics packet?” she asked, a bit shyly. God she was cute.
“Sure,” I said with a nod, forcing myself not to look at Dimitri. I wasn’t going to start kissing Alek again.
“Thanks,” she said, instantly brightening.
“No problem,” I said, giving her a smile.
She went back over to her friend and sat down. Oliver grinned at me and playfully punched my shoulder.
“Look at you, you sly guy,” he said, laughing a little.
“Aw, shut up,” I said, blushing as the scene between me and Dimitri in the bathroom yesterday rose in my mind. I hastily pushed it out of my thoughts.
“Theo, don’t be a dirty boy,” Thalia said.
“Yea, if you’re funky, wrap your monkey,” Oliver said, pulling out his wallet and tossing me a condom.
“I’m not even going to ask why you have this in your wallet,” I said, sliding it into his pocket and patting it. “But keep it for yourself. I’m not going there with her.” Blushing, I hastily added, “At least not tonight.”
No need for them to even suspect that I had something going on with Dimitri. Oliver might not pick up on it, but Thalia had a clue.
“Oh Oliver. You promiscuous little thing,” Thalia said with a sigh.
“Oh please. You want all of this, don’t deny it,” he said, gesturing to himself.
“Sure. And penguins breathe green fire,” Thalia said, patting his head.
“THEY DO?!” Oliver and I stared at her wide eyed. She sighed helplessly.
We joked around until the bell rang. I went over to Alek and we walked out of the room together, heading on down to the parking lot and getting in my car.
“How’s Thalia getting home?” she asked curiously as we got in together. “Doesn’t she ride with you?”
“Yes, she does. She’s my sister. But she tutors with Dimitri, Kim, and Jordan. Dimitri gives her a ride home every day,” I explained.
“I kind of figured you guys were related. You look exactly alike. I just didn’t know if you were siblings or cousins,” she said.
“Twins,” I said. “Thalia is my twin sister.”
“That’s so cool. I always wondered what it was like to be a twin,” she said as I pulled out of the parking lot and started driving towards her house.
I shrugged. “We’re the same as any other brother and sister. We annoy each other, we’re mean to each other, and we occasionally have moments that make our parents go ‘Awww’.”
We fell into random talk for a little. I pulled into her driveway, and the two of us got out of the car. She led me inside and straight up to her bedroom, shutting the door.
“My brother isn’t home, so we can leave that unlocked,” she said, sitting next to me on her bed and pulling out the economics packet.
“Okay, so this is a price ceiling…” I began to help her with the packet, both of us forgetting about the kiss as we worked.
“Wow, thank you Theo. You’re really smart. Are you going to major in economics in college?” she asked curiously, sticking the now finished packet back in her backpack.
I shrugged. “I think I want to teach it. I’m good at it, and I enjoy it. So I’m planning to be an economics teacher,” I said, hoping I didn’t sound too pathetic and dorky. “Thalia wants to be a math teacher. What about you? What do you want to go to college for?”
“My mom owns a clothing company. I want to take over her business when I get out of college,” she said cheerfully.
“That explains why you’re so freaking rich. Your house is huge,” I said, laughing.
“Aw, we’re not rich,” she said, dropping her gaze to her hands in embarrassment. Ah, modest about money. I knew I had crushed on this girl for a reason.
I reached over, pushing her hair out of her face. Dimitri was absent from my mind as I stared at the beautiful, modest girl in front of me.
“You’re really beautiful, Alek,” I said honestly.
She blushed and peeked up at me shyly. “Thank you, Theo.”
I tilted her chin so that she was looking up at me instead of down at her hands. Her eyes widened a little, and her gaze fell to my lips.
I let her lean in and kiss me. I desperately fought off images of Dimitri, wondering if maybe I could fall for Alek just as hard. I wanted to be in love with her. I wanted to be her boyfriend. She was normal. She was beautiful, smart, funny, and modest. Dimitri was flamboyant, obnoxious, and secretive.
But I just couldn’t wipe the image of his face from my mind. His name screamed through my head. My lips felt wrong against Alek’s.
I pulled away from her casually this time. Her face was red and she let her hair slide to hide it from me. I brushed it away again, hoping I wasn’t looking at her sadly. God, I wanted to be her boyfriend and love her.
“I really like you Theo,” she said, her voice steady despite her lightly trembling hands and her bright red face. She met my eyes, her gaze just as steady as her voice.
But I was, thankfully, spared from replying to that as we heard the front door open downstairs. Alek jumped up off of her bed, hurrying over to her bedroom door and locking it.
“Sorry. My brother,” she said apologetically. “He’ll try to come in here, and then he’ll want to talk to you.”
“I’m becoming accustomed to kids,” I grumbled, Galen flashing through my mind. Freaking mini Dimitri.
Alek came back over and sat down next to me on her bed. She opened her mouth to say something to me, but a voice called out to her.
“Alek! The boys and I brought dinner! Come on downstairs and eat with us!” a female’s voice called.
Alek rolled her eyes. “That’s just my mom and brothers. They can wait a minute. We’re busy,” she said.
“Will she care that I’m here?” I asked nervously.
Alek laughed and shook her head. “No, my mom won’t care. She’s fine with me having people over.”
“Okay,” I said, relaxing a little.
Alek opened her mouth to say something to me, but was again cut off. Someone had started knocking on her door.
She sighed in annoyance and gestured at me to follow her. “They’re going to drag us down there to eat,” she said with a sigh.
I got up and followed her over to her bedroom door. She pulled it open, and her face paled a little. I stared in complete shock.
“Little Theodore,” Dimitri said, smirking. “What a surprise to see you in my house.”
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Title: 穿成重生文好孕炮灰Author: 九月微藍Source: https://m.shubaow.net/114/114779/Tang Cheng is the cannon fodder in Su Shuang's rebirth text. In the early stage of the cannon fodder, he made a plan to marry the prince he admired. In the end, by mistake, he became the first son of Zhen Guo Gongfu with difficult heirs, and he became Zhen Guo Gongfu. Shizi's fiancee. A month later, cannon fodder Tang Cheng became pregnant. What's cheating is that Tang Cheng, the cannon fodder in the book, didn't give up, he wanted to marry the royal family, and got rid of the grandson whom Zhen Guoguo was looking forward to... In the end it was a miserable fate! Coming from the Star Empire, Tang Cheng, who didn't know the plot at all, looked at the black abortion pill in his hand-poured it out without hesitation, and then happily prepared for childcare. Wen Huai'an, the eldest son of Zhenguo Gongfu, is as handsome as jade and has a clean body. He is the best husband and son-in-law candidate in the hearts of countless ladies. Fortunately, he ran into Tang Cheng, who is prone to fertility in the book, and won the big prize once. Fortunately, cannon fodder Tang Cheng was traversed. In the end, Wen Huai'an, the son of Zhenguo Gongfu, whose sons were difficult to follow, was full of sons and daughters, and became a winner in life that everyone envied. Reading the guide and demining: 1. Read the text in a civilized manner, and make bricks and flowers freely. 2. This is a relaxed Su Wen, a child-bearing article, the heroine comes from an interstellar with gestational value, likes to have children, don't like to enter. 3. The heroine is an ancient mudslide, which is difficult to adjust. If the writing does not suit your taste, please leave quietly.
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The Boss [BxB Mafia AU] |✔
~ Taking revenge from the Mafia Boss was the plan, but falling in love with him clearly wasn't ~ • 'la vera luce che svela' •♤ JAKE RINEIRI MARANZANO ♤The world of crime...as it is, all it's depths, mysteries and sinful shadow romance clearly revolved around the last living member of Italia's most feared Maranzano Family; Jake Maranzano (Lee Hyukjae). He owns the commands of the Italian-Korean Elite Mafia that is highly prioritized by the police force of South Korea as the country's most dangerous and technologically advanced mob: The Falcon Circle.As a betrayal leaves his parents murdered by the police, Jake and his entire mob force is determined to track down whoever who was responsible for the death of his parents, and make them pay in blood. ♤ AIDEN LUCIANO ♤Desperate for his mother's approval, and to uphold his family's already scared reputation, Aiden Luciano (Lee Donghae) finds himself in the middle of chaos from which he barely escapes with his life, only to end up as Jake's personal bodyguard. This suites him fine as it opens a path way to avenge his father and take revenge from the cursed Falcons that shattered his family.But as his half-hearted lies start drowning in the middle of his confusion and attraction he feels towards Jake, his choices are put into an ultimate test... |Both entangled into a same fate, willingly or not|❗Content Advisory: Extreme mature scenes are included. This book is a pure work of imagination, and is my original work. Any resemblance to real life situations are purely coincidental and unintentional. Any translation included comes directly from Google/ DeepL Translate. Copyright under LustyShadows © 2020📍 Reminder to vote⭐, comment✏️ and follow! 💫^^ thankyouuu!! • Category: Action BL, Drama, Crime, Romance, Mafia, fanfiction, suspense. 🏆 rankings 🏆 #2 in Criminal 02.05.2022#6 in lgbtq 🏳️🌈 20.10.2022#6 in boyxboy 22.10.2022#2 in gay 22.10.2
8 195