《My favorite Wandanat Oneshots》By: @perfxctlynat


Natasha P.O.V

I was sleeping happily when a loud noise woke

me up. I sat up from my bed annoyed and

looked at the time. 3am. Who the hell was

awake 3 in the morning?

I stood up, got my robe, and walked outside to

see if I found anyone. I looked for awhile until I

saw another girl walking around

I didn't think much of it until I noticed where

she was heading. The main street, a place where

she could easily be ran over.

I ran as fast as I could and pulled her arm as

strong as possible, getting her out of the way.

"What? What happened?" The young girl said.

"I'm assuming you were sleep walking.

Natasha said already out of breath.

"Oh. Yeah, that happens. Thank you. You saved

my life." The girl said. Both girls walked off to

their own cabins before sleeping again.

Third Person P.O.V

This happened every single night, almost always

at the same time. Natasha was always able to

save the girl, who she later learnt was called


One night, they had played games the entire

day, so when Natasha fell asleep, she slept well.

That is until she realized she had overslept and

ran out, only in her pijamas.

"Fucking hell. You better not be dead." Natasha

said as she ran faster than ever.

She finally spotted the girl and ran towards her,

once she realized she wouldn't be able to pull

her in time, she jumped on Wanda, ending in

both girls rolling away from the car heading

towards them.

"Oh my God." Wanda said, once she realized

she had scraped her entire knee and was

bleeding out.

She finally turns around and finds an

unconscious Natasha right next to her, getting


her in panic.

"No. No. Wake up." Wanda said shaking

Natasha's body. It took a couple shakes until Natasha sat up

gasping for air.

"Oh thank God! You're not dead!" Wanda said

giving Natasha the biggest and tightest hug.

"Yeah." Natasha said with a smile before

holding her hand against her forehead as she

could feel the blood running down.

"Don't you scare me like that ever again!"

Wanda said playfully hitting Natasha's


"I could say the same thing to you. I thought

you were already dead!" Natasha said hitting

her back.

"Don't you hit me!" Wanda answered hitting

her once again.

"Then you stop hitting me too!" Natasha said

hitting her back.

"You're lucky you're hurt or else I would kill you

right now." Wanda said laughing.

"Yeah, yeah. Like you had the guts." Natasha

answered with a smirk. "Since we both, almost died, I'm just going to

say it. I like you. Like a lot." Wanda said with a

huge smile.

"Really?" Natasha asked.

"Yeah. You did save my life more than a couple

of times. You don't have to like me back. Don't

worry." Wanda said with a smile.

Natasha quickly grabbed Wanda's face, and

smashed their lips against each other's. She was

about to pull away when Wanda finally kissed


"Wanna go back to my cabin and cuddle?"

Wanda asked when they broke the kiss for air.

"One thing you need to know about me. I will

never refuse a cuddle." Natasha said as both

girls stood up and very slowly walked to

Wanda's cabin.

Natasha washed off Wanda's cuts and wrapped

them up, Wanda doing the same for her. They

got in Wanda's bed, watched movies, ending the

night with Wanda hugging Natasha by her waist

and having her head on Natasha's chest.

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