《After the Aftermath》Excuse me whilst I kill thee!


Elle watched as Richard began to pace back and forth.

"What do you think he's doing?" She whispered.

"Trying to determine the best way to hide our bodies." Noah replied. Elle looked at him, stunned.

"What? I know how he works! I've sat in on his meetings, experienced some drug trafficking, it's probably the truth."

"Oh so you have experience in hiding bodies too?" She raised one eyebrow. Noah rolled his eyes.

"Shelly now is not the time to get on my last nerve." She shifted on the ground, moving up onto her knees, sitting her taller than Noah. His eyes raked over her body.

"Now is not the time for that either." A smirk forming on his face. Elle nudged him with her shoulder. The feeling of his eyes on her was odd. It'd been so long since he'd looked at her that way and she'd felt completely safe. Even in her situation, on the edge of a cliff, his love made her swoon. She looked at Richard, he was panicking. Suddenly it hit her. She had a plan now. And no one, not even Noah, could stop her.

"Heyo Dick!" Shouted Elle.

"Elle what are you doing?" Noah hissed. Richard turned to look at her.

"Yeah that's right I'm talking to you, I forgot to tell you something." Richard walked toward her.

"Elle please tell me what you're doing." Noah whispered through his teeth.

"Shh." Elle held up a finger to silence him. Richard reached them.

"What was it you forgot?" He said in a cool tone.

"We called the police before you took us. I hope you cleaned up all your finger prints and all that evidence." Richard's face contorted into rage.

"AAAH!" He let out a roar and slapped Elle across the face. Noah leapt to his feet and tackled Richard. His hands were tied behind his back, but he was taller, stronger, and angrier. Richard beckoned for his men to pull Noah off. They grunted as they threw Noah on the ground. Richard was furious.


"Go back to that house and scrub it till I can see my reflection on the dining room table!" Eight of Richard's twelve body guards left in cars. Elle's lip was bleeding as she smiled. The four men left paced back and forth. Now Elle and her family out-number Richard's men. Noah looked over at Elle and nodded. He began to work his way out of his ropes.


After Eric had explained the danger Noah and Elle were in and gave them Noah's address, the FBI agent he'd been talking to immediately ran out of the room. They'd hopped on a plane and rushed over night to Los Angeles. The morning light flooded. Through the car windows as they raced to the Flynn's house. They weaves through traffic, sirens blaring. As they swerved into the Flynn's driveway, men with guns came outside. They fired at the surrounding agents, Eric ducked, avoiding several potential bullets to the head. The agents shot three of the men and aprehended the rest. One of the agents cake and yanked him out of the car. Richard's men looked at him with contempt. Their eyes said "traitor."

"Where are they?!" An agent shouted at a body guard named Ben.

"I can't say."

"Yes you can! I know you can! Tell me where they are!" The agent persisted. Ben looked to Eric. Eric shook his head.

"Please just tell him." Eric begged. Ben held his gaze for a moment and then nodded.

"They're up at sunrise edge." The interrogation agent nodded to his coworkers and they quickly piled into cars. Leaving Eric at the house with the other agents and criminals. Eric breathed a sigh of relief.

"They're comin' for you Elle."

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