《After the Aftermath》YEEHAW!!!


Noah and Elle sat there in silence. Devastation written all over their faces. The situation seemed so hopeless. Elle looked back to Richard and his men. She squinted, envisioning Richard's head exploding. The thought gave her a smile.

"It's nice to see you smile." Noah mused. Elle smirked.

"I'm picturing Richard's head exploding." Noah chuckled.

"Remember when our biggest problem was lee finding us out?" Noah asked. Elle let put a laugh.

"God that seems like a million years ago."

"How did we go from being happy healthy teenagers to narrowly escaping gang leaders and getting shot every two seconds?" Noah laughed. Elle laughed, tears slipping down her face.

"I don't know." Noah's face grew serious.

"Elle whatever happens...you know I love you right?" He took her hand in his.

"Yes," tears still slipping from her eyes.

"I love you too Noah Flynn."


Eric inside an FBI interrogation room. They'd picked him up at the seven eleven. Two agents who had the list of members in Richard's gang happened to be getting a slushy just as Noah and Elle had driven off. They'd pulled him into this building and locked him into this room.

"Guys! I don't have all day here! Let me out!" He shouted. But no one answered. Eric was debating whether he would let these people know what Elle and Noah were about to do. Or if he would be selfish and try to get himself out of the situation. On the one hand, Elle and Noah had helped him escape and had spared him. On the other, helping them and getting involved with them again would surely mean prison for a long time. He sighed and sat down at the complimentary metal table in the room. He rested his head on his arms and began to think. The thought of prison scared him, but the images of Noah and Elle dying scared him more. He groaned and sat up.


"Guys! I have information! But it won't be of any use unless you talk to me now!" He got up and banged on the mirrored glass. No one answered.

"I know you can hear and see me! These issues are pressing! Innocent people are dying! Yo! You want me to sing and dance?" He banged on the glass once more.

"Mr. Feds? Helloooo?" Nothing. Dead silence. He sat down, frustrated. He jumped at the sounds of the door opening. He looked up to see and FBI agent who looked suspiciously like Tommy Lee Jones.

"You've got five minutes." He said. Eric nodded.

"If I give to info, will you bring the Calvary?" The man looked at him and nodded. Eric sighed and ran his hands through his floppy hair.

"You might wanna sit down."

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