《After the Aftermath》Highway to hell


Elle was slumped against the door, she heaved a big sigh and sat up. She looked out the window to see her old street.

"Noah? Where are we?" Concern filling her voice.

"You're home." Elle gave him a look.

"What do you mean I'm home? What are we doing here Noah?"

"Elle I think you know." He said as he pulled into her old drive way.

"Elle I can't lose you again. And I can't watch you get hurt. So you're staying here." He turned to her, his big brown eyes filled with sorrow.

"Elle I'm sorry." Elle's face reddened with rage.

"Noah! I am not sitting this one out like some damsel in distress! I can tell you that I have a lot of experience working with Richard! And besides! I'm a vulnerable, unsuspecting, seventeen year old girl! I'm the perfect way to distract them!" Noah chuckled.

"You definitely are the perfect distraction. But I'm still not letting you come with me." Elle crossed her arms.

"Noah I'm coming with you!"

"No you're not!" He laughed. Elle's hand whips across his face.

"This is no laughing matter!"

"I can't believe you just hit me!" He laughed again. Elle groaned.

"Noah! You're taking me! And I have a plan that could work!" His smile faded. He looked at his hands on the steering wheel. Then back to Elle.

"I'm sorry I just can't. You know I've always felt guilty being with you. First it was not telling Lee, then it was getting involved with Di-uh-Richard and ignoring you. And then you getting involved with him. And I can't put you through anything else! I can't hurt you! Again!" Elle sighed.

"Noah, the only way we get through this is together. I don't care about the past and I definitely don't care about the guilt or the things that you think are your fault. All I care about, is you, me, and the people, our family, that is held captive inside your house." Noah heaved a great sigh.


"Dammit I love you." Elle couldn't even react before his lips were on hers. She unbuckled her seat belt and moved onto his lap. Kissing him along the way.

"Elle wait." He said breaking the kiss.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything you don't have to do this, in fact probably now isn't the best time to do this." Noah awkwardly chuckled.

"Noah Flynn shying away from a male out sesh. Will wonders never cease. Look Noah, I love you and while yes, I never really got to process Dan and I still need some time. You are what I want, you've always been what I've wanted. And you make me feel safe. Now it's gonna take awhile for the sex to come back, obviously, but you're the love of my life. And besides have you seen yourself, God you're hot not making out with you is like a sin." Elle laughed.

"So, you're okay with making out?" Noah said placing his hands on her hips.

"Yes." She giggle as she leaned closer.

"And I'm incredibly hot?" He smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"Definitely." She said as she kissed him again. Noah leaned forward pushing her back. Her knees moved up to his hips as she slid back with him. She cradled his head as their lips crashed together, like waves in a hurricane. They blended together. There was no telling where Noah ended and Elle began. The loud honk of their cars horn made them jump from their position. They both laughed. Elle had accidentally leaned on the horn with her back. Elle heaved a big sigh and crossed her arms.

"Noah, we don't have time for this let's go." She rolled back into her seat and buckled her seat belt.

"Before we go we need a plan." Noah mused.

"I have one!" Elle said.

"Alright. So what are we gonna do?"

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