《After the Aftermath》Somebody told me that you had a boyfriend that looked like a criminal


Noah sat in the parking lot outside the motel that was Dr Marin's "house". Dr Marin had dragged Noah out of the room with Elle to talk to him.

"Noah, I have a program for troubled youth, such as yourself and Elle, and was wondering if in the future if you'd stop by and pay me a favor, for my favor here for you?" Noah looked at the wiry man wearily.

"Sure, uh, when we get outta here and things call down a bit, yeah." Noah nodded. Dr Marin smiled.

"Here's my card son, why don't you and Elle and Eric got going, I fixed up your truck for you, got all the blood out." He chuckled.

"Okay, thanks!" He said. He walked back up to the room.

Elle sat on Noah's bed. Curled up in the blankets waiting for Noah to come back, hoping and praying that he wasn't gone forever. She heard the door creek open.

"Elle are you asleep?" He whispered. She sat up.

"No, I was just relaxing. The floor was cold." Noah smirked.

"Yeah sorry about that, Dr Marin kinda pulled me out of here."

"What'd he want?" Elle asked wrapping the blanket further around her slim body.

"He wanted us to drop by his troubled youth club sometime in the future." Elle smiled.

"Why, he think we're troubled or something?" She asked with a smile. Noah chuckled.

"You know he said we can go, you wanna get Eric and we can go somewhere, maybe less depressing." He smiled, gesturing to the rest of the room. Elle laughed.

"Maybe we can drop Eric off somewhere and we can actually have a date?" She grinned.

"You are so adorable you know that." He laughed. Elle smiled.


"Well I mean, what else is a loving girlfriend supposed to be." She laughed. Noah closed the space between them.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked, leaning over her sitting on the bed. She responded by planting a light kiss on his rough lips. Her eyes widened.

"We have to get out of Maryland before Richard comes looking for us." Noah laughed.

"We'd better get started." He smirked. It would take some time, but Elle would one day be comfortable with all physical contact again. But until that day came, Noah would love her still, from a few feet away of course.

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