《Ms.Oblivious (✔️)》-3-


I succeeded at unpacking all of my clothes and decorations that I brought with me. I spent two hours putting clothes away,putting picture frames up,making my bed,etc., I was so distracted that I forgot I even have a roomy.

My roomy and I have never met face to face but we've talked on the phone two or three times and texted multiple times-once the school sent out who our roommates were,and their contact list,my roomy contacted me immediately,her name's Jessie,she's very pretty,brunette hair,a bit shorter than I am,beautiful smile,she's a catch.

As I place a picture of my dad and I on my nightstand the song 'God is a Woman' comes on my Spotify and I began to dance. I felt free at this very moment,like nothing can control me,like I have the power now.

"And I could be all the things you told me not to be-"I yell out as I'm interrupted by a knock on my opened door. I turn around and see Jessie. I yell and run into her arms,giving her the warmest hug. "I can't believe this is happening!" Jessie says aloud after releasing from our hug. "Me neither!" I agree jumping up and down.

Jessie and I settle down after moments of excitement and energy. Laying across my bed and Jessie across hers,i begin to open up to her about my family.

When Jessie and I texted or talked on the phone I didn't open up much because I felt as if she'd screenshot or record something and expose me,which is crazy.

"Do you miss him?"Jessie asks. "Of course,every day" I answer with a chuckle at the end.

"Alright,enough with the sad talks let's go get some dinner" Jessie says getting up from her bed and grabbing my wrist,dragging me with her towards the cafeteria.


We arrived at the cafeteria and it was packed with so many students. But I also couldn't help but notice all the hot guys. Jessie and I took a seat at a table with two seats and continued to just talk. "We're not eating?"I asked due to the fact that we never went to the lunch line. Jessie laughs at me and points at me. "This isn't High school anymore,you don't get your lunch they bring it to you" Jessie explains trying to catch her breath. I didn't think it was that funny. "I'm going to the bathroom" I say getting up from my seat and making my way towards the girls restroom.

Once I get out I spot Alex and Jessie talking. At the end of their conversation Alex gave Jessie a kiss on the cheek and walked away.

To bad for me,he was kind of cute.

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