《Her Bodyguard》Alex


I love Katlyn as my own child so obviously seeing her and Jade together was a little weird at first but, I can tell by the way they look at each other that nothing is going to stop them from loving each other.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a knock at the door. "Come in" I responded to the knock. I looked up as Jonathan came in holding a beat up man at his shoulder.

"Boss, this is the last of the guys responsible for uh Katlyn's.. losses" Jonathan spoke. "I know you said to shoot him but he had more info regarding her father."

I glimpsed at the guy then I looked over to Jonathan with a Death Stare so he knew he fucked up.

He pulled a chair up and sat the man on it. He walked over to the table and grabbed a roped and tied the mans hand to the chair. He grabbed another piece of rope and tied his legs back.

"Talk damn it you bastard before I put a bullet through your skull!" Jonathan yelled. The man looked down then up at me.

"Sir.. About Katlyn. We were never supposed to make her watch that. I tried to get the guys to put her back into the room but they were a hell of a lot stronger then me." he sighed.

"The real reason we all got sent to kill him was because.. he was in our gang. He was very high up. Almost best friends with our leader even. One day our leader sold all of our supply for a huge amount of money. He said we would getting better drugs about of the money. Katlyn's "father"." He said using a sarcastic tone.

"He got pissed, Like super pissed. He threatened to go to the cops if he didn't have drugs by the morning. We all knew he would and we wouldn't have had the drugs by morning so we had to take action. We didn't know he had a kid though. We told him If he told anyone we would kill his wife, Stacie."at this point he was tearing up.


"He told the cops anyway and we had to stick with our word. I had met Stacie before.. I slept with her while they were together. Though he never found out he hated me anyway. So one night our leader sent us to kill Stacie. When we got there Stacie knew what was coming and she asked to talk to me first. Of course I said yes. She pulled me aside and said 'Alex. I know it's about 12 years to late to tell you this but you are Katlyn's father' I didn't know how to handle it so I told her I would take care of her". The guy was balling his eyes out on the chair in front of me.

Holy shit. He was Katlyn's father, at first I didn't want to believe him but I could tell he wasn't lying by the sadness in his eyes.

"Katlyn will never know about this" i said quietly. "You will work for me for the rest of your god damn life to repay for what you put Katlyn through." He nodded in agreement.

"Thank you sir. I will never say a thing about this to anyone." He said looking down.

"Before you go. How do I know that you aren't just saying all this to give information to your leader?" I questioned.

"I shot him last week after he threatened to kill Katlyn" He said sadly. I looked up at him and he looked me in the eyes. "I loved katlyn and her mother with everything I had."

I sighed "get him out of here and do not leave his side for the next month" I said looking at Jonathan.

"Yes boss" he replied before walking over to the man and un tying him so he could stand. The beat up men looked at me with sincerity and sadness before following Jonathan out of the room.

I sat there for a few more minutes wondering what would happen if Katlyn ever found out. Would she hate me for keeping it from her?. Would she still hate him?.

I sighed before going back to do the work I had started before all this.

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