《STAY DOWN |2020|》Fourteen.


My eyes slowly fluttered open after hearing the sound of a vibrating phone. I looked up at East who was still asleep. How does a person manage to look this good while sleeping? I didn't panic because I remembered bits and pieces of last night. I remember asking East to stay with me. I'm not necessarily a sloppy drunk. Alcohol really loosens me up and gives me the ability to say things that sober me wouldn't say.

I slowly got up so that I could grab my phone. I made sure that I was extra careful because I didn't wanna wake East. He stirred in his sleep, but he didn't wake up. I grabbed my phone, checking to see if I had any missed calls or texts.

Like clockwork, East's phone started ringing, Lola's name flashing across the screen.

"Answer your fucking phone" East muttered.

"Um sir, that's your phone."

"Oh" East said as he reached for his phone.

When he looked at the screen he smacked his lips then turned his phone off.

I guess little miss Lola isn't so important after all.

"You wanna get breakfast?" East asked as he sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm pretty hungry."

"I'll be back after I shower and get dressed. Be ready or get left" East said.

"Boy! You got one more time to get smart with me!"

"Or what?" East asked as he towered over me.

His face was literally CENTIMETERS away from mine. Whew chile, talk about butterflies. My stomach was doing backflips.

"You think I'm scared of you because you're big and tall? I knock niggas out" I said.

East mugged me then busted out laughing.

"Yo, you mad funny. I can't even take you seriously" East said.

I laughed, "I meant every word too. Are you mean to everybody?"

"You think I'm being mean to you? I consider this being nice. I'm about to take you out for breakfast, and I plan on paying for it. That's mean to you?" East asked.

"I guess not. You be talking a lil crazy though."

East chuckled, "get ready shorty."

He bit his lip and looked me up and down before walking out.

"Looking at me like you tryna fuck sum" I mumbled to myself.

I can't tell if East likes me, or if he's just being nice. He's very hard to read. I don't wanna assume that he likes me when he really doesn't. I guess I'll find out sooner or later.

"I should not be drinking this early, but mimosas are my weakness."

I was on my second mimosa, even though I just got hella drunk last night. I know my liver hates me right now.

"Ain't nothing wrong with drinking early. I have a better day when I drink in the morning" East said as he sipped his mimosa.


I laughed then took a bite of my food.

"How old are you?" East asked.

"You're not supposed to ask a woman her age."

"That only goes for older women. Are you over the age of forty?" East asked.

I laughed, "I'm twenty-three."

"Oh, you a young one" East said.

"You can't be that much older than me. How old are you?"

"Twenty-nine, I'll be thirty in December 14th" East said.

"Whew, not a sag."

He laughed, "fuck you mean 'not a sag' we the best."

"Okay DJ Khaled. I'm pretty sure Taurus are the best though."

"Nah, y'all some evil ass muthafuckas" East said.

I laughed, "we're not evil. Taurus are sweet."

"Hmm" East mumbled.

"Can I ask you something?"

"I don't like when people question me" East said.

"Make an exception for me."

East sighed, "go ahead."

"Do you like me? Yes or no?" I asked in a playful, childish tone.

By this time, I was feeling the effects of those mimosas.

"What you mean? As a friend?" East asked.

"You know what I mean."

"Do you think I like you?" East asked.

"I don't know."

"I thought that shit was obvious" East said as he shrugged.

"So, you do like me?" I asked as I smiled.

"If I didn't like you then I wouldn't have cuddled with you last night. I don't do that with just ANYBODY. Do I look like the type of nigga that cuddles? Hell nah. If I didn't like you then we wouldn't be on this breakfast date right now" East said.

"Wait, this is a date?"

"Shit, I don't know. Isn't this what muthafuckas do on dates? I don't know how this shit works" East said.

I laughed, "you've never been on a date before?"

"I don't usually do shit like this" East said.

"Why'd you do it for me then? What makes me so special?"

East looked up from his plate, giving me his full attention.

"Everything" he said.

We both just stared at each other for a moment. Our staring contest was interrupted when my phone started ringing though.

"Hey Kelis" I said as I answered my phone.

"Girl, where are you? I've been knocking on your door for ten minutes now. I thought you were dead" Kelis said.

I laughed, "why didn't you just call me?"

"I did call you, but then I realized that I was calling your old number the whole time" Kelis said.

I shook my head, "you're so slow. I'll be back in a minute though. I'm eating right now."

"With who?" Kelis asked in a suspicious tone.

"Bye" I said before ending the call.

"You ready to go?" East asked.


"Nope, not yet" I said as I smirked.

"Who were you eating with?" Kelis asked.

"I was with East."

"Wait a minute, what happened with y'all last night? I definitely remember you leaving with him" Kelis said.

"Nothing happened between us. We just cuddled."

"It's giving...y'all hunched" Kelis said.

"Girl," I snorted, "we did not."

"Mhm, it's gonna happen soon. I can feel it" Kelis said.

"Chile, anyways," I rolled my eyes, "what are we doing today? It's our last day here."

"I guess we can just chill. Go to the beach, have a few drinks, and just vibe" Kelis said.

"I'll pass on the drinks. I drank way too much last night, and I had two mimosas this morning. Wouldn't want to get alcohol poisoning."

"Booooo, Whore!" Kelis said as I laughed.

"My liver isn't made of iron like yours."

Kelis can drink like a truck driver. She drinks henny and patron like it's water.

"I lowkey think I'm a crack baby. Crack babies are immune to everything" Kelis said.

"Wait what?" I asked as I busted out laughing.

Kelis is always saying some off the wall shit.

"Guess who got some cuddy last night" Sammy said as we sat on the lounge chairs that were positioned in front of the ocean.

I gasped, "no you didn't."

"Stop capping" Kelis said.

"I'm so serious. I was drunk as hell, but I don't regret it at all. We even did it again this morning" Sammy said.

"Oh my God! Why do I feel like a proud auntie right now?"

"Right sis, I'm happy as hell right now" Kelis said.

Sammy laughed, "it's been years since I got some dick. I feel like a new woman."

"I bet you do sis. So, was the dick snappin' or nah?"

"He got that good-good or whatever. Had me cumming back to back" Sammy said.

"I wish I could relate."

"Let East knock the cobwebs off that pussy then" Kelis said.

I rolled my eyes, "here you go with that shit."

"I agree with her. You two definitely like each other. Why not have a little fun?" Sapphire asked as she smirked.

I couldn't help but to smile as I started thinking about the conversation that East and I had earlier.

"Look at you, smiling and shit" Kelis said as she smirked.

"I was just thinking about something."

"What's tea sis?" Kelis asked as she lit a blunt.

"Don't do the most when I tell y'all this either."

"My lips are sealed" Sammy said.

"Whew chile, let me hit this blunt before I get this tea" Kelis said.

I laughed, "East likes me. He told me this morning when we were on a breakfast date."

Sammy spit her patron out then started coughing.

"Girl, it was not that serious" I said as I rolled my eyes playfully.

"I knew y'all had something going on lowkey. Y'all ain't slick" Kelis said.

"I- girl y'all went on a date? Fuck tea, this is some henny or patron" Sammy said as I laughed.

"I didn't even know it was a date until he told me. East is a very interesting person though. We're not official or anything, but we like each other."

Kelis and Sammy kept staring at me and smiling like some creeps.

I knitted my eyebrows, "what?"

"I'm just so proud sis" Kelis said as she started fake crying.

"Chile, y'all do the most."

"There goes our babiessss" Sammy sang.

I looked up and seen the guys walking towards us.

"Y'all wanna ride the jetskis?" Zander asked.

"Uh-uh, I'm too drunk for that" Sammy said as we all laughed.

"I'm down" I said as I stood up.

Sammy sighed, "I guess I'll do it too. Zander, you better not let me drown."

Zander laughed, "never that baby."

As we were walking over to the jetskis, East wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He looked down at me with a smirk on his face causing me to blush.

Kelis started making Snapchat videos, unknowingly recording East and I in the background.

"I think we're in the background of her video."

East shrugged then started throwing up gang signs towards Kelis' phone.

"Don't blame me when your hoes come at your neck."

"Shut up. Just relax and vibe with a nigga" East said.

I laughed, rolling my eyes playfully. By his low eyes and alcohol scented breath, I could tell that he was faded.

"Take my picture" I said as I handed my phone to East.

I climbed onto the jetski then posed for the picture.

"Lil ass booty that you tryna poke out" East teased as he looked at the picture.

Smacking my lips, I snatched my phone back from him then looked at the picture.

"Okay, you did a lil something. I look good."

"Yeah," he licked his lips, "you do."

Once again I found myself blushing and getting butterflies.

"Don't lick your lips like that in front of me unless you tryna let me sit on 'em," I joked.

"Shit, wassup?" East asked with all seriousness.

I laughed, "chile, I was just playing. Maybe when you're sober."

"Bet, I'll be sober by the end of the night," he said.

I smiled then shook my head, already knowing that I was in for a long night.


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