《STAY DOWN |2020|》Eleven.


"I talked to Rico, and he said you can come back to work whenever you feel up to it" Kelis said.

"Thank you boo."

"No problem, you know I got you. I still can't believe that happened to you though. Thank God that person was there to save you" Kelis said.

"Right, I guess God was looking out for me that night."

I haven't told Kelis or anybody else that East was the one who saved me. I feel like that should stay between me and him. Not saying that I don't trust my friends, but I would hate for one of them to slip up and say something to an outsider.

"I'm buying you a blicky sis. Pepper spray just doesn't get the job done" Kelis said as I laughed.

"I don't even know how to use a gun."

"I'll teach you. Now where is my baby?" Kelis asked.

"Oh, East has him."

Kelis' eyes widened, "wait a minute sis. You mean to tell me EAST has Kaiser? What the hell did I miss?"

I laughed, "you didn't miss anything. East offered to help me, and I accepted his help."

"Mhmmmm" Kelis said as she looked me up and down.

"We're just friends Kelis."

"I believe you girl" Kelis lied.

I laughed then rolled my eyes.

Nothing is really going on between East and I. After that kiss, things felt awkward to me. It was a heat of the moment thing, and I regret doing it. East seems to be unbothered by it though. He still treats me the same way, and there's zero awkwardness on his end.

"You like him?" Kelis asked as she smirked.

"He's a cool guy. What's not to like about him?"

"You know what I mean sis" Kelis said.

"I don't like him in that way" I lied.

I guess you can say I kind of like East in that way. He's extremely attractive, and he's actually a nice guy when you get to know him. I can't help but to like him.


"Girl, you can fool him but not me. You definitely like East more than a friend" Kelis said.

"Anyways, Sammy's birthday is coming up soon. I really wanna throw her a surprise birthday party in Miami."

"Not that you changed the subject, but I'll let it slide though. I think Sammy would love a surprise party. We only have two weeks to plan it though" Kelis said.

"I can work with two weeks. I already have some stuff in mind."

Our conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. I thought it was East, but it happened to be two detectives.

"Genesis Carter?" One of the detectives asked.

"Um, yeah that's me."

"I'm Detective Chan, and this is my partner Detective White. Do you mind if we come in and ask you a few questions?" Detective Chan asked.

"Actually, yes. I do mind. I already told the other officers what I know."

"Well we found some new surveillance footage. It may lead us to the person that shot those men in the alley. I know that person saved your life and you wanna protect them, but they still killed somebody in cold blood" Detective Chan said.

"I don't know who the person was. Like I said before, they had a hoodie on. I couldn't see the person's face."

"You sure about that?" Detective White asked.

"Um, I'm pretty fucking sure."

"If you remember anything, give me a call" Detective Chan said as he handed me his card.

I snatched the card then slammed the door in their faces. I immediately ripped the card up then threw it in the trash. I have no intentions on snitching on East. That man saved my life. I simply would NEVER do that to him.

"They're still questioning you? What do they expect you to say? If you didn't see this person's face then you just didn't see their face. This is why I hate the cops. You're the victim here, and they're treating you like you're a suspect" Kelis said as she shook her head.


"That's the LAPD for you. They got the right idea but the wrong bitch."

"Period pooh" Kelis said as she did the city girls' hand gesture.

"Whose kid is that?" Yesenia asked as she peeked into my backseat.

"I came to drop your food off, not get interrogated."

Yesenia gasped, "you have a secret child? Mom is gonna get you."

"You sound stupid. Shut up and take this food."

Yesenia smacked her lips then grabbed her food.

"Bye cutie" Yesenia said as she waved at Kaiser.

Kaiser waved back then continued to eat his fries.

"No, seriously, whose kid is that? He is so freaking cute" Yesenia said.

"My friend's" I answered truthfully.

"Hmm, must be a female friend" Yesenia said as she smirked.

I chuckled, "stay out of grown folks business."

"Boy bye! Thanks for the food big head" Yesenia said.

"You know I got you lil sis. Call me if you need anything else."

"Okay, love you" Yesenia said.

"Love you too" I said before pulling off.

"Hey pooh! Did you have fun?" Gen asked as she took Kaiser from me.

Kaiser smiled and nodded.

"Was he being good?" Gen asked.

"Yeah, he was pretty chill."

"Thank you for taking him out. I was able to finish some assignments and catch up on sleep, so I'm very appreciative" Gen said.

"It's nothing Gen. I told you I'll help as much as I can."

Gen smiled then placed Kaiser down on the couch.

"I need to talk to you about something though" Gen said.


"The cops came by here today. They told me that they found new surveillance footage. Should I be worried?" Genesis asked.

"Don't worry about them. They'll stop questioning you eventually."

"It's not me that I'm worried about. I'm worried about you" Gen said.

"I'm good. They don't have any evidence against me."

"You sure?" Gen asked.

"I'm positive Gen. Don't even worry about that shit."

"Okay" she said.

"I appreciate you for being solid though. Some of these niggas would've folded under pressure. Shit, you realer than them."

"Of course, you saved my life. How could I snitch on you? This will stay between us. I haven't even told anybody that it was you" Gen said.

I nodded, "keep it that way."

Gen is definitely a real one. Although I saved her life, she could've easily snitched on me. A lot of people can't deal with pressure like that. I've seen a lot of street niggas fold under pressure.

"I'll be right back" Gen said, hearing her phone ringing in the distance.

As soon as she turned to walk away, my eyes dropped down to her ass. With the way she was eating her shorts up, I couldn't help but to look. Everytime she took a step that ass would jiggle like a bowl of jello. I watched her until she was out of my sight.

Moments later she walked out of her bedroom with her phone in her hand.

"Sorry, that was Kelis. We're planning a surprise party for Sammy. You and your crew are invited" Gen said as she smiled.

"When and where?"

"The weekend after next and we're doing it in Miami" Gen said.

I nodded, "I'll let my people know."

A weekend in Miami with a few gangstas and some beautiful women, that sounds like a vibe to me.


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