《The Fragmented Luna》Truth or Dare


"Valerie what did you do to my friend", little Mikey asked with a grumpy look on his face. "Why is she crying you big bully. I will beat up anyone who hurts my friend", Mikey yelled loudly for the entire table to hear him. He came over to my side protectively, standing between Valerie and me, with his tiny arms folded together. It melted my heart to watch this little boy trying to defend me from evil.

"What is going on here?", Mrs Smith asked intrigued by the current predicament. She came over to pull Mikey away from my side of the table. "I will have no one beating each other up. I'm sure Rowen is going to be fine baby", Mrs. Smith said as she ruffled Mikey's hair affectionately.

"I'm fine", I whispered softly to Mikey in a low tone. Mikey looked over to me with expectation in his unwavering gaze. "See I'm all better I just caught something in my eye that Valerie was helping me take out", I said to him to avoid having to answer truthfully. Mikey seemed to buy into the lie because he sat down in his seat.

"We both know you're not fine", Valerie said quietly to me. "After dinner we are all going to do something fun and lighthearted. So cheer up", Valerie said as she patted my hair gently. I tried to not back away from her touch but it was force of habit. She was so kindhearted i felt overwhelmed by her kindness at times.

"Attention everyone", Valerie's mom said loudly. Everyone turned to look at her with an intense focus solidifying the idea that she reigned as supreme leader. "Clean up after dinner or suffer the consequences. I'm going upstairs", she announced. She picked up the little girl who was no older then 3 years old and left.


A lot of shuffling in a short period of time occurred in the next few minutes. Everyone made sure to put away the dishes, wash the table and scrub the plastic tablecloth. It was interesting to see such an ugly plaid tablecloth on such a large glass table. I guessed it didn't matter the style of tablecloth when you had so many kids.

After cleaning Valerie grabbed my hand dragging me down the hallway with a smile lighting her face. The mischievous look in her eyes did nothing to calm my nerves. I tread behind her trying to drag my legs until we reached the next destination. We finally landed in the enormous den again which still amazed me by its set up. I heard a groan from the other side of the room. I recognized that voice a mile away. It was Nixon whose displeasure at having me here was too obvious.

"Hey boys. Ian, Nixon. I decided before tomorrow starts we have to play a game so Rowen can get used to everyone", Valerie stated with that mischievous smile growing wider on her face. I knew she was about to make everyone uncomfortable by her expression alone. 

"Val seriously. We don't have time for your stupid games tonight", Nixon stated in a dismissive tone. He looked over at me like I was a bug on the floor that needed squashing. "Especially with someone who doesn't know how to stay away", he said as he went to push past us both. 

"No", Valerie said in an icy tone. "Take a seat right now. You promised Rowen you would help her with her assignment and its time you pay up for last time", Valerie said looking the devil in the eyes with her intense gaze. I watched the two of them stare down each other in a game of dominance waiting to see who won. 


"Fine, Suit Yourself. I make no promises that I will be nice to either of you though", he said breaking eye contact with her as he gave into her demands. Nixon marched over to the other side of the room to where the fridge sat. He came back with a bottle of some sort of clear liquid in his hands. I thought I recognized the label but couldn't recall where I saw it last. In his other hand he held a can of root beer in his hand with a look in his eyes. 

"I'll get the cups", Ian stated looking giddy. "It's been too long since the last time we drank that stuff together. Do you think we should have Rowen try some", he asked with a sly grin on his face. He grabbed some cups from over by the fridge area filling them with some root beer and what was obviously liquor inside the cup. 

"No, she's too boring", Nixon spat out as he looked at me with anger in his eyes. "Besides she is too prude to even take a sip. And let's not mention Val. The last time she drank she was such a wuss", he scolded as he held my gaze. Ian filled all four cups with the mixed drink then placed them on the little table nearby. Nixon brought the drink up to his lips in a challenging manner then downed half of the cups contents. 

"Don't listen to them", Valerie said as she grabbed the cup taking a swig of the liquid inside without hesitation. She made a strange face as the concoction reached her throat but continued to drink anyway. I never had alcohol before but I saw the effects it had on others. "You don't have to drink. It just makes the game exciting", she said her eyes dancing with glee as she drank some more. 

"We've all already shared our first drinks together. Its a tradition that we drink together whenever we play truth or dare", Ian stated in a deep tone. "Come sit down between us both", Ian stated but he gave me no real choice. He blocked my path with his massive frame not budging as I tried to look for a way to escape. Valerie gave me the thumbs up sign as I sat between Nixon and Ian. I swear Valerie was trying to make everyone uncomfortable with her hand gestures. I looked at the drink in front of me willing myself not to waver under the peer pressure of those around me. It was hard because I wanted to prove a point to Nixon but I kept thinking about Aunt Tabby slapping me across the hand while drinking. 

"Guess what?", Valerie yelled receiving no response from anyone. "It's time for truth or dare. The rules are either you pick truth or dare. If you don't answer or do the dare then you have to take a sip of the drink below.", Valerie stated mischievously. 

"I'll be the mediator", Ian stated. "Rowen, you're up first. Truth or Dare", he stated with a smile on his face. I looked down at the drink in front of me with determination. 

"I choose truth", I said anxiously. I wasn't going to drink any alcohol tonight but I wondered how much I was willing to share. 

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