《The Fragmented Luna》Sometimes It Didn't Get Better


Sometimes it didn't get better, sometimes it was worse, and sometimes life gave you brief moments of happiness, because someone out there in that big blue sky wanted to screw with you. Then that same someone threw you into a pit of boiling lava just to see what happened next. And the least of all expected was that sometimes it was better, but because you were sad for so long, that when the sunshine and rainbows and ponies came along, thought that it was a load of crap. And sometimes life was crappy, had always been crappy and remained crappy forever. Personally, I hoped there was a happy ending out there.

If Ann were here she would say that I wasn't seeing the bright side of things, but at this moment who would. I sat in the bathroom eating lunch because I wanted to stay invisible. Most of the time it was the only way I managed to avoid Ember, Beth and the Barbie bitches. I took slow bites into the chicken patty that I drenched in ketchup with displeasure. I struggled not to gag while I ate the soggy "chicken like" meat that. It was better than anything Aunt Tabby ever made for me. At least, while I was in the bathroom, I didn't have to worry about having food thrown at me.

I still had time to spare after eating so I headed out into the hallway to get to my next class early. I hoped that I would get some reading done if I arrived early. I walked into the chaos of screaming teens who were animatedly chatting with one another. I walked with fear in my steps. It was hard to find solitude in the mass horde of people gathered in the damp and heated lunchroom. I decided to venture outdoors where a small cluster of the school enjoyed outdoor sports for the remainder of their lunch period. I found an empty table In the corner that looked safe.

I focused my eyes on my destination and charged ahead with gusto in my step. I focused too hard that I didn't even look at my surroundings. I hit a wall of solid mass with the full force of my strength. It was enough to make the solid mass shift slightly to look into my eyes. I looked into those eyes; I had a glance of heaven but was shot into my own personal hell. If anyone saw that I touched Nixon my tormentors knew about it.


I didn't say much as I forced air into my clenched lungs while I teetered for balance. I really felt like that paper floating away into nothingness as I almost fell to the ground. A pair of hands reached for me and steadied my swaying body from nearly falling to my doom. "Pay attention", Nixon whispered in a deep vibrato jolting me from my absentmindedness.

"Thanks", I croaked out in a quiet tone. I realized that a crowd of people are surrounding the both of us with awe. I was certain that they were waiting for Nixon to prove that he was a sociopath.

"Just Don't do it again Rowen", he said darkly. I swayed at the sound of my name from those beautifully sculpted lips. Nixon moved with angry strides into the building leaving me flustered. The bell rang and interrupted me from my trance like state. I didn't want to be late for my last class of the day. I walked with heavy footsteps towards College English with Mr. Hawthorne. Despite English being my favorite subject I worried that my lunchtime fiasco had reached Ember and her posse.

I made it to class just as the bell rang. This meant that my seating choice was limited. I noticed the only empty spot was right next to my mortal enemy Beth. I had no choice so i sat next to her awkwardly. I wondered if there were any more horrible things that might happen today. I looked up at Mr. Hawthorne with attentiveness.

"Good morning class. I'd like to try something different and new this year. I'd like to pair you up into groups of two for the remainder of the year", he started. Suddenly the door opened with a loud bang and Nixon stepped inside.

"How nice of you to join us", Mr. Hawthorne said in a clipped tone. Nixon stomped over to his seat in the corner. He was sending a glare in my direction while looking angrily in my direction.

"OK, so as I was saying, I'm good to pair you off into groups of two", Mr. Hawthorne stated. I waited with bated breath to hear who I will paired with for the year.

"Beth and Noah you can go together. Morgan and Meredith you too together", he stated. The list droned on but I wasn't chosen yet. "And last but not least Nixon and Rowen. This will be your partner, who you will work on all your projects with for the remainder of the year. Please pair up with them now and exchange contact information", Mr. Hawthorne said as he officially signed my death warrant.


Beth turned to me with an evil glint in her eye and I knew I was in trouble. "Ember will love to know that twice in one day you have tried to go near Nixon", Beth said as her smile grew wide.

I ignored the feeling of dread that filled my heart as I made my way towards Nixon. I sat down in the chair beside him silently with the hope of melting away.

"Your first assignment will be to get to know your partner. You have the rest of the class period to tell your partner about your summer and then you have to tell the class on thing you like most about your partner", Mr. Hawthorne stated. I liked Mr. Hawthorne but right now I wished that I could shoot him into the stars for making such a ridiculous icebreaker for the first class.

The classroom filled with the noise of chatting people while I sat silently next to Nixon. "How was your summer", I asked Nixon in a low tone. I didn't want to get off on the wrong foot this year so I tried to make this work.

"This is stupid", Nixon stated with his hands resting on the desk and his feet stretched outwards. "I don't need another burden", he said rather harshly towards me. I felt offended by his behavior but refused to let him see my anger.

"I'm sorry", I said with my head bowed down. I knew that I had always been a burden to those around me but hearing those words truly pierced my soul. I felt my lip trembling as I kept my feelings bottled within my soul.

"Nixon and Rowen. I'd like you to start off by telling us one thing you like most about your partner", Mr Hawthorne voiced. I didn't even realize time was up because of how awkward and disappointed i felt."Nixon you can go first", Mr Hawthorne told him.

"I can't say I like much about her, but I do like that's she's not annoying like you are sir", he stated to Mr. Hawthorne. "Also her hair isn't fake like yours as well", Nixon continued. The whole class erupted into laughter at Nixon's ride behavior but i didn't.

"Nixon and Rowen. You can stay after class", Mr. Hawthorne states in an angry tone. I flinched at his harsh tone. I found myself recoiling in fear at his stern tone. The bell rang and I waited for my punishment.

Mr Hawthorne came towards Nixon and me with a determined expression on his face. "Nixon. Rowen. I've decided to pair you two together because you have respectively the highest and the lowest grades in this school. Rowen I hope that you can help Nixon with his studies. Alright, I'll leave you two to exchange numbers", Mr Hawthorne said.

Mr. Hawthorne left me to face the beast that sat beside me. I grasped my pen with skittish movement and wrote in purple gel ink my home contact information. I handed the paper over to Nixon quickly. "Here", I told him loudly.

"Fine" , Nixon stated as he grabbed my hand from his calloused grip. "My phone number", he stated as he wrote with the ink on my pale skin. I stood rooted to the spot as each touch of his skin sent shivers down my spine. "The bus is probably going to leave without us if you don't move along bird brain", Nixon told me. I broke out of my trance and tore my hand away from his. a pained expression crossed his face when I removed my hand. I rushed off to the bus with embarrassment and confusion. I felt confused by his rejected expression but rushed on outside without having any clues about what future awaited me.

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