《The Fragmented Luna》A New Start Continued


The smell of burnt french toast propelled me to rush down the stairs. Aunt Tabitha finished putting all the burnt French Toast on the table rather quickly.

"So... I know how I said I'd be able to be with you on your first day back but I have an emergency that I need to take care of at work. I still had time to make you French Toast though.", Aunt Tabitha told me.

"Uh. Ok. I'll just take the bus. Who knows maybe I'll make some friends?", I questioned myself outloud.

I turned my attention to the French Toast; wasting no time at all, I grabbed some syrup, a fork and tried a bite. She packed on the cinnamon; it was like having dirt in my mouth. I didnt want to eat my Aunt Tabitha's horrible cooking much longer. She left the room and ran upstairs. I rushed over to the garbage and shoveled my food inside.

"You should start getting ready or else you'll be late.", she shouted from upstairs. I looked at the clock which showed I only had 15 minutes to get ready.

I rushed through the motion of brushing my teeth, taming my wild hair, and putting on my outfit. I wore a plaid shirt, blue jeans, and a hoodie to cover myself up.

'You can do this!!!' I muttered to myself as I stared into the mirror at my mangled freckled face. It was enough motivation to make me hurry. I threw my backpack over my shoulder and rushed down the stairs.

"Hmm Rowen. The bus will stop right outside the house," she said to me quickly. I nodded my head ripping the door open to make sure I didn't miss the bus.

"Remember to have fun!", she yelled as I rushed outside.


I didn't feel normal standing outside my house all alone; I felt exposed. As I waited for the bus stop several times I had to convince myself to take that first step in 'Pushing aside my fears'. As I had a mini panic attack I didn't even notice the bus had stopped.

"Excuse me?!?", a voice said suddenly. I looked up embarrassed at the bus driver. The hood over my head fell off with the motion, causing my scar to be exposed to the cold air, and I saw the bus driver gawk at my scar.

I didn't say anything but pulled my hood over my head and got onto the bus. It was empty which meant I can pick where to hide. I quickly rushed to the back of the bus and prayed that no one will notice my presence.

At the next stop a bunch of girls stepped on the bus; I looked at them with envy at how carefree and happy they can act. The girls headed my way with smiles on their faces.

I felt my palms start sweating in fear that they were getting closer. I focused on my breathing for the time being when the bus started up again. I looked up to see the glare of one of the girls directed towards me.

I turned my gaze away and looked out the window. After a while the bus filled with a bunch of kids all chatting casually with each other.

Suddenly, I felt the piercingly cold gaze of someone. I looked up to see the girl from before leering at me with a worried expression.

"You should move. This is Nixon's seat.", she said to me rudely. I didn't respond because I was afraid of meeting her eyes.

"Hey freak!", she stated loudly. "I said you should move." she repeated for everyone to hear.


The bus stopped and the girl moved quickly away from me.

"Fine. It's your death wish.", she stated. I didn't look up, but I waited for this boy Nixon to come for me.

Suddenly, I heard everyone around me mumbling loudly about something pleasant. I looked up grateful that I wasn't dead yet.

In the seat next to me was a rather large boy. He was super tall and his arms were so muscular that he could probably crush me with a flick of his finger. He looked at my face. He didn't say anything but I felt hatred emanating from his expression. The hoodie that I wore was exposed and my wild hair was falling around my face. I felt my scar burn under his gaze; it happened sometimes when I was nervous.

The girl from before walked up to the situation with ease. She looked at me with disdain.

"That is probably the ugliest thing I've ever seen in my life. Isn't is Beth?", she stated while looking in my direction.

Another girl came over and shrieked at my scar.

"Oh my god what is that? Is it even human?", this Beth girl questioned.

"No wonder Nixon won't even go near you.", she stated.

Nixon didn't even respond; I looked over to see him with his headphones in his ears ignoring everything around him. I was enraptured by his aloofness; he didn't care what was happening around him. He wasn't interested in anything about me. i was too fragile; their words brought a sting to my already non existent self esteem.

"Everyone settle down!", the bus driver announced over the speaker.

The girls sat together nearby with angry expressions on their face. I tried to melt into the leather of the old torn up bus seats but it was too late. Today was my new start but it wasn't a happy one.

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