

I started to writhe in the bag, as though I had lost control of my body. Or, more accurately, as though Kyle had taken complete control of me. And then I heard it: a moan.

A low, primal sound that I immediately recognized as coming from me. A strong hand clamped over my mouth. I moaned into that instead. And then, I came.

After a brief eternity, the sensations started to subside. Kyle kept his hand on my pussy, riding the waves along with me and helping to keep my movements and vocalizations under control. It worked. I patted his arm blissfully as I felt it withdraw.

I could hear him quietly cleaning up, but I didn't bother doing the same. His cum and my pussy juices could dry together on my thigh. I was okay with that. I started to drift off, satisfied and deeply fulfilled.

"Ally?" Kyle's voice.

I had almost fallen asleep, but his voice called me back before I could. I opened my eyes and saw Kyle bathed in the soft, golden light of the tent. He looked beautiful. Angelic even. Slowly, it occurred to me that I must have been asleep, and it was now actually morning.

Dad was still snoring; Mom was breathing deeply. We were the only ones awake.

"What time is it?" I asked, yawning. Still as quiet as possible.

"I don't know. Early. I couldn't sleep. Want to go for a hike?"

I was instantly fully awake. I knew what he meant. "Let's go!" I replied with a grin. I pulled the sleeping bag aside and pulled my shorts up, noticing that our fluids had indeed dried together. Good. Based on Kyle's reaction, I could tell that he noticed as well.

"God," he whispered. "Let's go. Now."


We carefully unzipped the tent flap. Inch by agonizing inch, balancing our rampant desires against the need to get out quietly and without waking up our parents. Eventually, we were outside.

The flap was zipped again, and we made our way down the closest path.

"Where are we going?" I asked once we were out of earshot.

"You'll see," he replied, leading the way. He surprised me by grabbing my hand. It was a tender gesture, which I appreciated. I followed him, enjoying the moment.

Soon the trail narrowed. Where we could once walk side by side, we were soon forced to walk single-file. The trees and growth closed in from all sides, which gave me the odd sensation that I was somehow growing.

One final turn and the path abruptly ended in a dense wall of leaves and branches. A dead end.

"I hope you didn't bring me here to kill me," I joked. Despite the joke, I was actually quite confused.

Kyle laughed. "Hardly." He reached into the living wall and pulled the branches aside, motioning for me to go in. The path led to a small brightly lit clearing, surrounded on all sides by trees and large stones.

A lush, green patch of grass gently sloped down to a small pool of water, which was fed by a thin waterfall that ultimately emptied into a lazy stream. It was breathtaking.

"It's beautiful," I managed.

"I found it a few years ago. I used to sneak off and come here all the time; it was my secret place."

I immediately recognized the significance of what he was telling me. "Thank you for sharing it with me." In some way, it felt like holy ground. At the very least, it was a place that required reverence.


"There's a lot I want to share with you," he said. He paused, then winced as he internally replayed the words. "Hell, that sounded a lot better in my head."

I laughed. It actually sounded fine to me.

He pulled me close, catching me off guard. I fell into his arms and poured myself into his kiss. This time, we could afford to take it slowly.

I pulled away, which was surprisingly hard to do given my desire to be as close to him as possible, then pulled the loose shirt over my head. My shorts and panties came next.

At the same time, he was removing what little clothing he had on.

It hadn't taken long for me to be comfortable around my brother while nude. In fact, I could barely remember ever being nervous around him. Now it just felt completely natural, but that didn't mean that I still wasn't aroused by his body- from his stiff cock to his sculpted form.

I could feel my pussy react to him, almost as though he were commanding my body to prepare for him. My pulse quickened. My face flushed. My nipples stiffened slightly.

In a flash he was on me, pushing me to the soft ground. I went willingly, falling on my back and pressing my lips against his in a passionate kiss.

His tongue pushed into his mouth as the tip of his cock grazed my moist opening. I parted both my legs and my mouth wider, welcoming him into me.

I felt the tip press into my pussy, just past the lips. God, he felt good. I kissed him again. His lips. Then his neck. Then his shoulders. He pushed into me, and my body accepted him in with no resistance.

"Ally," he moaned. We were completely alone, there was no reason to be quiet any longer.

"Fuck me, Kyle," I returned. "I love my brother's cock!"

Those words drove him wild, just like I knew they would. I repeated it, then followed with a deep, happy whimper as he fucked me with long, hard strokes. I wrapped my legs around his back, aligning my body to his trusts.

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