

"Ally, you're grazing again."

My dormmate, Caterina's voice, still spattered with her Brazilian accent after all these years, snapped me back to reality.

Caterina was right. I was grazing, pacing between the small fridge to the snack cabinet and little bites of whatever I could find. I always snacked when I was nervous.

No. Nervous wasn't the right word for it. I was a wreck! Most of us were.

"Of course I am," I said around a mouthful of chips. "Why aren't you freaking out? We're graduating! It's huge."

Caterina, as usual, was calm. Nothing seemed to shake her, not even our long-awaited graduation day. Here we were, about to enter a new phase in our lives- transitioning from a group of eager students to a bunch of unemployed graduates- and she didn't even seem bothered.

"Why worry?" she shrugged. "We'll be fine."

"Easy for you to say, when your parents own half of Guarujá." I knew I had butchered the pronunciation, but the point remained.

"Not half," she shot back, simultaneously rolling her eyes and cocking her hip to the side. Few girls could pull off that maneuver, but she managed it flawlessly. "A few buildings, that's all."

"Well, you're set." It wasn't an accusation or even an argument. I was genuinely happy for her. Her parents had flown the two of us out to the island one summer during a break in classes and at the height of tourist season. It was no wonder they were so rich.

"The offer's still good, you know. You can come with me. Work for my parents. It'll be like vacation all year long."

It was a tempting offer, and I hoped she'd keep it on the table in case things didn't work out for me otherwise.


"Thanks. Maybe." It was non-committal, but good enough for Catarina. "Are your parents coming down for the ceremony?" I asked, changing the subject

"Mom is. Dad's in Belarus or Belgium. Or Boston. I don't remember, something with a 'B'. How about your family?"

I nodded. "Yeah, they're all coming."

"Even your brother?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. Caterina had a very open crush on Kyle. She always flirted shamelessly with him and he didn't seem to mind it.

"Yeah," I replied quickly, hiding the tiny tinge of jealousy that I hadn't expected to surface. I didn't quite know what to do with the memory of fucking my own brother, but the thought of his cum drying on my inner thigh drove me wild to this day.

We hadn't spoken about it since then; it was like we both were pretending that it never happened.

I couldn't be sure why, but a part of me was afraid that he didn't remember or, worse, that he regretted what we had done.

For my part, I had no regrets. I loved every moment of it, and I desperately -


For the second time, Caterina snapped me back to reality. "What?"

"I have no idea where you went, but you sure as hell weren't here. I said we need to get ready."

Hair and makeup; picking the right outfit (even through it would be covered under a gown); time to walk over to the stadium; time to get to our places.

Before I knew it, I had my diploma in my hand. A heartbeat later, and we had turned our tassels to signify that we had turned from candidates to graduates. I had done it.

WE had done it. I just wished I could remember any of it, but I was sure my step-dad would be recording it from the stands. I'd have to watch it later.


Or maybe Kyle would have recorded it, too, using his phone or something. I'd have to remember to ask him.

"Dad came!" Catalina shouted, clapping her hands. She always clapped when she got very excited.

She always shouted when she was excited, too, but this time it could be explained by practicality. She had to shout to be heard over the crowd. She grabbed my hand and we ducked and weaved and pushed through the sea of robes and guests.

Mr. and Mrs. Pereira were as warm and kindly as they were every time we met. They hugged their daughter; Mr. Pereira congratulated her in briefly Portuguese before his wife poked him in the ribs.

"English, honey. English." She smiled at me and her daughter. "Congratulations, dear. To both of you."

"Thank you, Mrs. Pereira," I said, returning her smile. I shook Mr. Pereira's hand before hearing my name.

"Ally? Ally!" It was my parents. And it was Kyle. He didn't look me in the eyes. My heart sank.

* * *

Despite the initial heartbreak, the night hadn't been a total loss. The families went to dinner together and sentimental gifts were exchanged all around. My parents produced a carefully-wrapped gold necklace with matching earrings, then another matching set for Catalina.

Catalina was genuinely excited- hand claps and all. It was exactly her style. Mr. Pereira handed me an envelope with a surprisingly generous check sealed within. I was excited, too.

Despite the festivities, Kyle still hadn't found it within himself to speak to me. As the night progressed I began to resent him for it.

How dare he ignore me?

He was the one that drilled a hole through my bedroom wall. And he was the one that stuck his cock through it, for that matter. All I did was work with what he gave me; and I was pretty sure that I worked with it extremely well.

But still, it hurt. That's why I was so surprised when he said he was too tired to drive home, and asked if he could stay in the dorm overnight.

"I told you, you should have ridden in with us," Dad chided.

Slowly. First, the bright-red, topmost decorative fabric of my panties.

Lower. My upper thighs, accented by the thin waistband.

Lower. The thin, nearly translucent material. If the light were any brighter, he would have been able to see the top of my slit through it. I wondered if he could tell just how wet I was getting.

Lower still. I pulled my legs out of the shorts and threw them to the ground.

His eyes took in everything. Every inch of my creamy flesh; my smooth tits; my firm stomach; my barely-concealed sex. Everything.

"Your turn," I said. He would have to wait to see the rest of me.

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