《Redeeming the Lost (A Comforter's Tale)》Chapter 25


"I don't get it," I said, watching the six red-eyed wolves running along the sides of our group. "When we went searching for ferals, it took us days to find one. Now, when we aren't looking for them, they literally run alongside us?"

"It's the drive to run, to forget," Conrad quietly replied. "They think that is what we are doing, so they joined us. Even when feral, there is comfort with others."

"As long as they don't attack us," Aimee said across the packlink uneasily.

"That is why all the non-former-ferals are all riding in the middle. I'm hoping Julie's aura will settle them down a bit by the time we stop for a break and something to eat."

"I'm working on it," I said. With how strong my aura was, my friends were probably having a hard time resisting it. If nothing else, Aimee, Jordan, and Anabel were merely uneasy even though my aura was primarily focused on the ferals.

The ferals weren't attacking the former ferals, possibly recognizing them as one of their own, although Aimee, Jordan, and Anabel were in the middle of our group because our new guests couldn't barge past the wolves surrounding them. When they had first found us, they tried a couple of times before my aura reduced their aggression enough that they were content to simply run with us or go after any animals they saw and catch up a while later.

Day two, and we had six ferals following us. I had a feeling that this could be an interesting trip. Assuming anyone believed us afterward.

Conrad sniffed the ground. "Hey, look at this."

"What is it?" Amber asked, trotting over to smell the ground. "Oh! He must have made a loop and crossed his path! The second trail is only a few days old."

Natalie, one of the six who had joined us, said, "If we pick up our speed a bit, we can probably catch up to him in two days."

"I'm up for that plan," Anabel commented as she leaned against Josh, who was still in his wolf form, "but Josh will be carrying me. My skills lie more along the lines of travelling unseen and avoiding danger as opposed to racing through the forest without caring about what I encounter."

Natalie grinned at her. "Why would a pack of ferals – or former ferals – have to worry? Nothing short of a heavily protected pack border can stop them – it's why most packs try to lure them away or have archers in trees to distract them until enough fighters come to push them back."

"The rogues I was with used to throw small bags of pepper powder at ferals to drive them away."

"That doesn't surprise me. A feral's sense of smell is pretty sensitive, so it's one of their bigger weaknesses."

"What are we waiting for?" Steven asked, impatiently prancing in place. "Let's go!"

"I think I need half of your energy," Anabel muttered. She often ran in wolf form until she grew tired and hitched a ride with Josh. The time she spent riding was decreasing, but the former rogues still weren't able to keep up with this full-tilt run that lasted most of the day.

"I'd trade it for a quarter of your patience, but, in the meantime, let's catch this elusive guy! Betas aren't exactly the slowest things around, even if they are on the older side."


"He's got a point," Conrad conceded. "A Beta is already as fast as the average feral, and it won't take him long to build up the stamina to match. Judging by his scent trail, he isn't travelling with any other ferals, so he won't be slowing down for their pace. We really need to find him while we can still catch up."

Anabel climbed onto the harness that Josh had borrowed from one of our new members, and we set off along the new trail.

"Whoa," Anabel commented across the mindlink as Josh finally came out of the trees with her on his back. "That's what we've been tracking for the last four days?"

"Yep," I replied distractedly, trying to focus my aura on the snarling blonde wolf.

"He's a big boy."

"He's a Beta," Conrad corrected. "They are usually bigger than the average wolf, but smaller than an Alpha. If they are smaller than most Betas, they tend to have wicked speed."

"You're bigger than him, but not by much."

"I'm an Enforcer. We usually rival an Alpha for size, strength, and speed because we're the primary defense of the pack."

"Yeah, well, I think he could give you a run for your money."

Daryl edged to the side to help spread out our front defenses. "I doubt that, but that is why he has backup. Julie, how are you managing?"

"About as well as I did with you in the first five minutes." It was painful to see the Beta like this – his mind was only barely familiar, and completely hidden beneath the haze I had come to associate with ferals.

"You know I don't remember that."

"I need more time, and preferably to get a bit closer."

Even though Vera's hackles stood on end and a growl reverberated through her chest, she offered, "Conrad, if you can act as a barricade, I can try to get closer,"

Conrad stood sideways and edged closer to the feral. We had stumbled across the Beta somewhat unexpectedly when he caught our scent and came to investigate, so I was still in the basket. Vera trailed behind Conrad warily.

My aura was at its top strength, and I even managed to focus it on the Beta, although it didn't affect him as much as it had the others.

An idea occurred to me: this was the first feral I had actually known prior to them going wild. He might actually recognize me on some deeper level.

There was no recognition in his eyes, but was it possible to mindlink him? When someone went feral, their packlinks dissolved, but Comforters could mindlink any werewolf they could see. At least, in theory.

"Beta!" I called across a private mindlink. The connection was much harder to make than usual, even for someone not in my pack. But, as far as I could tell, it had gone through.

Not that he gave any indication of it.

"Beta! It's me – Julie! I'm alive! We came to find you!" I pushed harder with my aura and was surprised to see his eyes already fading from their former bright red color. I hadn't come into contact with him, so this was unexpected. Could it be that he had been on the verge of being feral and just needed a nudge to return?


I threw back my head and howled aloud while trying to mindlink him again. "Beta! It's me, Julie! I'm here!"

He focused on me and took a step closer, no longer growling. Conrad held his ground. To my surprise, Vera remained where she was, letting the large wolf approach since he wasn't showing signs of active aggression.

His eyes began flickering between brown and red – just as Daryl's had when he had been on the verge of going feral again. They weren't just shading brown like the others had; this was different, like he was on the verge of snapping out of it on his own power. My hopes rose; I stood up in the basket and stared hopefully into his eyes, willing him to break through.

"Beta! It's me! Julie!"

His eyes remained locked on me; his body seemingly frozen in place now.

"I'm Julie! Don't you remember me? Julie! I'm alive! I came for you!"

He exhaled in a loud huff and shook himself hard, and when he opened his eyes, they were brown. The haze over his mind slowly began to dissipate like fog under the sun. His emotions, primarily confusion, became detectable to my senses.

"Beta!" I exclaimed happily. Glancing up at Vera, I asked, "Can you lower the basket?"

She gave the Beta a long, hard look before complying. The basket wasn't even on the ground before I jumped out, managing two somersaults before scrambling to my paws in my haste to greet him.

He noticed me as I ran underneath Conrad and did a double take, as if doubting what his eyes were seeing. I could almost see the question in his eyes – one that he couldn't voice as a wolf without our old packlink.

"Beta! I'm so glad we found you!"

He lowered his head to greet me as I careened into his nose. Once I had my balance, I stood on my hind legs and pawed at his muzzle in my excitement while giving him small kisses. My tail was wagging so hard it threatened to knock me off balance.

The Beta inhaled deeply to pick up my scent and relaxed as his eyes fluttered closed in relief, now confident that he hadn't mistaken my identity. His muscles suddenly shuddered in a way that looked painful, and he winced at the same moment. I whined in concern and confusion.

Conrad came closer. "He won't be able to shift for a while. I can let him into our packlink if he wants."

"Conrad says you won't be able to shift for a while, but he is willing to bring you into the packlink."

The Beta gently pulled free from me and raised his head to gaze at Conrad. He blinked in surprise, likely caught off guard by the Enforcer's size, and then nodded.

Conrad walked closer and nipped his own pad. The Beta bit into one of his toes, drawing more blood than necessary. Due to the shape of their forelegs, it was a bit awkward for them to touch their feet together since they were both standing. No wonder this was done in human form with just a cut to the palm and a handshake most of the time.

The packlink rippled more strongly than usual as the Beta's rank and presence suddenly entered our group.

"Julie?" His voice was the same one I'd heard all my life, although I had never heard it so tentative.

"It's really me! Honest!" I stood against his foreleg and yipped at him.

"I thought you were dead..." he trailed off then tensed up. "Merric planned that, didn't he?"

His hackles began rising along with his rage.

"That no-good whelp of a Beta deserves to be torn to shreds and dragged to-"

"Uh, Beta? He's already dead and in the ground. I really don't think you want to drag a half-rotten corpse very far. The smell alone would make you gag."

There was a fierce edge to his voice, although it wasn't directed at me. "I know he's dead, but if he hadn't been, I would have corrected that oversight."

Once a Beta, always a Beta. The good ones looked out for all the pack members and such a transgression would have been met with bloodshed, especially when it concerned the more vulnerable members of the pack.

He shook himself again while refocusing on the wolves behind me. The Beta tilted his head slightly at the sea of strangers. When his gaze reached Anabel, he paused and thought for a moment.


His memory impressed me since she had only visited the pack once.

"Yep. I came along on this crusade as well."


I rolled my eyes and huffed at him. "To rescue you, silly."

The Beta was beginning to look more and more confused.

Conrad sat down and told him, "It's a long story. We rescued Julie from some lawless rogues, and then she rescued us. You went feral a couple of weeks ago, and it's a small miracle we caught up to you. Your old pack scattered, but they are all alive. Just the Alpha and other Beta died. Now, you're here. I'm Conrad. Can I ask your name?"

The Beta was silent for a long time as he absorbed everything he had been told and realized how it pertained to his future. Echoes of sadness crossed his mind, likely at the loss of the pack he had spent his life serving. The place he had intended to grow old was no more.

"My name is Andrew," he finally replied. "Thank you for finding me and bringing me into your group."

"Can I call you Andy?" I asked in excitement.

Andrew blinked slowly down at me and then smiled. "Sure."

I barked in excitement, and then bounded around in front of him a few times until I tripped and sprawled out on the grass.

He watched me fondly before asking Conrad, "Can you tell me about this group, and what it's plans are?"

Conrad shrugged. "Our plans are pretty flexible. We're going to try to find a pack to accept us, and if we find any ferals on our travels, Julie can try to pull them back."

Andrew tilted his head as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "You think a pack is going to accept-" he paused for a moment as he counted, "-twenty-two new members?"

From his tone, I had a feeling that our task was going to be much harder than we had anticipated. As a Beta, he probably knew more about pack politics and policies than anyone else here.

I grinned up at him. "Well, my cute looks and appeal have to be good for something."

A faint spark of hope kindled in his eyes, although his doubts still lingered.

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