《Letters To The Moons》summer rain seven


“Hey, keep on looking into my eyes no matter what happens okay? I'm never gonna leave you behind”

I told her as we stood on the edge of the world, while holding hands.

“I want to live a hundred more years with you by my side, so never let go of my hands okay?”

I begged, and watched life leaving her body.

She let go of my hands, and looked away from my eyes.

Pain rushed trough my everything, since I lost my everything.

My dearest friend, my soulmate.

I love you so much.

Please stay just a little more.

I started forgetting how your face looked, how your voice sounded, how your hug felt.

My life lost color, and all around me there is only cold and ice.

You promised to be here just a little more so why did you still leave?

Please tell me I can meet you out there somewhere, please reach out for my hand.

I’m not ready to let you go yet.

I still love you so much, so why am I the only one speaking?

A hundred letters won’t be enough to tell you what I would do to get you back.

Let’s meet in a hundred more lifes, until we can be together in a foreign place, but with you, at home.

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