《Lone Wolf (Tails x Male Reader)》Who's that? He's back!


It's been about an hour or so with Y/n and Sonic messing around doing whatever young brothers do

Y/n: "That was surprisingly fun!"

Sonic: "When you're with me everything is fun!"

Y/n let's out a laugh and just spaces out

The scene cuts to Tails looking for a way to get to Sonic, and Y/n which he's less interested in due to knowing little about him.

Tails pov:

Tails: "Hmm, he's close. I just need a way to reach him without being spotted!"

I looked around for something a vehicle or something to hide in to get to sonic, I saw a human vehicle and decided to take it

Tails: "Standard human transportation. Perfect!"

Sonic and Y/n are just chilling around in a pool full of bubbles, until they notice that Sonic's phone is ringing.

Y/n: "Oh no, it's Tom! Quick clean up the place!"

Sonic then proceeds to quickly turn on the lights and clean up the mess they made.

Sonic picks up

Tom: "Aloha, how's it going buddy, did Y/n accidently shoot a squirrel again?"

Sonic: "No he's under my watch, and y'know how it is, we're just chilling reading a book. What's up with you?"

Tom: "Oh! Just called to say we're here. But now every word that you say is making me suspicious."

Y/n *quietly* "Uh.. oh."

Sonic: "What? Ya gotta relax pal. You're at the Four Seasons Oahu! Have a mai tail!"

Y/n: "Yeah, enjoy some time with your wife. If you get an embarrassing sunburn make sure to show me!"

Tom: "Y'know what? You're right, we power bumped on it. I'm sure you guys are alright, and Y/n don't get your hopes too high!"

Y/n just gives off a casual smirk

Sonic and Tom go off ranting about Rachel's fiancé.

Meanwhile Y/n just starts thinking about what it would be like to have new friends besides Sonic and starts to feel lonely.

Y/n pov:

It would be nice to have new faces around here, it's been the same old people. I'm grateful of their kindness but I want to meet new people.

Oh I would do just about anything for new faces!

Cut to Hawaii where Tom is meeting Randal aka Rachel's wife

Tom: "Hey! I was just coming to see you!"

Randall: "You got a lot of nerve coming here after what you did to my fiancé!"

Tom: "W-w-what?"

Randall: "Totaling her car, leaving her tied to a chair. I should rip you limb. From. Limb."

Tom is speechless and somewhat scared

Randall: "Oh my god! Look at your face! Tommy, breathe, baby! Hey! I was kidding."

Tom: "Okay *laugh* You were kidding?"

Randall: "Yeah I'm sorry. Rachel put me up to it. It was totally her idea."

Tom: "Yeah, rascall."

Randall: "I'm not sure if you're aware but Rachel basically hates your guts, man."


Tom: "Oh I'm aware.."

Randall: "Seriously, you got work to do."

Rachel: "Hey!"

Tom: "Hey.."

Rachel: "Good to see you. Thanks for coming Tom. Really glad you came!"

Tom: "Really? Well, great to see you too! Congratulations! You guys seem really happy together."

Rachel: "Y'know you're alright. Can we forget about the past and let bygones be bygones?"

Tom: "Yeah sure, I'd love that!"

Rachel: "Yeah?"

Tom: "Yeah!"

Rachel: "All right bring it in!"

Rachel -whisper- "And if you screw up my wedding. I. Will. End. You!"

Back to Sonic and Y/n

Y/n: "Alright time to watch a movie, who's picking?"

Sonic: "How about we let Ozzie decide?"

Y/n: "Alright! Just not Snow Dogs I am not going through torture again."

Out of nowhere the lights go off

Y/n out of startle clutches onto his gambler hat and holds onto it like Indiana Jones.

Sonic: "Ooooh blackout..." Sonic says with a flashlight while covered with a blanket

Ozzie whimpers and scurries off

Sonic: "Sorry buddy didn't mean to scare ya."

Y/n: "Hmm that's weird, why did the lights go out?"

Sonic: "I don't know bro, probably a simple blackout!"

Suddenly the TV starts to show static on the screen


Sonic: "Um, excuse me? We did not order a poltergeist!"

Y/n: "If this is the pizza guy, you're getting a 3 star review on the app! The two is for speed and the one is for inconvenience..."

Sonic tells Y/n to stand back. Meanwhile Y/n goes upstairs to grab both his Schofield revolver and special Calloway revolver.

Sonic presses his ear against the door and hears a little sizzle and out of nowhere sparks fly out of the door nob.

After the doornob falls Robotnik shows his grand appearance

Sonic: "Eggman?!"

Robotnik: "Hello hedgehog. Miss me? Where is that stupid animal you call brother?"

Sonic: "Shut up! I don't know how you got here, but you made a mistake coming back!"

Robotnik: "Oh contraire mon frere! The mistake was thinking that you've won. But that was just a prelude, an d'oeuvre, an aperitif, an Amuse-bouche-"

Sonic: *annoyed* "I get it"

Sonic 'I hate this guy! He made a mistake coming back. But I will make him regret it.'

Robotnik chuckles

Robotnik: "I don't think you do. But you will. And so will that idiot sheriff, his wife, and your wannabe gunslinger brother!"

Sonic makes a fist full of energy

Robotnik: "And that pet of yours."

Sonic quickly rushed towards him only to be the hit but Robotnik then backs away only to reveal Knuckles leaping right at Sonic. Knuckles then punches Sonic through the wall destroying the TV.

At the same time Y/n quickly rushes down and starts fanning his revolver at knuckles. Only for him to punch every single bullet and punch one back barely missing Y/n


Sonic lays on the couch all dazed and beat up as he sees Knuckles leaping towards him.

Knuckles: "Pitiful."

Y/n then rushes towards him to try and hit him with the handle of the revolver. Only to be knocked away and hit a wall full of paintings.

Sonic *tired voice* "Who are you?"

Robotnik appears and talks

Robotnik: "Where are my manners? Allow me to explain."

Sonic: "Huh?"

Robotnik: "Sonic, meet Knuckles. My new BFFAE. Bestest friend forever and ever!"

Sonic: "Look Robotnik, I don't care who you bring to help you! You're never gonna get my power, or Y/n's!"

Robotnik: "Oh Y/n has powers? I didn't notice that useless roadkill was somehow useful!"

Sonic gets mad and gives him a face

Knuckles: "Do I look like I need your powers?!"

Knuckles raises his fist to reveal red energy coursing through him

Sonic quickly dashes towards him, only for Knuckles to punch him straight into the wall, making him fall straight through the wall

Sonic wakes up to see Robotnik eating popcorn and Knuckles walking towards him

Cut to Y/n slowly trying to regain consciousness.

Y/n pov:

There is ringing in my ears, it won't stop it gets louder every time I inhale and exhale. My body feels weak but my mind is telling me to keep on helping Sonic. Hell, determination is the only thing keeping me going right now...

I slowly start crawling towards them evading Robotnik's line of sight but very slowly hiding in some bushes.

Knuckles: "I was expecting more from you..."

Knuckles: "Untrained.. AND UNWORTHY!"

Sonic gets on his hands and knees

Sonic: "You're forgetting one. Unstoppable!"

Out of nowhere there is a huge explosion and as the light starts to dim out Knuckles is seen holding Sonic during his spin dash. He grabs sonic and slams him to the ground with most of his might

Y/n 'Its somewhat impressive but scary, I gotta try and help Sonic!'

Knuckles grabs Sonic by the throat and pins him to the tree

Knuckles: "It is my destiny to do what my ancestors could not! Bring back the ultimate power of our people!"

Sonic: "Ultimate power? I don't know what you're talking about! You got the wrong guy!"

Knuckles: "Don't play dumb with me! Apprentice of Longclaw!"

Y/n is shocked after hearing that name, almost speechless and wonders as to how he knows her

Knuckles: "Longclaw and her people were the sworn enemy of my tribe! The ECHIDNA!"

Y/n quickly pulls out his gun and prepares to aim for the head

Y/n: "Idiot."

As Y/n gets ready to aim at Knuckles while he's talking, out of nowhere a sheriff car passes through the fence and hits Knuckles sending him flying!

Tails reveals himself from the drivers seat

Y/n 'Woah that fox is smart and cute! But I'm not sure if I can trust him yet.'

Tails: "C'mon get in. I'm on your side!"

Sonic: "I'm sorry who are you? YA KNOW WHAT DOESN'T MATTER!"

Sonic: "Wait what about Y/n?!"

Y/n then jumps out of the bushes and calls out SHOTGUN

Sonic groans and takes the passenger seat


Tails presses some buttons on his device which makes a mechanism hit the gas

Out of nowhere Robotnik hops onto the car window and starts barking at them



Tails: "Gross! Is he licking it?!"

Tails turns the car and leaves Robotnik behind

Tails: "Cya!"

Sonic: "Make sure to get your shots Eggman!"

Y/n: "His mom is for sure an anto-vaxxer."

Knuckles then starts to follow them which makes Sonic scream in fear

Tails: "Wow. Okay, let me just say, it is an honor to finally meet you, Sonic. Is it okay if I call you Sonic? And hi Y/n I barely know anything about Y/n so he's mysterious to me. Everyone calls me Tails. You're probably wondering why."

Y/n: "Is it because of the extra tail?"

Tails: "Yep that's right!"

Y/n: "An extra tail sounds like a cool concept!"

Sonic: "Cool. Also, what is going on?! Robotnik's back? And who is Clifford the Big Red Rage Monster?!"

Tails: "That's Knuckles. The last of the Echidnas, and the most dangerous warrior in the galaxy! He's obsessed with finding the Master Emerald!"

Y/n: "Damn, you're a smart fox!"

Tails blushes but smiles it off and keeps on driving.


Tails: "Hey what are yo-"

Sonic quickly jumps from the back seat to in between the driver seat and shotgun seat

Sonic: "Move your foot!"

Sonic drives past a truck and realizes that Knuckles is no longer following them

Y/n: "I think we finally lost him."

Y/n pulls out his revolvers and reloads them

Tails: "WOAH CAREFUL WITH THOSE! They are very lethal!"

Y/n: "It's alright I know how to use these."

Tails: "I believe you since I've seen what you guys can do!"

Y/n: "Heh thanks orange-yellow foxboy!"

Tails: "You're welcome F/c (fur color) cool wolf!"

Sonic then starts shouting about how they did not lose Knuckles

Y/n grips onto his hat getting ready for what's about to go down

So logically Y/n uses his DeadEye and marks knuckles and starts shooting.

Knuckles quickly grabs and punches every bullet

Y/n gets mad and starts fanning at him. But to no avail it doesn't work

Knuckles then rips the car door off as they are headed towards a turn in the road

Tails: "I got an idea. Do you both trust me?"

Sonic: "Of course not! We literally just met you!"

Y/n: "Well its ride or die, and I have some faith in him!"

Tails: "Just let me-"

Y/n: "Forget about what I SAID-

Tails drives off the cliff and grabs Y/n and Sonic's hands

Tails: "You guys are surprisingly somewhat light!"

Y/n laughs

Y/n: "W-we're flying!"

Sonic: "Did your butt just turn into a helicopter?!"

Tails: "Hahaha, a Buttcopter! Only Sonic the Hedgehog can come up with something like that!"

Y/n chuckles at the comment

Y/n: "Your hands are pretty warm! I like it."

Tails hides his blush, he doesn't know how to react since he never had anybody else to talk to.

All 3 fly off into the distance away from Robotnik

Hope you guys enjoy it BYE!

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