《Sontails: Truth Of The Heart》Love stay...


Tails POV

I woke up suddenly early in the morning, a cry were heard from the room beside ours. I groaned sleeply and laid back down again, thinking it would go over soon. Cuddeling into Sonic's warm body, I again heard the ceying continued. I sighed and sat slowly up and slid out of the comfy, warm bed with Sonic and made my way over to the door.

I walked slowly into the other room beside me and Sonic's and looked inside in the dark. Hearing a soft cry, it got louder as I walked closer. I walked over to her crib. I picked up our daughter carefully up from her crib. She were crying and tears streamed down her cheeks. I sat down and rocked her in my arms softly while humming soft melodies.

It seemed to work, so I kept on doing it.

I didn't notice it, but I smiled. Even though Sound wave were crying, I smiled. A smile of happiness. I smiled softly and looked into my daughter's eyes. She stopped crying and only sniffed softly while looking back into mine.

I dried away her tears with my tails and kissed her head softly. She made a cute squeak in surprise and I couldn't stop the soft chuckle from coming from my throat.

She seemed more happy now since she giggled softly, but there were a hint of tiredness in her eyes. I put her tiny hedgehog body back in her white crib and tucked the soft blanket around her from the cold.

She looked at me with her clear water blue eyes and didn't seem to be tired at all, but I knew she was. I thought for awhile, and decided to sing her a little lullaby. My voice isn't the best for singing, but I got to give it a try.


"Your eyes are closed and the stars shine tonight.

The moonlight shine through your Window,

I see your tired eyes, dont you worry my child.

It's time to sleep tonight, while I sing, My little lullaby.

Your eyes are sleepy,

your body is ti-red. the stars and the moon is awake with the sky.

While I sing this song to you, I sing,

My little lullaby.

You are awake, and I see you cry. I go to your bed, and give you a smile.

And whisper in your ear,

it was only a nightmare.


I take the blanket over you again.

I say relax, and sleep.

While I sing, my, little, lulla, by~"

When I finished singing the soft melody, I saw a cute yawn from my child. Her eyes slowly closed and I listened closely to her deep breath. Knowing now, she was asleep.

I placed a small kiss on her head. "Goodnight Sound Wave~" I smiled and walked out of her room, leaving her door slightly open in case she started crying again.

I turned around and my heart skipped a beat in surprise when I saw Sonic standing in front of me. "Wow..." I only heard him say. I were confused, until I thought he have been standing there for awhile. He probably heard me sing.

"You sound like an angel~" Sonic smiled at me and I could feel my cheeks turn red in embarrassment. "Oh stop joking.. I do not.." But I knew a part of me loved that Sonic complimented me.

Sonic chuckled lightly and kissed my head, sliding his hand into mine and slowly leading me back to our bedroom. He probably noticed my blood shot eyes. Because he laid me down and held me close to his warm body.

Soon enough, I fell asleep.

Sonic's POV

While I were standing outside of Sound Wave's room and listening to Tails' voice. I felt like if I were in heaven. He sang like an angel. His voice were soft and smooth as the words escaped his lips. Sometimes I can still not belive that this beautiful two-tailed fox is mine. I can also not belive that we got a beautiful daughter together.

The years have been passing by so quickly. I looked down at my love who fell asleep in my arms. He looked so... beautiful. I slid my hand on his back. His fur were so soft as it always has been. His orange bangs tickled my chest and I let out a chuckle. His bangs have grown longer during the years. He chose tho keep them or he have been too lazy to trim them.

No matter what reason, he looked kinda hot with longer bangs. I've always been thinking that, but I have never thought about saying it to him. Tails is beautiful in many ways though. I could go on for hours saying only how much I love him.

I woke up the next morning, met by a pair of blue curious eyes. Not Tails'. I opened my eyes wide in surprise when I saw it was Sound Wave staring at me. I sighed and smiled to see my cute little daughter in front of me. I slowly sat in bed and picked up my tiny hedgehog. "Hey there little one~" She giggled and reached for my nose. I chuckled and held her close to my chest and walked downstairs.


Something caught my eye when I walked into the living room. Tails' tails were swaying from the kitchen. I smiled and laid Sound Wave on the couch. She purred and I walked slowly into the kitchen behind Tails' back. "Are you trying to scare me now Sonic?" It's like he scared me instead. I looked surprised at him and sighed in defeat. "How did you know I was behind you?" Tails chuckled. "I can hear you Sonic~" He looked back at me with his dorky smirk. I love it.

"Alright, alright. You got me foxy" I lifted his chin up and kissed his soft lips. He let out a surprised sound, but he kissed me back. I broke the kiss and hugged him from behind. "Soo, what are you making my love?~" I could see his cheeks turned red, but he let out a sweet chuckle. Man, he gave me butterflies all over in my belly.

"Not chillidogs" He answered simply with a hint of laughter. "Awh man..." I said in disappointment, which only made him laugh more. A squeak made us stop. We both looked down to see a tiny hedgehog trying her best to climb up Tails' leg. "I think she wants attention" I smiled and chuckled. Tails took the saucepan off the plate and picked her up.

She giggled in Tails' arms and hugged his chestfur. He chuckled lightly and carried her to the living room. "Sonic, could you do the rest of the breakfast?" I nodded and started making the rest of the food while Tails were playing with Sound Wave.

After two hours it was time for Sound Wave's nap. Tails put on her clothes while I got her crib ready. Sound Wave was already asleep when Tails walked in to her room. 'Awh... I wanted to hear him sing again...' Tails placed her in the crib and placed a kiss on her tiny head.

I smiled of happiness when Tails and I walked out of her room. He held my hand as we walked down to the living room. Tails looked at me when we sat down and chuckled when he saw how big my smile was. "Is everything ok Sonic? You look a little too happy" Tails smiled at me. "Oh nothing. I am just so happy to have a lovely and beautiful boyfriend and daughter~" Tails' cheeks flushed light pink and he looked away a little.

"I mean it Tails. You are beautiful~ and kinda hot..." Tails looked surprised at me and it looked like he wasn't expecting that. I smirked kindly and pulled him close to me. "I can always put another one in there~" I saw how Tails' cheeks turned from soft pink, to bright red in a second. "SONIC!" He screamed in my face, but I couldn't hold my laughter of the sight.

Tails joined me and we were both laughing like the two dorks we were. I smiled at him after we both finished laughing and placed a kiss on his nose. "I love you Tails~" He smiled back and told me the same.

We were both just laying there and relaxed in each others arms. It was nice to enjoy the quiet once in awhile. We have been fighting Eggface's stupid robots for years, but finally he stopped bugging us. At least for now.

We both snapped out of the quiet as we heard Tails' phone started to call. He sighed and stood up from my warm body and picked up the phone.

"Hello? Tails here" Was all that I heard. He were silent and only listened to the caller. When he were finished Tails only said: "Ok..." He then came back with a worried look on his face.

"Tails...?" I stood up from where I sat, held his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Who was it? What's wrong?" Tails stayed silent and gave out a sigh. "N-nothing important Sonic.. but.. From now on, I need to work longer at night. Can you take care of Sound Wave while I am gone...?"

Everything I could do was nod. I couldn't do anything about his job, but as Tails packed his stuff and got his hoverboard to go to work. Something stayed in my mind that this was too sudden. Way too sudden...

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