《Sontails: Truth Of The Heart》Sudden change


Tails' POV

My head pounded badly, the warmth rised in my forehead and the cold sweat were stuck in my fur. The lower parts of my body were numb and the pain was unbearable. I barely felt my arms, but they were functional. I moaned in pain and gritted my teeth together to maybe reduce the pain. My tails didn't move and neither did my legs. The panic in me started to grow. 'Aren't they there? Have I become numb? Or am I paranoid??'

Then I heard it. An angel's voice. It were so soft, but also so terrified. The voice made my heart bounce all over in my belly and the panic in me faded away immediately.

I slowly began opening my eyes and the bright light hit me hard in my pupils.

I groaned and closed them quickly. "Tails!?"

My eyes snapped back open and I looked to my right. "...S-sonic...?" Sonic's worried look said it all. He were wide eyed and he were also gripping my hand a little too hard. I groaned again as he hugged me tight, too tight. "S-Sonic... You're smashing my inner organs..." I managed to breathe out and he released at once and looked at me with a sorry expression.

I tried to sit up, but my entire body screamed in pain. No surprise though. I got hit with a missle after all. A really big missle.


'Am I alive?' I blinked a few times and stared at the ceiling in shock. 'Jeez, I AM alive...'

Sonic looked at me with caution and I looked at him. "Sonic..." He smiled at me and nodded, so I could continue. "Where am I?" I asked. He looked at me and held my face with his palms with a comforting smile.

"Hospital and safe" He told me and kissed me softly on my lips. Feeling his warmth immediately go through my body and sending shivers down my spine.


I loved that feeling, so so much.

He released and my body ached for more, but I forced myself to not move. A bright blush formed on my cheeks and on Sonic's.

But his smiled faded away when he remembered the scene. His ears lowered and he looked at me with confusion and caution. "Tails... Why, why did you do that?" I looked at him, surprised that he didn't know why.

But before I could answer, the rest of our friends came rushing in. "Tails!" I heard Amy's voice and it was, caring? "Amy...?" I were still weak after the hit and I could barely move, but Amy held my hands and looked at me with small tears in her eyes.

"Tails, I am so sorry for everything I said! I am such a terrible friend!"

Both Sonic and I looked at Amy surprised, but I smiled a weak smile to her back. "It's ok Amy... I forgive you" I gave her a friendly smile and she hugged me carefully. Sonic smiled and so did the others. We didn't fix the friendship with Amy, Amy fixed it for us.


Sonic's POV

Tails have been in the hospital for about a month by now. Half of his body couldn’t move and I have been by his side ever since. He sometimes started crying because he couldn’t feel his body. My poor angel...

I have also been worried about the fact that Tails could be numb from his belly button and down. The thought scared me. We could never run or fly together again and it could be an advantage for Eggman. 'That rotten little...'

After a month in the hospital I came back with some flowers to my Tailsy. I walked in the room carefully and what I saw was a smile wide on my face. Tails were walking.

He were a little shaky and could just set a foot in front of the other, but he could walk. "Tails!" I ran to him and scooped him in my arms with a hug. He giggled softly to me and I heldt him around his waist with his baby blue eyes on mine. "I am not numb Sonic" His smiled widened and small tears came from his eyes. I smiled and brushed his long three bangs away from his face. I locked my lips with his and both of us closed our eyes. His hands held my face closer to his and our heartbeats were in rythm. His warm fur tickled my bare spot and his long fluffy tails waved in happiness. 'This person, this angel, is really mine'


I smiled and I never wanted to leave his soft lips as I pressed us a little tighter towards each other. I opened up my mouth and let him in. Tails resisted a little bit at first, but our tongues met and this new feeling, it was great, undescribable.

I heard the door unlock and I quickly sat Tails back in bed and shook off my blush, but it still stayed on my face. A golfen wolf walked in and checked on Tails. He tested the knee reaction, if he could stand upright and if he could walk. I saw that Tails could barely focus because of our long and passionate kiss. Butterflies still stayed in my belly as I looked at my lover. He was gonna be alright.


Tails' POV

I cuddled into my lovers arms as he carried me all the way back home. His speed rang in my ears and I could feel the blowing wind around us as he ran at the speed of sound.

We arrived at our house in the forest opening and he put me down on the ground, unlocked the door and stepped in with me. The house smelled chillidogs, just the way I like it, but it was also mixed with Sonic's adventure smell. I purred of the thought of soon running by his side again. Going on adventure, just the two of us. The memories flushed into my head and I felt my heart bounce.

Sonic though, snapped me back to reality by kissing my lips once more. I let out a surprised squeak and I blushed embarresed as he laughed of my reaction. "Tailsy? Wanna go for a run?" My ears shot up and I looked at Sonic with the widest smile yet. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

We both got ready to begin running through the forest. Sonic looked at me as I got my tails ready and I looked back to him with a wink. He smirked and we both nodded as we ran through the forest at the speed of sound. The wind bubbled in my ears, the pressure made me fly faster and the forest sounds of animals and birds were beautiful. I opened my sky blue eyes and I looked at Sonic's sapphire green eyes. They were shining with happiness and adventure, but also love. We both smiled and I wanted to run with him, so I sat my feet on the ground and started running. I couldn’t run as fast as Sonic alone, so he held my hand for support. It was amazing, my feet could move again! I were so happy and smiled of the adventure feeling.

Then, it felt like my heart stopped, my breathing got heavier, my eyes widened of the sudden change in my feelings. My legs stopped working, they froze and my body didn't react quick enough before I collapsed on the ground. I heard Sonic running towards me and bend down beside me with a terrified expression on his face. "Tails!? Are you alright?!" He held my hand as I looked at him with confused and scared eyes. I were breathing normaly and I only stared in front of me, like I didn't understand what just happened.

"Sonic... My legs aren't working"

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