《Sontails: Truth Of The Heart》Why worry? Just smile


Tails and Sonic have been lovers for awhile now. They decided to take it slow for once, with their little secret. To hold the love life away from the others and only tell them when it was needed the most. To show their love for each other to their friends, was something they both feared to say early. But it was too late now. Eggbutt recorded the fight between Sonic and overcontrolled - Tails, as well as their kiss and gave the video to all of their friends. All of them know, that the great Sonic the hedgehog and his sidekick. Were gay, for each other.

Sonic's POV

Never had I felt such love and hatred at the same time. Tears want to escape my eyes, but I heldt them back. I gritted my teeth together and punched the wall in frustration. "Eggman. You rotten, heartless..." I didn't want to continue on my harsh words that were forming in my mind. The anger were still there though. I wanted to hit something or give someone a real beating for this. I felt the darkness inside me. Never have I felt so angry, but before my anger got out in any sort of way. I felt arms around my waist from behind. They were soft and caring along with an angel's voice. "Please Sonic. Stop..." The voice came as a whimper. Like he somewhat cried. I felt hot tears on my quills and I quickly turned around to see my lover crying. I immediately got worried. I scooped him into my arms and heldt him close. "A-anger is never t-the right a-answer..." The whimpering continued from the golden kitsune as hot tears ran down his white muzzle. I could tell, from only looking at him and feeling his heartbeat towards mine. That he was scared, really scared. I petted his back softly and looked deep into his eyes. His ocean blue eyes were glossy from all the crying. I kissed his soft lips and hugging him at the same time. His heart is racing, I can just feel it. I smiled to him after the kiss, giving him a feeling that he is safe, with me.


Tails' POV

I saw Sonic in the eyes, his emerald green eyes were so soft that I felt, safe. "S-Sonic. What are we going t-to do? Everyone k-knows..." I cried heavy in his chest. Sonic's hand petted my head and stroked my three bangs back and forth. "Tails. My love..." He lifted my head up with his two hands and looked at me with care. "We will take it as it comes, ok?" He smiled lovingly to me, it made my heart melt. I released a big heavy sigh and wiped away my hot tears. I tried to smile and answered, even though it came out as a whimper instead. "O-okay Sonic" He nuzzled my nose towards his. "That's my angel" That was one of the most shocking words Sonic have ever told me. 'Did he just call me a-angel!?' My whole body felt like heating up more than knuckles' fur color. I accidentially purred, really loud. Sonic looked at me with a wide smile and a blush. That smile soon turned into a smirk. "Did you like that I called you..." I quickly pressed my lips towards his to make him not say the word. He were rather surprised that I kissed him, so he blushed. A lot. He cought the hint though, but I am pretty sure that he will open his mouth sometime.

Sonic's POV

Tails and I decided to check out on our friends and their reaction of us as a couple. We are both pretty scared for our friends' reactions, but better get it over with as soon as possible. Cream, Rouge and Amy already knows about us, so we will pay them a visit later on.

I felt Tails' hand shake as we walked up to Silver and blaze's house. The stone underneath us felt cold under out feet even under the bright sun and with us wearing shoes and socks. Their house were painted in light purple and with red roof tiles. Some windows and a white door with a golden handle.


I let out a big sigh and knocked at the door. Seconds later the door opened and we were met by Silver. Both of us got nervous. "Yo" I held my hand up and I were so open in my emotions that even badniks could read me like an open book. And they barely have brains. Silver had a surprised look on his face, like he wouldn't except us to come. But, he smiled. "Sonic! Tails! It's great to see you guys again!" He gave us both a friendly hug. Silver always showed his friends some love by hugging. Even Shads, that doesn't always go the right way though. I accepted the hug and so did Tails, even though he were way too nervous so he shakes a bit. Silver let us in and Blaze were reading a book on their dark blue couch. Her sunset eyes looked up from the book curiously and looked straight at me and Tails, who were standing behind me with ears down and wore a worried expression. She quickly found a spot to stop reading at and placed the bookmark. "Sonic! Tails! We have been so worried for you two. After seeing what happened. Oh. It was so terrible to watch you two fight" I were way too shocked over Blaze's concern for us. 'Wait. Did she just say... Did they watch everything from the moment I stepped into Eggman's base!? Everyone!?' My heart raced faster than it did when I run and I quickly grew nervous. Tails felt this coming from me and gave me a hug from behind. Not even making eye contact with Blaze and Silver. They looked at each other and nodded with a smile. "If you wonder about how we reacted to you two being in love with each other -" Silver started.

"We accepted it with no hate and full respect for our friends love interest" Blaze finished with a warming smile.

I had no reaction. I just, stared at them with a wide open mouth, having no idea what to say. Tails stepped out from my quills and looked at them in surprise as well. They continued. "And so did everyone else. Why wouldn't we accept you two for your loving each other? We are your friends" Silver looked at us and winked like saying 'no worries'

I smiled at this and a sudden thought hit me. I changed... so much. I have been worried, sad, angry and even stressed. Where is the old me? With no worries at all? I guess I have been too cought up in love with Tails that I have trapped him inside. "Thank you guys. Thank you so much" I smiled and I really felt like tearing up, but kept it back. I faced Tails who were crying of happiness and pressed his lips softly against mine. I heard 'Awh~' from Silver and Blaze as a blush showed on both mine and my twin tailed fox's cheeks. I looked deep into his soul through his ocean blue eyes and spoke:

"Why worry? Just smile"

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