


~ ☂︎︎ ~

𝙇𝙄𝙇𝘼 𝙏𝙐𝙍𝙉𝙀𝘿 𝘼𝙍𝙊𝙐𝙉𝘿 to stare at Diego.

"The Handler stole you, Lila. Just like our asshole father took all of us," Diego approached her. "No. It's not the same thing," Lila protested. "You're right," he agreed. "Because he didn't have our parents murdered." She held a knife up to him.

"Listen to me, Lila. You were born October 1, 1989, the same day as all of us."

"Stay back!" She shouted, weapon still in hand.

"Hey! Hey, stop! Wait. Wait. Hey! Lila? Lila, stop," Diego tried to calm her down. "I trusted you. I got you a job, I even introduced you to my mother, and then you took off on me!"

"That's because I needed to save the world!" Diego argued. "She's using you, Lila. The Handler."

"You're wrong. She raised me. She loves me," Lila stated. "Yeah, you know what?" Luther interrupted. "Love shouldn't have to hurt this much."

Lila raised a finger to her mouth and made a gagging noise.

"All right, I tried."

"He's right, we have to kill her," Five said, coming up behind her. "Hey! Five! Five, stop," Diego put his hand out. I held him back with my arm. "I got it," Diego told him.

"Hey, Lila. Truth? She's dangerous. And you're scared of what she'll do with all that new power. That's why you dragged me to the Commission. Because I know what it's like to love dangerous people. Difference is," Diego stopped to look around at all of us, "they love me back."

"Shut up," Lila protested, holding her knife up again. "The only thing she loves is power. Now, the minute she can't use you, she will turn on you, and deep down, I know you know that," he told her.

"You don't know me, Diego." He stepped closer to her, letting the knife touch his chest. "Don't I?"

"I know that we can be your family, if you just let us." Diego said. Lila paused. She looked to all of us, who were standing in a circle. I saw a slight smile when she spotted me and nodded back. I think she was okay. She made eye contact with Diego, and looked like she was about to say something.

Then the gunfire rang out.

Before any of us could even move, The seven of us were thrown against the hay. There were bullets in each of our chests and we were bleeding out on the floor, leaving Lila as the only one alive.

The Handled stood in the doorway, machine gun in hand. "Diego, no," Lila trembled, shuffling over to his corpse. "Aww," The Handler cooed mockingly, standing over her. Still on the ground, Lila spoke.

"It's true, what Five said, isn't it?"

"Darling, I need to know that we can get past this, be a happy family again. Hmm?" The Handler tried. Lila looked up to face her. "They're my real family," she stated, looking around at the dead bodies on the ground. "Do you even love me?" The Handler's silence spoke for itself. So Lila came at her with a knife.

And she was shot. She was thrown to the floor. The Handler stared at her body. "Que será, será," she sighed. About to walk away from the scene, she heard a gasp. Five wasn't dead yet. Though he had little time left.


"Oh, good. You're still alive," The Handler walked over to him. "Lucky you. You got to see how this all played out." She pulled out her gun once more, ready to shoot him, when gunshots rang out. She gasped sharply at the wound in her gut and turned around to see who had shot her.

It was a Swede. He cocked the gun and fired once more, right in the heart. She fell to the ground, blood dripping out of her mouth. He walked over to Five, a gun held to his head for what seemed like the billionth time today.

"This doesn't have to be the end."

"We use my ability to time travel."

"You're the genius who said we should jump. Right? You're the one who got us stuck here."

"If we work together, we can accomplish it, okay? I know we can."

"Maybe your appetite is disproportionate to the size of your abilities. Start small. Seconds, not decades."

Every moment before this was leading Five to this revelation. He could turn the clock back. He clenched his fists and watched everything move backwards. The Swede, the Handler, Lila, his family, (Y/N). The gunshots went off in reverse as Five ran to the other side of the barn.

~ ☂︎︎ ~

"𝙄 𝙆𝙉𝙊𝙒 𝙏𝙃𝘼𝙏 𝙒𝙀 can be your family, if you just let us." Diego said. Lila paused. She looked to all of us, who were standing in a circle. I saw a slight smile when she spotted me and nodded back. I think she was okay. She made eye contact with Diego, and looked like she was about to say something.

Then we heard the sound of fighting.

The Handler had tried to sneak up behind us with a gun, but Five had managed to stop her.

Wasn't he just over there? Meh, he probably blinked over when I wasn't looking.

"It's true, isn't it?" Lila asked. "What Five said." The Handler held her hands up and glanced over at him. "Answer me! Is it true?"


But she was shot in the gut before she could answer. We all stared in shock as she fell to the floor, blood flowing out of her mouth. "The case!" I heard Luther shout as Lila ran for it. "No!" Diego yelled, tackling Luther before he could get to her. She blinked away.

The Swede was still in the doorway, gun raised. Five held his. They kept eye contact until Five decided to drop his gun to the ground.


The Swede looked around, most likely considering shooting us all, but he dropped his weapon as well.


He walked out the door.

"I almost had her, why the hell did you stop me?" Luther asked Diego, who was still lying on the ground. "Because, I love her," Diego responded. They both stood up. Diego picked up a beaded bracelet from the floor.

"Who the hell was that guy?" Klaus asked, pointing to the place where the Swede was just standing.

"Vanya! Help!" It was Sissy, shouting from the other barn. "Harlan." She ran and we all followed. "Sissy!" She shouted, running down the stairs. She broke through Harlan's barrier as soon as she saw him.

"Harlan? Harlan!" She grabbed his arm. "Whatever it is I gave you, I can take it back, okay? We just, we need to stop this." She grabbed his wrists and lit up her hands. I watched as she drew back the powers she gave him, the bubble slowly becoming brighter. There was a flash and suddenly Vanya was sitting back.


Harlan sat in the corner looking dazed and confused. "Oh, baby. Oh, baby." Sissy sobbed, running to hug him. Vanya was still shocked. She smiled up at the rest of us. It was over.

~ ☂︎︎ ~




"'Sup, Herbie," Diego held his hand out for a handshake. "Hey! My man," Herb replied. "All good?"

"Good to see you guys," Five said. "I can't believe it. Is she...?" Herb used his hand to cut across his throat. "Really dead this time?" Five completed. "Oh, yeah," Diego told them. Herb and Dot both let out small sighs of relief. "Now that the Handler's gone, what happens at Commission?" Five asked them. Herb took a moment to respond. "Just tell 'em," Dot nudged him. "Well eh, we need to elect a new board of directors. But, until then, I, um, I've been voted in as acting chairperson," Herb stated. "No shit," Diego said as Dot clapped. Five and I smiled. "Congrats, Herbie. That's huge."

"I'm so goddamn nervous," he chuckled. "You'll do fine," Five nodded at him. "Oh, thank you."

"Herb, we need a favor," I interrupted. "Oh, sure, anything," he replied eagerly. "A briefcase would be nice."

"Get back home, where we belong," Five said. Herb made finger guns at him and turned to look at all the knocked out agents on the floor. "Take your pick."

~ ☂︎︎ ~

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙐𝙉 𝙒𝘼𝙎 𝙎𝙀𝙏𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂. Five and I sat alone to the side of the house.

"So, how did you know that the Handler was going to be at the door?" I asked him. He let out a huge sigh and leaned his head against the wall. "I took Dad's advice, seconds, not decades. Might've seen you all die a second time, but, at least you're alive now," he shrugged. "Hey, I also wanted to say sorry for the whole "shooting-you-and-then-arguing-with-you" thing. You had every right to be mad at me when I kept a secret from you. And, I shouldn't have been upset over Maria. I know nothing is happening.

"Glad to know you realized what you did wrong." It was silent for the next couple of seconds. "So, are you gonna apologize..."

I scoffed. "Of course not. You fucking shot me and then didn't tell me. All I did was kiss someone and then tell them I didn't return their feelings." We stared at each other until we burst out laughing. I leaned my head against his shoulder.

"So what happens when we get back? Are you gonna try and fix whatever happened to you?" I asked him. "No. Maybe. I don't know. We can try and fix whatever happened to you too."

"Yeah. Then we would finally be at peace."

I stared out at the sun until I saw a figure in the distance.



"Why are- how are- w-when did you get here?" I asked, leaving Five at the house to walk up to her. "I was uh, in the neighborhood? And I saw this giant storm and I heard gunshots and I got a little scared because people might've been after me-"

"After you?" Maria stopped herself. "Wait, no, ignore that please-"

"Is it because of Oswald?" She looked at me questioningly. "Yeah...How did you know?"

"It's a bit of a long story, but I'm glad you decided not to kill him. You don't seem like a killer," I smiled. "I would say the same for you, but all those people on the field..."

"Longer story. Where do you think you'll go?"

"To get away from my dad? Maybe Canada or something. I think he'll be away for awhile though, if I'm not there to take care of Oswald, someone else has to." She glanced behind me at Five who was now picking at the grass. "You guys seem cozy."

I smiled at him fondly. "Yeah, I'm glad to be back with him." She pulled me in for one last hug. "Good luck, stay safe," I whispered into her ear.

"You too."

~ ☂︎︎ ~

"𝘼 𝙉𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉 𝙈𝙊𝙐𝙍𝙉𝙎, the world grieves. The man who became the 35th president less than three years ago is dead. He lead his country boldly through the treacherous shoals of the Cold War crises. His firm commitments to support the cause of democracy throughout the world won him acclaim almost unprecedented in the history of the presidency..."

Ray drowned out the TV as he picked up the book he gave to Allison a few days earlier. So much had changed since then. He noticed a small piece of paper sticking out the top. He put down his drink and pulled it out to read it.


We should've known I'd find a way to get the last word in.

The good news is, we did it. The world is safe again. But the president is dead. And I am long gone.

I wish I could be with you right now, in your arms. I don't belong in 1963, but my time here has changed me. It's changed all of us.

I wish I could tell you it's gonna be easier from here, but it's not. It's going to get worse before it gets better. So, I need you to hold on. Keep faith. Because the fight for a better world is never over. And we all have choices to make. And we have to live with the consequences before we find the right way home.

~ ☂︎︎ ~

Five held the briefcase in hand.

"Everyone ready?" He asked. "Let's do it, yeah," Luther replied. "Wait!" Klaus shouted. We all stared at him. He ran to the porch and picked up the cowboy hat that was perched on the ledge. Diego leaned over to Five. "Fifty bucks if we leave him here." Klaus stood back in the circle and swiped the brim of the hat.

We all held hands like we did at the end of last season. Five fired up the briefcase and with a bright flash we were gone.

Six of them landed back in 2019.

"Wh-What day is it?" Diego asked. Five picked up a newspaper on the table. "April 2, 2019. Day after the apocalypse."

"Wait, so we stopped it."

"My god, it's over," Vanya said, relieved.

"Did we...actually succeed at something? That's incredible!" Klaus exclaimed.

"I don't know about you guys, but I need a drink," Klaus stated, going in to hug Vanya. "Yes," Luther agreed. "In fact, I need several," Klaus continued. "I'm in, I'm in."

"I should go find Claire," Allison said. "Oh, come on, one drink," Luther ushered her in. "No..."

Allison sighed but followed the rest of them in.

Five stayed back in the room and looked around. "Did you guys see (Y/N)?"

"Why is there a painting of Ben over the mantlepiece?"

"I knew you'd show up eventually." Reginald Hargreeves stood up from his seat. "Dad?"

"You're alive," Luther said softly. "Why shouldn't I be?" Reginald asked. "Yeah. Y-Yeah, you're right. I'm...I'm just happy that we're home and...together again," Luther replied, still in shock.

"Home? This isn't your home."

"What are you talking about? This is the Umbrella Academy," Allison told him. "Wrong again. This is the Sparrow Academy."

They heard footsteps and turned around to see six people...and a cube? At the top of the staircase. One person stood out at the end. "(Y/N)?" Five muttered.

"Dad? Who the hell are these assholes?" Another person had appeared. It was Ben.



lmao that ending will

fit into the of season

three. not woops 😙✌️

(ayo read the next part)

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