~ ☂︎︎ ~
𝙁𝙄𝙑𝙀 𝙇𝙀𝘿 𝙈𝙀 to a building with a sign reading "Morty's Television: AM/FM Radio." We walked into the alleyway where Luther and I landed a year ago. "Why are we here?" I asked. "I stumbled across someone and he's been assisting me in finding the rest of our family." I nodded as he led me inside.
It was a fairly large place, a few random items scattered here and there, but overall fairly clean. We went upstairs where I saw a man hunched over a table, examining something closely. "Elliot!"
The man turned around and pulled out a weapon when he spotted me. "Who are you?" He turned to Five. "Who is she?" Elliot, I presumed, asked Five at a lower volume. I easily knocked the small knife out of his hands and stuck out my arm.
"I'm (Y/N)." He shook it cautiously. "Don't worry, I'm here to help." He studied me for a few more moments. "Wait, I know you!! Arrival Number Three!" It was then I noticed the board over his desk. There were multiple pictures of all of our siblings when we first landed. "Yes! It was you with the big, sad one!" I looked to him with confusion. "Big, sad one? I can only assume you're referring to Luther."
"Yes, he is. He's been taking pictures of the rest of our family since they arrived." My mind flashed back to the moment we landed and the dull light and click I saw from the roof. "You were the man on the roof?" He nodded vigorously. "Yeah, I thought I was a little more discreet, but I guess not."
Five picked one of the images up. "Elliot, did you develop these photos yourself?" He asked.
"Of course. Can't exactly drop that stuff off at the neighborhood Fotomat. Government has eyes everywhere."
"I didn't see a darkroom," I added, looking around the building. "Yeah, I converted the hallway closet." The was a squealing feedback from the item Elliot was toying with.
Five pulled out the footage from his pocket and quickly crossed out the date. "Can you develop this?"
He handed Elliot the box and he examined it closely. "Huh. 'Frankel Footage.' Friends of yours?" Five smiled sarcastically. "Cousins on my robot mother's side. Can you do it or not?" Elliot looked at the footage again. "Sure I can."
"How long?"
"Well, I mean, I'm running low on acetic acid. Beeker's Cameras is open today, but it's two hours away. I mean, I'd have to take the bus. On the other hand, Gibson's is only ten blocks away, but I gotta cut thought the park, and there's pigeons-"
"Elliot!" Five shouted, interrupting his rant.
"It's like five, maybe six hours..."
Elliot trailed off. "Attention all units." I turned my head to a radio on Elliot's table. "We have a code 3-15 at the Holbrook Sanitarium," the cop repeated.
"What's a code 3-15?"
"Fugitives on the run," I responded. Five looked at me, a little surprised. "What? I lived under a gangster's roof, I've learned some things," I scoffed. "Twenty-five patients still at large. Many are considered armed and dangerous," the man over the radio stated.
"Oh, Diego."
I whipped around to Five. "Diego? He was in a mental hospital?" I asked. "It's a bit of a long story, I'll tell you on the way." Elliot looked between us, confused. "Oh, who's Diego?" Five thought on that for a moment.
"Imagine Batman, then aim lower."
The chatter on the radio continued. "You get started on that film." Five turned to me. "We'll be back as soon as we can." And with that, we both teleported away.
~ ☂︎︎ ~
"𝘼𝙇𝙇 𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙃𝙏, here's the plan. Oswald finishes his shift at 4:30 p.m. Once he walks through those doors, we force him into the front seat."
"I'm in the front seat."
Diego sighed as he explained his plan to Lila. "Okay, fine. In the back seat," he continued, "You're gonna pin his arms, I'm gonna cut off his trigger finger and tell him he has 24 hours to exit Dallas."
Lila rolled her eyes. "That's your plan?" She asked. "You got a problem with it?" Diego responded. "Hell, why don't we just kill him?" Lila proposed. "What?"
"I mean, you think he's gonna shoot the president, right?"
"Fine," Lila said, "So we kill him. Put a bullet between his eyes. Problem solved," she stated. "Oh no no, we're not going to kill a man before he's committed a crime," Diego protested. "That's stupid," she replied. Diego looked at her, shocked. "Excuse me?"
"In fact, your whole plan is stupid. What, chopping off a guy's finger?"
"No, it's not just any finger," Diego lowered his voice, "It's his trigger finger, all right? You can't shoot a gun without a trigger finger."
"What if he's ambidextrous?"
Diego was at a loss for words. This was the best plan he could think of without actually having to kill Oswald. "How do you get through a day?" Lila asked. "Get out. I can do this on my own," he responded, done with her doubts. "Dr. Moncton was right, this hero complex is no joke."
"That is not what this is about," Diego protested. "Of course it is. Y-You want to prove to Daddy that you're a big success."
"No, you don't know anything about me," Diego glared at her. "I know everything about you. You...You are an open book written for very dumb children."
"I am not trying to be a hero, okay?" He said haltingly. At this moment, Five and I appeared in the backseat of the car. "Then why are you doing this?" The unknown woman asked.
"Because he is an idiot."
The woman jumped seeing that me and Five suddenly sitting behind them. "Who the hell are you?" She asked, startled by our presence. "Hi. I'm his loving brother," Five said, smiling. "Who left me to rot in the nuthouse," Diego muttered. "To protect you from yourself." The woman looked between them. "That's quite sweet." She turned to me. "And you?"
I smiled like Five. "I'm his sister, I also try to prevent him from doing stupid things."
"Nice to see you too, (Y/N)," Diego rolled his eyes. I viewed his appearance. "What happened to you? More importantly, what happened to your hair?" He shook his head. "It's been a long two months." The woman nodded carefully. "Nice family."
"Okay, all of you, out," Diego said, urging us to leave. Five grabbed him. "Lose the crazy lady and come with us." I nudged Diego. "We have important business." He stayed in his seat. "I'm not going anywhere with you two."
I tapped Five's shoulder when I noticed a cop outside. "Okay, fine." He leaned out the window and shouted. "Officer!"
"Hey!" Diego said, pulling Five away from the window. "What are you doing?" I leaned back. "We heard there was a reward out for you two." Diego and I stared down each other. "She's lying," the woman said. Diego glared at me a few more moments. "She's not. Fine. I'll go with you."
"What about me?" The woman asked. "And I'm brining the crazy lady." I nodded at Five. "That's fine. What's your name?" She smiled at me.
"Lila, Lila Pitts."
~ ☂︎︎ ~
𝘽𝘼𝘾𝙆 𝘼𝙏 𝙀𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙊𝙏'𝙎, we were greeted with a rifle to the face. "Where did you get the film?" He demanded. "The Frankel Footage. The truth this time." Diego looked at the two of us, confused. "You know this lunatic?" He asked us. Five sighed. "New acquaintance. He's harmless," he replied. "Are you sure about that?" Lila asked. Elliot continued to point the gun between us. "Are you or are you not an enemy of the people?" We exchanged glances.
"Such an open-ended question, yeah."
"Really depends on the people."
"I honestly don't even know."
Our responses overlapped with each other. It really was an unanswerable question. "You move one more muscle, I will blow your brains out." I sighed deeply. "You two want to take this or should I?" Diego asked. We looked at each other. "No, we got him."
"Hey, Lila..."
And while Elliot was distracted by this, Five and I teleported to him. Five grabbed Elliot's gun before it fired a round into the ceiling. I held him back while Diego disarmed him. The round clattered to the floor.
"What the hell just happened?"
~ ☂︎︎ ~
"I don't know."
"What do you mean? There's an on button. Just- There's something over that jigga-ma-thing, whatever."
"I hit the jigga-ma-thing."
"Ok, well, just- Give it to me. I know how to do this."
"All right, here. Here. Hurry up."
"Ok, all right, let's see..."
The chatter continued in the background as we watched the so-called "Frankel Footage." It was a video of a very nice old couple. "They're so cute," Lila noted. "I love old couples." We were giving a tied-up Elliot a little pedicure as he struggled. "I know right? They're so adorable," I agreed. "I'm always so proud of them for not murdering each other."
"Why are we watching this?" Diego asked, clearly annoyed at having to sit through this. Or maybe sit through the comments Lila and I were making. "Shush." The couple continued to fiddle with the camera. "Yeah. I...I'm Dan Frankel. And-"
"I'm Edna Frankel."
"-Edna Frankel. We are in Dallas, Texas, to see the president. Today's date is November 22, 1963."
"Well, that's six days from now," Lila said. "Holy shit," Diego said, moving closer to the screen, "This is it. The grassy knoll. Kennedy's about to get shot. How do you have this?"
"Hazel died to get me this footage. It must be the key to stopping doomsday," Five responded. "Hazel?" Diego questioned. "Long story."
"What's doomsday?"
"Longer story," I replied. "What exactly did he say to you?" Diego asked. "Well, he was killed before he could explain. But whatever he wanted us to see, it's on this file."
"This is very exciting," Dan said from the film. Suddenly, gunshots were heard. People began to scream in terror. "Oh my god!" He shouted in surprise. The film got very shaky as he ran.
"Oswald," Diego muttered. "The president!" Dan yelled. The screams continued with the film. It seemed like Five and I noticed at the same time. "Oh no." I went up to the projector and rewinded the film a few seconds. "This can't be." Diego walked up beside us, staring at the film. "Okay, you gonna fill me in now, guys? What the hell is this shit we're watching?" Lila asked. Kind of ignoring her, we examined closer. "No, that's impossible."
When we looked closer, you could see a man on the grass, a man with an umbrella. "Clearly, it's not." The man with the open umbrella had to be him. "What is it?" Elliot asked, his voice muffled my the gag we put in his mouth. The three of us turned to each other.
I'm saying I Lila,
but I also saying I
love . What a day
to be a . Hope y'all
enjoyed. I don't
an update .
This is just going
to be updating when
I like it. So. See ya
- In Serial12 Chapters
The City of the Dragon Twisted
. 🐉 . The City of The Forever-Peace witnesses a pale young Buddhist Monk fighting his fearful thoughts of whether to cross the borders to Nepal and India against the death penalty. Why would that matter? In that September Autumn night of circa A.D.655, Emperor Táme’ Tie’-Zeon has been ruling an empire spanning 13,000 miles from the East to as far as the Baikal Sea in the Western Regions bordering the Middle East kingdom and the Rome Empire. Meanwhile, news has traveled that his Dharma-Son, Pan G. Monk faces an incredible Guillotine Execution that will chop off his waist in halves. The Empress Wǔl Zénder-Tan’ couldn't be careless. Why would that matter to the imperial family? Monks are just officials with equal vicarious duties and privileges. She would then spare her resourceful energy to maintain the fruitful relationship intertwining The Grand-Khan Jurchen-Warlords Clans in the North-East Desert in attempts to affirm her fate as the first and only female-Emperor, in the Medieval Ages of the Great City of the Dragon. Whereas The Abbot Master Xend'-Zeon of the Jade-Lotus Temple faces factions of religious politics. Particularly in the present, the Empress needed to manipulate the Master’s reputation to desperately seek life and/or the after-life merits. She decreed to be addressed as The Old Buddha Grand Father. The Master has had ideals of service to sentient beings since he was young. He could have traveled the Silk Road to the Far West entrance-point bypassing the five beacons as shortcuts save that he lacks the pertinent travel documents. Instead, he chose to cross the 800-mile овь-Gobi Desert that is as vast as the Baikal Sea, on foot. A route that is impossible in the history of the Buddha dharma. His heart never withers to support the mage of the red lotus that promises the Enlightenment of the Buddha-Land. Except that no one has ever endured the latitude of the heat. The pain. Alive, out of the desert sea. But he is also vulnerable to recognize the un-staticity of The Truth, The Truth itself, and the truth of seeking passion and mission for compassion in humankind. The mind and body reciting The Sūtra and The Heart, A phenomenon they knew better as if souls in chemical layers of their physique. Realizing enhanced mind training attaining controlling powers of life and death. Realizing the transformation of the unbearable pains and grievances he thought possible. . 2 . 🐉 . Meanwhile, dreams have been watching him to open The Third Eye, at The City's Amethyst-Jade Palace of the Second Emperor, Third Emperor, and Fourth Empress. Old Monks at The Nālandā Temple at the Far West Buddha Land; Householders Masters and Kings of the Jeek’-Foot Mountains of The City of the Naga-Dragon Twisted; in the Far West of The City of the Ever-Peace witness adventures of The Master. Lives at brinks of suicidal choices slaughtering ordeals. Who have inadvertently neglected the Master's karmic inflictions that would paradoxically affirm in a point of Near-Death Experiences; The Two-Profound-Reflective presented upon attaining The Deep-Active-Meditatitive Flow of Equanimity Samādhi. Eventually, The Seer Consciousness sees the Active Heart that is replete with The Latent Unconditional Love, Compassion And Empathy; that had been so close to us that we could not see it; as if one cannot see her own face. . 3 . 🐉 . Meanwhile also, the Imperial Criminal Affairs Clerk Ewen Hawk-Jean suffers too much seeking possession of desires and relief from a certain situation. Pan G., the Assistant Dharma-Translator to the Abbott Master Xend'-zeon has voluntarily or otherwise fallen into the supposed conspiracy or plain indifference. The imperial family's agenda of the Imperial Family of The Fang’-Chucks of course longs for a waist cut in halves not simply as souvenirs. Awaiting the Abbot Master is to come out from the disturbance. Incredibly transformative factors of the Mind-Transcendence-Samadhi are profoundly desired to spare the Monk Pan G. from the Post-Autumn Guillotine Execution that will chop off his waist in halves...... …But why would it matter to You?
8 75 - In Serial15 Chapters
ES Modern Dungeon
A sequel to the ES Organic Dungeon. Think off it as a Book 2 What would happen if a powerfull dungeon was transported into modern world? With a humanish body? Join Josh's adventures and find what would happen if an individual held untold power that could shake the planets and obliterate cities! Discord server link: https://discord.gg/anXeQu2ATX First book necessary to understand mc better: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/43878/es-organic-dungeon Cover made by wombo art app from prompt Wall of flesh in dark fantasy category. If you are reading this on any other site than Royal Road you are getting scammed. I only post here on Royal Road. If by any chance I decide to to post on any other site I will write it in a synopsis here.
8 86 - In Serial35 Chapters
Void Requiem follows the story of Ken Kawasaki, an enthusiastic young human who aspires to become the freest man alive. In a universe filled with mystical supernatural powers and beings, he finds himself to be an ordinary mere human. That is until his soul accidentally bonds with one of the most sacred pieces of an ancient power; The Emerald. With significant power also comes a substantial burden as a mysterious requiem echoes throughout his mind, torturing him mentally and driving the need to find an answer to his misery. Despite the drawback, he isn't one to step back from his path thanks to his determined personality as he moves on to achieve his dream. Somewhere along the way, he finds uncanny friendships, allies, and much more. With each of his friends having a goal of their own, as they travel together throughout the universe trying to fulfill their own dreams and solve the mystery of this Void requiem! [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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The year is 2032.This year would be the first step that would lead to an explosive and rapid advance in true AI development.One of the reasons being the creation of the first recorded autonomous ai that would be written down in history as Yurai.
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The Cellphone Swap
Not your ordinary love story okay? First off my name I Bridget. I hate this guy who's name is Matthew. We both get out phones taken away during class and it does not end well! Well maybe if you love romance!
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Specter of Oliver Queen
Conner and Mia go back to the past and pick up Thea, Laurel, Sara, Moira, Roy, Diggle, Quentin, and Tommy to show them what happened to Oliver when he was away and also to show them some things from the future so that they can help him when he returns to complete his mission of saving Starling City.
8 106