

At ten Harry announced that it was time for bed and everyone protested.

"You heard the man. Who wants a sandwich first? Are you guys hungry?" Louis asked.

Everyone shook their heads. They had eaten too much chips and candy. They went to get their toothbrushes and they all headed to the toilet facilities. Harry and Louis joined them as well, making sure that everything ran smoothly. With twenty students it took some time before everyone who needed had been to the toilet and before everyone had brushed their teeth.

They returned to their tents and Harry and Louis made sure that everyone got situated. They took a seat at the fire pit, listening to the students whispering and giggling.

"I'm glad you put this trip together Harry. They had so much fun today and so did I." Louis said softly.

"I had fun too." Harry answered with a shy smile.

They continued to small talk until it got quiet in the tents. Louis yawned and stretched his arms over his head.

"Time for bed?"

"Yeah." Harry mumbled.

They put the fire out and headed towards Harry's tent. Louis got in first and Harry took a deep breath before he joined him. He had no idea why this made him so nervous. It wasn't like anything would happen. They were chaperoning high school kids for Christ's sake. They kept their clothes on and got inside their sleeping bags. They were both laying on their backs, staring up at the ceiling of the tent. They had to lay close to each other, making their shoulders and hips touch. Harry grunted internally. He should have bought a bigger tent.

"Good night." Louis said softly.

Harry turned his head to look at him and the air got stuck in his throat. Louis had his head turned towards him as well and their faces were just inches apart. Harry laid there frozen on the spot. It was dark in the tent but he could still see Louis's face. He could swear his eyes flickered down to his lips and Harry forgot how to breathe. "Good night." He whispered.


Louis smiled and turned around so his back was against him. Harry felt disappointed but he turned around as well, trying to put as much space between them as he possibly could. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

He woke up the next morning from whispering voices. He tried to sit up but an arm around him stopped him. Louis was holding him tightly, spooning him from behind with his nose nuzzled in his neck. Under different circumstances, he would have loved that but he was pretty sure all twenty students had all looked into the tent to look at them. He could hear them giggling outside.

"Louis!" He wheezed.

Louis started to stir behind him but he just sighed, letting a puff of air tickle the back of his neck and he just held him closer. Harry shook his arm.

"Louis! Can you move?"

That woke him up. The arm around Harry disappeared.

"Sorry." Louis mumbled and yawned.

Harry turned around to face him.

"It's okay, but I think our students saw that considering the loud giggling outside." Harry said with blushed cheeks.

Louis burst out laughing but Harry didn't look amused.

"The students saw you snuggling me. That's totally inappropriate." He hissed.

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't do it on purpose. I was asleep. They shouldn't have looked into our tent but it's not a big deal Harry." Louis answered, trying to keep his voice down.

Harry huffed but he didn't reply. Instead, he found his shoes and put them on before he crawled out of the tent. Louis sighed but put his shoes on as well to join the others. All twenty students were sitting around the firepit.

"You slept in." A girl named Maddie said.

"Yeah, you seemed really cozy together." One of the other girls said and they started to giggle.


Harry was at loss for words but Louis immediately stepped in.

"Very funny Alicia. We were sleeping. I usually hug a pillow. Harry drew the short end of the stick."

Harry blushed. He wasn't sure that explanation smoothed things over. He hurried over to the coolers and started to prepare breakfast to keep himself busy and to hide his flushed cheeks. Louis came over to help him.

"Okay?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah." Harry breathed out.

Louis smiled and they picked up milk, bread, and sandwich spreads and the students gathered around them. Harry handed out small milk cartons while Louis gave them sandwiches. It was a bit scanty but it would work. As soon as all the students had breakfast Louis turned to Harry.

"I'll be back in a minute."

He jogged in the direction of the facilities and Harry made himself a sandwich. He made one for Louis as well. He sat down and began to eat. Louis returned shortly with two coffee mugs in his hands and handed one to Harry.

"Coffee? Yes! Thank you, Louis!" Harry smiled.

"You're welcome." Louis replied and took a seat next to him. Harry handed him a sandwich and they ate in silence.

Harry looked around to make sure that everyone had eaten.

"Ready? It's time for a little hike!"

Louis was surprised that no one protested. Harry picked up water bottles and handed them out.

"Come on! This way!" He said, sounding excited and Louis cooed internally over how cute he was.

They walked towards the forest. The student walked past them, and Louis stayed behind, walking next to Harry. It was a way autumn day and a half-hour of walking made them sweaty.

"Water break!" Harry yelled and he walked around, checking up on everybody before he returned to Louis's side.

They continued to walk and Harry and Louis small talked which made Harry pay more attention to the gorgeous man beside him than the road in front of him. He missed a big stone and fell over it, landing on the ground with a huff.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" Louis asked and reached out a hand to help him up.

Harry was beyond embarrassed and tried to get up as fast as possible. A sharp pain in his left foot made him lose his balance again and he would have fallen down again if Louis hadn't caught him, keeping him upright.

"Are you hurt?" Louis asked worriedly.

Harry tried to stand on his foot again and flinched in pain.

"Yeah, my foot. I must have sprained it.

"Okay, come on. Lean on me." Louis said and put his arm around his waist.

"Guys! We need to get back. Harry is hurt!" He shouted to the student and Harry felt so embarrassed he wished the earth would swallow him whole. Why did he have to be so clumsy?

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