

It was Saturday and their night out. Louis has showered at home and gotten ready but Zayn had told him to leave his hair to him so he just washed it and left it.

He arrived at Zayn's place at six and after he had been let inside he took a look around. Zayn's apartment was a sigh for the eye. It had an oriental touch with strong colors. Every wall had big paintings on them and after a closer look, Louis realized that Zayn had painted all of them. He was really talented. He made sure to tell him that and Zayn beamed from the praising before he pushed him to the bathroom. The rest of the guys were already there and he said hi. Zayn handed him a beer.

"A party in a bathroom? That's a first." Louis chuckled.

"Well, that's Zayn." Niall smirked.

Zayn took that as a cue to begin. He clapped his hands together.

"Who's first? Louis?"

Louis just shrugged his shoulders and took a seat. Zayn walked around him, eyeing him up and down.

"How do you feel about make-up?"

Louis was about to laugh when he caught Zayn's facial expression and realized that it was a serious question.

"Uhm, I don't know. I never wore it, if my sister's poor attempt to put it on me doesn't count."

"Can I do your face then?" Zayn asked.

Louis hesitated but then he thought "fuck it!" and nodded his head in agreement.

"As long as you don't overdo it. Discrete Zayn, not drag queen."

Zayn smiled.

"You would be perfect for drag shows. Those cheekbones and blue eyes, damn, but of course. I want you to feel comfortable. Just some golden eyeshadow and brown mascara. Does that sound like something you can agree on?"


"I can always give it a try. Why not?" Louis smiled.

Zayn turned him around so he couldn't see himself in the mirror. He started with his hair and formed it into a neat quiff before he fetched the eyeshadow. Louis just sat still. He closed his eyes and let Zayn put eyeshadow on his eyelids, wondering what he had agreed to.

Zayn picked up what looked like a torture device and he flinched.

"It's just an eyelash curler. Relax." Zayn smirked.

He tried not to move while Zayn curled his eyelashes. After that, he put mascara on his lashes. Louis didn't like that thing near his eyes, afraid that Zayn would poke him but the man knew what he was doing. When he was done he told him to take a look in the mirror. Louis walked over and took a long look, evaluating Zayn's handiwork. He looked pretty.

"So?" He asked the rest of the boys and turned around so they could see him.

"Looks great!" Niall immediately said.

"Yeah, discrete but nice." Liam answered.

Louis looked at Harry.

"You look beautiful Louis." Harry mumbled softly.

Oh. Louis smiled.

"Thank you. Good job Zayn. I can work with this." He said and batted his eyelashes. The guys laughed.

"Niall, you're up!" Zayn said.

"No make-up for me." Niall answered but took a seat.

"Boring!" Zayn complained.

Louis went and stood next to Harry and took a sip of his beer.

"Does he always do this?" He asked and nodded his head in Zayn's direction.

"Yeah." Harry said and giggled before he continued.

"Zayn does drag shows once in a while. He's awesome!"

"Really?" Louis asked in surprise.

"Yeah, he goes by the name Charlamaine Temple." Harry smiled.


"Cool! I have to see him perform sometime." Louis smiled.

"Are you spilling my secrets Styles?" Zayn asked.

"Just bragging about how amazing you are." Harry smiled.

"Well, thank you, pretty boy. Your turn!" Zayn said and Niall got up to make room for Harry. His hair was nicely styled and he seemed pleased.

Harry took a seat and Zayn started working on his hair. Louis watched while he drank his beer. After fixing Harry's curls, Zayn put mascara and lipstick on him, making Harry's plump lips look even poutier. He finished by painting his nails. Louis had a hard time taking his eyes off him. He looked gorgeous.

Liam was the next in line and he only wanted his hair done as well. Zayn had already fixed his own hair.

"And done! You all look great!" Zayn smiled.

They went to the living room and drank a couple of more beers and listened to some music before it was time to go clubbing. The place was crowded but they managed to find a table and ordered drinks. The music was too loud to make conversation. Louis was more of a pub guy. He was a terrible dancer and he wanted to be able to talk to his company.

After they finished their drinks Zayn pulled them all to the dance floor. Louis decided to do the best of it and began to dance silly, showing off his stop the traffic let the people through move, which made the guys laugh. He was relieved to see that the others, except Liam weren't great dancers as well. Mostly they just jumped around laughing.

Harry started twerking, rubbing his bum against Zayn and Louis felt a rush of jealousy rush through his body which was ridiculous. Harry smirked and came dancing towards him instead, shaking his ass. Louis held his breath, and yep, Harry was rubbing on him now. His hands found it's way to Harry's hips and he danced along. Niall let out a loud wolf whistle, which made Harry blush and he moved away.

They danced a while longer before they returned to their table, surprised that no one else claimed it. They ordered another round of drinks and as the night continued they all got drunk, having a blast. Louis noticed that Harry wasn't shy around him, having some liquid courage. He decided that he would try to bring out that Harry when he was sober as well.

He shared a cab with Niall and Harry since they were living kind of close to each other and stumbled into bed at 3 A.M. The roof was spinning. That had been a fun night out.

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