

Harry arrived early at his old high school where he had worked as a drama teacher for a year. It was the first day after the summer and he was excited to get to work, even if he had a wonderful time off. He glanced at the clock by the entrance and realized that he was an hour early so he headed straight for the teacher's lounge to get some coffee.

The school was deserted. He seemed to be the only one who decided to come in early. There was no sign of his co-workers and friends. He had found three amazing friends since he started, and they were also teachers. Zayn was the art teacher, Liam the math teacher, and Niall the English teacher. They had met in private as well over a pint of beer during the weekends and Harry always had a great time in their company.

He made himself a cup of coffee and walked across the room to sit down at his usual table down in the corner. The history teacher Mrs. McConnor arrived ten minutes later and he smiled and greeted her.

A couple of more teachers arrived but it wasn't until he had almost finished his coffee that he finally saw a familiar, friendly face. Niall walked up to the table and flopped down on one of the chairs.

"Hi mate! It's good to see you. We haven't hung out at all during the summer."

"Yeah, my nan has been ill so I have spent most of my time helping her out." Harry answered.

Niall looked worried.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. Is she feeling better?"

"Yes." Harry confirmed and before he could elaborate Zayn and Liam came over to their table as well. They greeted each other with delightful smiles before they started to tell each other about their summer.

In the meantime, a man with blue eyes and feather-light hair entered his old high school. He stopped inside and shifted his bag from his left to his right shoulder while he looked around. It looked exactly the same. Alan approached him with his hand out for him to shake.


"Mr. Tomlinson?"

"That's me, call me Louis." Louis replied and shook the man's hand.

"I'm the principal Mr. Johnson. Welcome! You're a former student if I remember it correctly?"

"Yes, and the place hasn't changed at all. Spooky." Louis chuckled.

Mr. Johnson looked a little offended.

"I assure you that we have done a lot of remodeling since you graduated twenty years ago." He snorted as they walked past some lockers.

Twenty years? How old did he think he was? Now it was Louis's time to get offended. He glanced to his left and smirked. He stopped at the locker and pointed at it.

"Really? Is that why my name is still carved into that locker?" He smirked.

The principal cheeks got a rosy touch and he squinted his eyes and glared at the locker.

"With a heart around it? How original." He snorted.

"What can't say? I was a popular guy." Louis grinned, knowing that he must come off as cocky. Not the best way to make a great first impression.

"I guess you find your way to the sports hall by yourself then. Let me just show you to the teacher's lounge." The principal muttered and lead the way.

Harry ran out of coffee just as Niall in detail walked them through his latest golf round, hole by hole. He got up to refill his cup. He hadn't slept much last night, too excited to get back to work. As he approached the coffee machine he saw someone walk inside the lounge but didn't pay much attention to who it was. He needed his coffee.

Mr. Johnson dropped Louis off in the teacher's lounge and he looked around. His eyes landed on three guys his age and he walked over to introduce himself.

"Hi, I'm Louis Tomlinson, the new gym teacher."

"Welcome, Liam Payne, math."

"Zayn Malik, art."

"Niall Horan, English."


They introduced themselves like they were special agents or something. James Bond, 007. Louis liked them already. He looked at Niall.

"You're an English teacher?"

"Yeah, why is that hard to believe?" Niall answered with a thick Irish accent.

"You're Irish." Louis pointed out.

"Same language, mucker." Niall chuckled.

Louis had a friend from Ireland in middle school. He knew that mucker meant friend.

"Say chance." He teased.

"Chonce." Niall said and Liam and Zayn burst out laughing.

"He kind of made a point their Nialler.

Please, take a seat, Louis." Liam said.

"I'm just gonna go and get myself a cup of coffee first." Louis smiled.

He walked over to the coffee machine just to have the person in front of him turn around and smash right into him, spilling his coffee over both of them.


"Hi, shit, that's hot!" Louis screeched and made a silly dance, holding his t-shirt away from his stomach and jumping around.

"I'm so sorry!" The man said, sounding mortified and Louis finally looked at him. Green eyes met his. The man was gorgeous. He also looked a bit familiar.

"It's okay. Just an accident. Hey, have we met before? I sort of recognize you." Louis smiled.

Harry blushed. This wasn't happening. He hadn't just spilled coffee on his secret high school crush. The Louis Tomlinson, football captain and widely popular back in high school. He, of course had never even as much as glanced in Harry's direction back then. He had been that weird drama student, a bit of a loner. Louis had been beautiful back then but as a grown-up, he was absolutely breathtaking. Louis looked at him as he waited for an answer.

"Uhm, eh, yeah, we, uhm, kind of went to high school together, here. I mean, ehm, I'm Harry Styles." Great, he sounded like a stuttering moron.

Louis wrinkled his eyebrows as if he was searching his memory.

"We did? That's great! I'm the new gym teacher. We should hang out to catch up. Lunch? Now I have to change this shirt before my first class starts. Wish me good luck. Bye Harry." Louis smiled and walked away.

"Good luck!" Harry shouted after him. He felt paralyzed. That had been so fucking embarrassing. His three pals at their table waving at him finally made him move. He threw himself down on a chair and hid his face in his hands with a grunt.

"So you met the new gym teacher. Great way to make a first impression." Niall chuckled.

"Don't remind me. I can't believe I poured coffee over Louis Tomlinson." Harry whined.

"Do you know him?" Zayn asked curiously.

Harry removed his hands and looked at his friends.

"Not really. We went to high school together and I had the biggest crush on him all through high school but he never knew I even existed." He admitted.

"Ooooh, I'm intrigued. Tell me all about it." Niall said and rested his chin on his hands, leaning forward.

"It's not much to tell. I got over it years ago. He was cute in high school but damn, look at him now! It felt like I was a teenager again talking to him and I didn't sound particularly intelligent. I just stuttered and went all shy and shit. I'm mortified!" Harry complained.

"But now you got a second chance!" Liam answered.

"You can let him get to know you. Show him what a great guy you are." Zayn said.

"I'm so excited!" Niall shouted.

Harry didn't know how to feel about it.

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