《vent diary. ✓》eight


this is gonna be kohane's pov!

ready for minori swearing?


kohane exactly knew what an was talking about, hanasato minako; hanasato minori's twin sister, both the same age, but went to a different school. kohane is friends with her, but she needs proof if minako did it.

before kohane said anything, an showed pictures of minako sending death threats as an unknown person, she was so mad. her friend betraying not just akito, but kohane...

an was shocked because it was the first time that kohane is mad, usually she would be all cutesy and is too afraid to snap, but here she is being all red and shit

kohane didn't have a choice, she exited WEEKEND GARAGE to get some fresh air. she came back with a sad look and sat down, inside she was angry, how come minako did this? why did she betray kohane- not just her, AND akito.


because kohane had a project with minori, she decided to visit the hanasato household, but she witness minori scolding at her twin, holding the phone.

❝❞ minori exclaimed, holding the phone with minako's messages.

since then, before kohane went to the household to scold at minako, minori already found out about minako's actions.

❝❞ minako spat, but before she could get her phone. minori's hand form a fist, bit her lip and punched minako, kohane's eyes widen by the sudden incident. ❝❞ she said with a loud voice

❝❞ she shouted, pointing at the door. i forgot to mention, minako's belongings are outside

yes, she is indeed planning on kicking minako out.

minori showed everything to her parents, they were stunned, minori is holding her twin's phone. at first they didn't believe minori, but when she accidentally tapped the home screen button they were shocked at the app, just a messaging app. but inside were hundreds of death threats to akito.


minori was mad, how would she do this to akito? she felt sorry for him, she sent him gifts, obviously an was incharge of the gifts, mostly from an.

end of flashback

kohane saw minori kicking her twin in the back and slamming the door shut, minako was crying about the sudden incident. she was stunned because it was the first time that minori is mad at her twin

minako was mumbling about how akito deserved to die, and that he didn't deserve to survive. maybe at school, she might witness getting beat up by an and toya.


and it did.

minako was beaten' up by an and toya, one last kick, minako spit blood.

kohane was stunned, but she didn't feel bad for minako, obviously she deserved it. so she walked away without saying a word and went to the shinonome household.

❝❞ an exclaimed, giving her a harsh punch.


yayayay three more chapters and its done!

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