《vent diary. ✓》intro



if you think that akito is considered as rude like touya, but in reality as a family member of the shinonome family he and his sister, ena was neglected by both of their parents. considering that the only people who was safe with are just his friends or his upperclassmens.

but he does remember that he has a diary full of him raging about his life, in other words venting. it's called a 'vent diary'. all of his vents are safe in his diary, and no one had ever touched it

he was scared if anyone says he does it for attention or worse, they might thought that he's weak, which is not true.

it started when akito came back from school after a long exam, he found an empty notebook on a table, it was just 99 pages, not surprising until he found out that it was a diary. maybe from ena perhaps? curious akito was, he kept the diary in his bag and proceed to go inside his room.

he thought it would be stupid if he kept the diary, but nope. since exams are way harder, he decided to vent his life by writing everything in that diary

with that he snickered and closed the book, and went to study for the next exams.

now here he is, he kept the diary from others because he's scared he's gonna get called a weakling from others, especially his friends.

he vents, and vents, and vents, until he's out of energy


while working on evil chapter 5, i had this sudden idea where my boy akito had a diary in his hands, and he only writes how his life is messed up, mostly all he does was just venting on his diary

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