《Alpha Heron》Chapter 18
Dear Lily
I don't know where to start. I wish I could have been more supportive to you, been there for you. And I suppose you came back since you are reading this letter. I don't know when you will be reading this. Or how late it will be. I just wanted you to know that your father and I wanted to start a life somewhere else. And I know you might be thinking why we didn't take you with us and you might be hating us. I'm sorry to say and I really wished for you to be with us right now, but when you moved to the city and started a new life I didn't want to ruin that for you. You have a new life and soon you'll find your mate. He will treat you better and care for you more than we have for the last years. I sincerely apologize for not being the mother you wanted. I wish you the best in life and call me when you need me. Even if it's in the middle of night.
With love your mother
I sniffed as tears fell down. This is officially the worst night of my life. How can she be so... I don't know. I hate them even more. How can they act like it's nothing. I hate them, I hate them. I looked at the note that had their numbers. I wanted to call them and tell them how much I hated them. I must have cried out loud because Liz barged into my room. Her eyes search for any danger but once she saw what I was holding she came to my bed and hugged. I cried like a two year old in her shoulder.
"I hate them." I whispered to her.
"It's okay." she kept repeating the same words until I fell asleep.
I woke up into Liz arms. She didn't go last night. I'm so thankful for her. I untangled myself from her arms. Thank god she is a heavy sleeper. I went to the bathroom, did my morning routine and went downstairs to make breakfast.
"Good morning sexy ladies." Liz said coming downstairs.
"Morning and we aren't sexy Liz." I said pushing a cup of coffee towards her.
"Of course we are." she said taking a sip of her coffee. "So what are we doing today."
I have no idea. I guess I'll just stay home and watch Netflix or read a book.
"I guess I'll just—" I was interrupted by my phone ringing. I wonder who it is. I went upstairs to get. I looked at the caller ID, it wasn't saved.
"Hello." I said, answering. There was a pause before the person spoke.
"Hi Lily it's me Nets." well I wasn't expecting her. "James told me what happened and I just called to see if you're okay."
Oh yeah James was there to. He took the rouge for questioning. Wait a minute. What did that rouge want? I need to know. "Thank you Nets. I'm fine." Maybe she knows something.
"Well I'm glad that you're okay."
"Nets can I ask you something?" But what if she doesn't know or doesn't want to tell me.
"I know you're going to ask about the rouge, but I'm sorry I can't tell anything. I'm sorry." Of course she can't. She is loyal to the pack.
"It's okay."
"Well, good to know you're okay. Bye Lily."
"Bye Nets." I hanged up and went downstairs.
"What?" she said with her mouth full. What is she eating.
"Are you eating my cereal? Again." she just shrugged.
"Sorry." no she is not sorry.
"Anyway I know what we're going to do today." I said with a smirk.
"You drive like a grandma." she said groaning for the 100th time today. "I'm glad we're finally here."
"Just shut up." I said pulling up to Heron house. Yep I'm here. I'm curious what the rouge said about me or why he attacked.
"What are we doing here anyway?" she asked, following me to the house.
"I need to learn about the rouge." and I need to see Heron but I'm not going to admit that to Liz.
"Yeah, whatever." I rang the doorbell and waited but nothing. Maybe the doorbell is broken. I knocked this time. Still nothing.
"Maybe he isn't here." said Liz. Yeah he probably is at the pack house. We were ready to leave when we heard the door open.
"Rora?" what the hell is she doing here? What if... No, no. Rora is to sweet for Heron. But still don't judge a book by it cover. "Where is Heron?"
"He is sleeping." what the fuck. 'I can kill her if you want me to. Nobody will know' . said Liza via mind link. 'Tempting. But no. At least not until I hear from Heron'.
I pushed past her, going for Heron's room. 'Stay at the Living room'. I said to Liz. I pushed the door to his room open, expecting to find him asleep but he awake. He was pulling his pants up when he noticed me.
"Lily!" he said, looking surprised for a second. Did he and Rora...? God, I hope no.
"Hi." I said. It's so unusual for him to sleep this late. Maybe they did it. "Um... I...". Why am I suddenly nervous.
"What do you want?" okay that was harsh.
"Aren't you happy to see me?" I didn't mean to say that, but I did. He scoffed.
"Whatever game you are playing, I'm not going to be part of it." he said. I'm not playing any game. "What are you doing here Lily?"
Okay so he is not happy to see me. "I came to ask about the rogue."
"Why are you worried about the rouge?" is he serious right now?
"What the hell Heron. Why would I be worried about someone who attacked me?" he didn't say anything he just shrugged. "Okay you are being childish right now."
"I thought that was your speciality." he said. He is looking for a fight. I know the feeling, he has all the anger inside him and he just wants to get it out. Can't blame him after what I said I don't think he will forgive me.
"I didn't came here to fight. I came here to ask about the rouge and why he attacked me." and I came here for you. To apologize. But I didn't say that.
"Well go ask James, he will tell you about it." he said pulling a shirt over his head.
"Why can't you tell me?" I didn't came here for James.
"I'm busy."
"Busy for what? Fucking Rora." He looked at me, angry about what I said. Oh fuck it. It's not like I could keep my mouth shut.
"That's none of your business." so he is.
"Just admit it." I said keeping my face stone cold, but inside all my feelings were mixing up.
"So what if I did? Why do you care?" because I want you.
"I don't. Just curious. After all it's not like you can keep it in your pants for long." he just shrugged. I insulted him and he just shrugged.
"What can I say? I'm a man. I can't wait forever." Two weeks it's not forever you son of the wolf.
"Yeah." Is said acting like that didn't matter to me. "So did you find your Luna?" I asked.
"Just because you came here doesn't mean we are going to have sleepover, braid eachother's hair and share secrets. Like I said before that's none of you businesses." Fuck him.
"Okay." I said and left. And here I was. I was so naive and stupid for thinking we could work things out. Anyway it doesn't matter. He can do whatever he wants. After today I'm going home and forget that he ever was in my life.
"Let's go." I said to Liz, once I was downstairs.
"Were are we going?" she asked. I didn't answer until we were outside.
"We are going to get the job done by ourselves." I said. My anger and adrenaline were mixing. When they do. I'm about to do something bad.
"Took you long enough." she said smirking. "Let's go."
The packs dungeons were a little bit far. But with our speed we made it in less than five minutes. We got in and of course there were guards.
"Move." I said. My voice firm.
"Do you have permission from the alpha." one of them asked.
"Yes." I said. But they didn't believe me. They are going to mind link Heron. Before they could do that Liz knocked them out cold. I looked at her disbelief.
"What?" she said acting innocent. "They were getting annoying, plus it's been a while since I've punched someone." I just shook my head.
"Wait a second." she said and I stopped. "How do you know who he is."
"I saw when they took him. He shifted." I explained to her.
"Okay." she said. I started searching for him. I better find him soon because those guards will wake up and inform Heron. Where is he? Come on. There.
I found him. His bloody face was hideous and he was naked and sleeping. They haven't bothered to get him some clothes. How do I open the door? Keys. The guards have them. Fuck, how could we be stupid.
"Liz go get the keys from the guards." I said to her.
"What? You didn't get them.?" she looked like she couldn't believe me. I shook me head. She huffed and went to get them.
I looked at him he had his eyes wide open this time. My heart jumped a little. He smirked at my reaction. He must have woken up when he heard me and Liz talk.
"Well look who it is." he said, still smirking. With his bloodied face and his evil smirk he looked scary.
"Cut the shit. Why did you attack me?" I said trying my best to stay brave.
"Well aren't you lovely." he said. Note the sarcasm. "What makes you think I will tell you?" he asked but I didn't say anything. "I didn't tell them when they broke my bones, nor will I tell you now."
"I can break you bones too." I said, trying my best to sound intimidating.
He looked at me and burst out laughing. "Damn, I didn't know you are so cute." ugh. "If you want to know so bad, I will tell you."
"Why do I feel like there is a 'but' coming?" I said but he only smiled. Damn if he wasn't someone who was trying to kill me... Don't go there Lily.
"But you have to do something for me."
"I'm not going to free you."
"No I don't want that." what. "Bring me water and something to eat and I will tell you."
"I can't go back to get water or anything else." Heron will find out.
"And why is that cutie?" I cringed at his nickname.
"The alpha doesn't know I'm here." I said.
"There is room down the corridor they have water there. Get me a bottle and I'll tell." Desperate to know why, I went and got him what he wanted. "Give me the bottle."
"First you answer then you get the water." okay I'm stupid but I'm not that stupid. He rolled his and said "Go on."
"Why did you want to kill me?" I didn't waste time I asked straight away.
"We didn't want to kill you."
"Why?" I asked again.
"We were ordered to get you, alive. But he didn't say anything about hurting you. I didn't attack you the other two idiots did." he said.
"But you were going to, if the others hadn't arrived." I said, but he just shrugged. What's with everybody shrugging today.
"Who ordered you?" I asked.
"Give me the water."
"Who ordered you?" I asked again.
"Hasn't your friend been gone for long?" he said smirking. My mind now realised the fact that Liz had been gone for long. But I know her, she can take care of herself .
"Okay." I said. I opened the bottle and started pouring the water.
"What are you doing!?" he yelled "Stop." I stopped. The bottle now was half full.
"Tell me who ordered you?" I said, he seemed to think for a second. But I didn't wait. I started to pour the water again.
"Wait. Stop." he said. I stopped and waited for him to go. "I don't know his real name. We call him Viper."
"What does he want with me?"
"He doesn't want you. You're just another pawn in his game. He wants this pack." he said.
"Why?" I ask again.
"We don't know and we don't dare to ask. Can I have the water now?" he asked.
"Why do you follow him."
"Easy." he said "Money. We don't have a pack to take care of us."
"Where is he staying?"
"I don't know. Nobody knows. He calls us by phone and tell us what to do then once we get the job done. He sends us money through a girl."
"Can you describe the girl?"
"Chestnut hair, brown eyes, 5'8 feet tall and it's a really good fighter. Can I have my water now."
"Lily!" Heron said coming in. Damn it.
"Give the water." the rouge yelled.
"Don't give it to him." Heron command. But me being me didn't listen to him. I poured the water a little bit more, once most of the water was almost gone I gave it to the rouge.
"Bitch." he said.
"That's for trying to kill me." I said and turned to look at Heron. He had a murderous look in his face but I didn't care.
He took my arm and started tugging me outside. Once we were outside I saw James trying to place his broken nose in place and Alin trying his best to keep Liz down. Though his lip was no better than James nose and his left eye the same. Bravo Liz.
"Orangutan, get this Gorilla off me." Liz yelled at Heron. While Heron kept her pinned down on the ground.
"He will let you go, but don't try doing something stupid." Liz didn't say anything, but Heron took that as a yes and signaled Alin to let her go. Once he let her Liz pushed her up and took my arm.
"Lets go." she said.
"You are going nowhere." Heron said.
"What do you want this time!" this time it was me who yelled.
"You are coming to my office." he said. 'Do you want to go?' Liz asked me via mind link. 'I will go.' a replied to her.
"I'm not coming." I know I will go but I just want to annoy him.
"Lily, don't make me take by force." I rolled my eyes.
"Fine." I said and started following him to his office. Before I went I heard James say to Liz.
"Damn women. You can throw one hell a punch." I smirked.
So what did you think of this chapter? I hope you like it and please vote, comment and share this story to your friends. Stay safe.
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