《The blonde and the brunette》20: awake


I'm still not sure if I'm awake or not.

I cant hear anything.

I can't feel anything or open my eyes.

Everything is black.

I feel weak.

I can't open my eyes.

I haven't tried hard, but I've tried. Maybe today I'll try to open them.

I think I'm at home, in Scott's bed.

But I'm not sure.

I don't really remember what happened.

All I remember is that it was dark, Travis took me, and threw me.

That's all I know.

I just want to wake up.

I want to be with Scott.

I want him to hold me.

Please wake up, Mitch.

I came back to the hospital today. Today I felt like he was going to wake up.

I had hope.

I walked into Mitch's room, and sat next to him.

I put my hand underneath his hand and gave it a little squeeze, letting him know I was there.

"Wake up, Mitchy. You can do it." I say.

Hours go by, and I haven't moved.

All of a sudden, Mitch moves his eyes.

Not open, but you could tell he was trying.

He raised one of his eyebrows and then dropped it.

His hands dropped to his sides.

It's almost as he went limp.

The nurses came in and looked at Mitch, and checked him out.

"He was trying to open his eyes, then he went limp." I said.

"Went limp?" A nurse asked.


"What do you mean?"

"His arms dropped to his sides." I say.

"Oh no..."


"Mitch has gotten weak, weaker than he was before. You need to find a way to wake him up, or he might not be able to wake up."

"Me?? I have to wake him up?" I ask, shocked.


"Yes." She says.

I sigh and gently shake him.

"Mitchy... Mitch... wake up. You can do it. Open those pretty little eyes. You can do it." I say.

Nothing happens.

The nurse leaves the room.

I close the door and make sure that it is closed.

I gently lift Mitch up, and sit behind him, so that mitch is leaning on my chest.

I grab his hands and hold them, and kiss his head.

He moves a bit, but still doesn't wake up.

Another hour goes by and I figure out a way that could wake him up.

I gently moved his body, so I was now holding him bridal style.

I moved my face to his and kissed him.

I knew it would work.

Mitch's eyes opened, and he cling onto me.

"W-where am I?!" He stuttered, and as soon as he talked he started crying.

"Hey... hey..." I say. "You're okay, don't cry. I'll explain everything in a minute. I'm so glad you're awake." I say, with tears in my eyes.

"I missed you, a lot." I say.

"I-I was s-sleeping." He says.

"You were sleeping for a while, Mitchy." I say.

"O-oh... s-sorry..." he says, calming down.

"You're okay." I say, smiling.



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