《The blonde and the brunette》11: The question


Scott left for work, before I woke up.

He left a note saying he would be back soon.

Kirstie came over about 20 minutes after I woke up.

She knocked on Scott's door.

I answered it and she instantly hugged me.

I smiled.

"Mitchy!! Oh my goodness!! I missed you so much!!" He hugs me tighter.

"I missed you too, Kirst." I say with a smile.

"Oh my gosh!! I missed your voice."

"I missed yours too, a lot." I said, smiling.

"Well, how are you doing?" She says, walking to the couch.

We both sit, facing each other.

"I'm way better. I'm very happy here, Scott is amazing."

She smiles. "I'm glad to hear. Gosh, Mitch. I missed you."

I smile.

"Hey um... I know we haven't talked in a while... but I know I can tell you anything."

"Mitchy, of course. You can ask, or tell me anything. I won't say a word if you don't want me to."

"I know, but... I'm just not so sure about this..." I say.

"Spill it, Mitch. I'm here for you, always." She says.

I giggle.

"Fine, I think I like Scott. Like, I like like him. You know what I mean?" I say.

"But... I don't know if I should. Is it bad? Is he going to do what Travis did? Can I trust him? Ugh..." I sigh.

"Hey, you do what you think is right. You two would make a cute couple. And I highly doubt that Scott will ever do anything to you. He loves you a lot, Mitchy. He's told me amazing things about you. I'm pretty sure he likes you too but, shhhh. That's our secret."

I smile, big when she says Scott might like me back.


Does he really?

"Kirst, what should I do? Should I tell him?" I ask.

"Well, I would. But it's up to you. I'll stay here,with you while you ask. Would that help?"


"Scott comes home in an hour and a half, wanna go grab some Starbucks?" She asks.

"I'd love to, thanks Kirst." I say, she nods and smiles.


Kirstie and I got to Starbucks, ordered our drinks and sat outside together chatting about what I should say to Scott, and also talking about her and her life.

I missed her, a bunch. I forgot about how much we loved hanging out.

She was like a big sister to me.

Always there, and always able to help.

Once we finished our drinks, we laughed and giggled some, and walked back to her car.

We sang some tunes, and drove back to Scott's place.

Scott was surprisingly home. He came home 20 minutes early!!

Kirstie and I walked in.

"Hey, Scott!!" Kirstie said, waving at Scott in the kitchen.

Scott smiled and waved.


"Hi, Scott!!" I say, with a smile.

"Hi, Mitchy!!" He said, the name making me slightly blush.

"Hey, can we chat for a minute?" I say, taking a deep breath.

"Sure, of course!! Is everything alright?" He asks.

"Everything is great. I just needed to ask you something."

All three of us sit down, on the couch. I take a deep breath and look Scott in the eyes.

"Can you please be one hundred percent honest with me? Please." I say.

He nods. "Always."

I smile.

That makes me feel better.

"Well..." I bite my lip, and look at Kirstie.

She nods, indicating that I can do this.

I look back at Scott and make eye contact.

"Scott... I... I like you.... A-A lot. And... Maybe, Maybe you would... you would like to... to date?" I say.

My heart feels like it's about to beat out of my chest.

What did I just do?!


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