《Falling for Autumn | Jacob Black》Chapter 46 [edited]
Edward and Rosalie both snapped out of their frozen trance at the same time, immediately whisking Bella's twitching body upstairs to the hospital bed. Jacob raced after them, me stumbling numbingly behind him.
"Get the morphine!" Edward yelled at Rosalie as he double-checked the room for whatever they would need that Carlisle kept near the bed.
"Alice, get Carlisle on the phone!" Rosalie screeched.
The two of them became a blur as they frantically moved around the room before Rosalie pinned Bella down to the bed, ripping her clothes out of the way while Edward stabbed a syringe into her arm.
"Edward, what's happening?" I breathed from the doorway, staying out of the way.
"He's suffocating!"
"The placenta must have detached!" Rosalie added.
Bella came around at some point in all of this because suddenly she shrieked at Edward.
"Get him OUT! He can't BREATHE! Do it NOW!"
"The morphine has to spread-" Edward growled as Rosalie grabbed a scalpel.
"NO, NOW-" Bella's voice cut off as another gush of blood spilled out of her mouth. Edward held her head up, trying to clear her mouth so she could breathe again.
"We can't wait any longer." Rosalie growled back before turning her gaze to Bella's body.
"Bella, look at me." Jacob said, moving closer to her so she didn't watch Rosalie.
Rosalie took a deep breath and moved her hand to Bella's exposed stomach, swiftly making an incision as Bella screamed out in pain.
"Leaf," Rosalie murmured under her breath before her eyes lost focus; the sight of blood dripping from Bella's body distracted her from getting the baby out.
It took me a second to realize why Rose called me until Edward yelled.
"Rose, no!"
Without thinking, I threw my hand out, knocking Rosalie back with a gust of air. Jacob launched himself at her to keep distance between her and the blood as Edward hollered for Alice, who had stepped out of the room to answer Carlisle's second call back.
"Alice, get Rose out of here! Take her to Jasper and keep her there! Jacob, I need you!"
"What do you need me to do?" Jacob returned to the table, his eyes locked on Edward's face.
"CPR?" Edward glanced at him.
"Get her breathing! I've got to get him out before--"
Another shattering crack pierced the air, stopping us in our tracks as we waited for Bella's answering scream; it never came. Instead, her legs went from curled up to completely limp, sprawling out from her body unnaturally.
"Her spine," Edward choked out in horror.
"Damn it, Edward... get it out of her now!" I screamed as Jacob flung the dropped scalpel in his direction. "SAVE MY BEST FRIEND!"
That seemed to knock some sense back into Edward because he motioned for Jacob to start CPR as he finished Rosalie's job. The sound of metal being shredded apart caused Jacob to momentarily look up from Bella's face, realization dawning on him as he watched Edward's face pressed against her stomach. A previous conversation came flooding back to me: vampire teeth was the only solid way to cut through vampire skin. Edward had torn open the membrane holding the baby inside Bella's womb.
"Renesmee," Edward whispered in awe, holding the tiny being.
"Let me..." Bella croaked out in a broken whisper. "Give her to me."
Edward carefully laid the baby against Bella's chest, hovering over them as Bella blinked, finally focusing her sight.
"Renes...mee. So... beautiful." Bella crooned, taking in the sight of her daughter. Then she gasped out in pain, wincing as Edward snatched the baby off of her. I caught a glimpse of a double-crescent bite mark on Bella's chest.
"No, Renesmee." Edward murmured, as if teaching the baby manners.
Leaf, Bella's voice chimed in my mind as her body went still; Edward had gotten the baby out. Leaf, help Edward... help me...
My gaze returned to Bella just as she let out one last cough and her eyes rolled back into her head. With one last ga-lump so dull it could barely be heard, her heart faltered and went completely silent. Half a beat went by before Jacob picked the compression back up, trying to keep the rhythm steady.
"You stay with us, Bella! Do you hear me?" Jacob yelled at her. "You're not leaving! Keep your heart beating!"
One. Two. Three. Four.
He forced air down her throat, not paying attention to the wet drops sliding down his cheeks. From where I stood, I knew his tears were mostly for me; losing Bella, my best friend, would destroy me in ways I wasn't ready to think about.
"What are you waiting for?" Jacob roared at Edward, who was still holding the baby.
One. Two. Three. Four.
"Take her," Edward said finally, turning to glance at me.
"Give her to me," Rosalie said softly from the doorway. "I've got it under control, I promise. I'll take care of the baby while you save Bella..."
"I'll keep an eye on her," I promised Edward. "Do what you need to do."
"Autumn, wait... isn't there something you can do for her?" Jacob glanced over his shoulder at me. "I heard Bella's plea..."
"I don't know..." my voice trailed off as an idea came to me. "I could try something but I don't know if it's going to work. Especially with the morphine now spreading through her veins."
"Whatever it is, just do it." Edward said, handing Renesmee over to Rosalie who stood in the doorway waiting for me. "I'll take anything at this point."
"Jake, watch out." I stepped up to the other side of the table, motioning for Jacob to move his hands away from her chest.
Once his hands were removed, I placed mine on exposed skin and closed my eyes, concentrating. As the spell floated through my mind, I focused on the image of Bella - healthy, smiling. Alive.
Come on, Bells. You can do this. Fight your way back to us, to Edward... to Renesmee.
A soft glow illuminated Bella's body from underneath my hands, slowly enveloping around her as the others watched in amazement. In the blink of an eye, the glow absorbed into Bella's skin, leaving the room in its slightly duller lighting.
"It's up to you now," I told Edward as I staggered backwards, waving Jacob off as concern flashed in his eyes at my lack of energy. "Save her."
"Come on, Leaf." Rosalie said softly as she wrapped an arm around my shoulders, the baby snuggled in the other.
As she helped me down the stairs, I could hear Edward repeatedly shoving the syringe full of his venom into Bella's body while Jacob resumed CPR. I sent a silent prayer to Giuliana and Grandma to watch over my best friend, and bring her back to us safely.
"I'll get a bottle from the fridge if you want to get cleaned up," Rosalie said, nodding to my blood-soaked shirt. "Nobody's going to care if you soak your shirt in the sink. I think Esme keeps a stain remover in the cabinet there."
"Thanks, Rose." I gave her a weak smile as I tugged my shirt off over my head and tossed it into the sink.
"I brought you a spare," Alice appeared beside me, a clean shirt in her hand. "Carlisle said they're about five minutes away."
"Let's just hope it's not too late." I murmured, slipping the clean shirt on while Alice began spraying the stain remover onto the bloody material.
Once I was cleaned up and Alice threw my shirt into the wash, we migrated back into the living room, nervously glancing towards the stairs every so often as Edward and Jacob worked over Bella's body.
Rosalie sat on the clean end of the sofa with the baby in her arms, a tiny bottle of human blood in her hand as she cooed to the blanket-wrapped being. I hovered behind her a few feet away as she fed the baby, a greedy sucking sound emerging from the draining bottle. Rosalie was so absorbed in the baby that she barely moved at the sound of something falling to the floor upstairs, a loud crash that caused me to jump.
Unable to contain myself, I began pacing back and forth, my anxiety chewing at my stomach. Voices floated from outside, and I could barely make out Alice talking to Chloe and Leah as they came to check on us. Tuning out their conversation, my eyes landed on the baby in Rose's arms, her brown eyes peering at me over Rose's shoulder as I drew nearer with each pacing, unaware of the distance I had been closing. Renesmee's gaze was focused on me, more so than what a newborn's gaze should be only moments after birth.
As soon as her eyes locked on mine, a warmth spread through my veins - a calling echoing to the very core of my soul. It was different than the feeling I experienced when Jacob imprinted on me; this was more a glowing, a more intimate connection...
Almost like a mother's unconditional love.
In a flash, the Cullens' living room faded away, giving sight to a field of green grass filled with sunshine and wildflowers. The sound of playful laughter filled the air and I turned around to see Renesmee, maybe 17-years-old, running through the grass, her bronze curls bouncing off her shoulders. My eyes shifted to a figure behind her, my breath catching in my throat as I watched a boy about the same age chase after her...
My brown eyes staring back at me... with Jacob's facial features, skin slightly lighter than his father's.
Our son. In love with Renesmee.
"Autumn, are you okay?" Jacob murmured, his arms wrapped around my waist as I stumbled backward, breaking contact with Renesmee. The rest of the Cullens - Carlisle, Esme, Emmett - were standing behind us, concern on everyone's face.
"I'm... fine." I cleared my throat, letting him help me to a chair. "I think..."
"Jacob!" Chloe's voice called out from the front yard, the panic promptly cutting me off. "Incoming!"
"Sam," Jacob growled. In one fluid motion, he was on his feet and out the door, the Cullens right behind him while Rosalie stayed on the couch.
"They can't hurt her," I mumbled, trying to catch my breath from the shock. "They can't..."
"What happened to you, Leaf?" Rose demanded; I ignored her as I found the strength to clamber to my feet and rush out to the porch.
Leah and Seth were both in their wolf forms, positioned between the small yard in front of the porch and the treeline where Sam and the others slowly slunk out of, their teeth bared as snarls ripped through the air. The Cullens were spread out down the stairs and near the front door, guarding their house cautiously; Jacob had leaped from the porch and landed between Leah and Seth, his eyes just as angry, protective.
"STOP!" I shouted, pushing past Emmett and Jasper. "Sam, BACK DOWN! You can't touch Renesmee!"
"Why not?" Carlisle asked, his eyes darting to me.
"Because Renesmee is a future imprint." Edward said behind me, joining his family. "The wolf pack cannot touch her because it goes against their laws. They cannot kill another wolf's mate... regardless of which pack they belong to."
"Meaning?" Emmett raised an eyebrow, confusion in his voice.
I stared Sam down with my shoulders squared back, mentally challenging him to try me, as Edward answered his brother, his voice ringing loud and clear through the charged atmosphere.
"Renesmee is the soulmate of Jacob and Autumn's firstborn son."
"Are you sure?" Jacob breathed, not taking his eyes off of the wolves standing mere feet away from us.
"100%." I responded, taking a deep breath as I projected the vision out to the packs.
I heard soft gasps come from Leah and Seth as the rest of the wolves slowly backed down one by one. Sam was the last to shift from a defensive stance; his dark eyes searching my face before giving a short howl and wheeling around, sprinting back towards La Push. The air was still charged with an intense discomfort that had everyone on edge, even as the silence blanketed the area around us.
"How...?" Esme directed to me, words seeming to fail her; I knew exactly what she was trying to ask.
"Let's go back inside," I suggested, casting another glance over my shoulder. "I'll explain what I know."
Once the Cullens were all in the living room and the pack made sure the perimeter was secured before joining us, I took a steady breath and told them what happened.
"Rose was feeding Renesmee and I don't know, I just made eye contact with the baby. And the vision came to me... Renesmee in a field of flowers, being chased playfully by a younger version of Jacob with my eyes. I could feel the love between them... and the way he was looking at Renesmee, is the same way Jacob looks at me. The same way Leah looks at Chloe, how Sam looks at Emily. I know what imprinting looks like, and I think that's why..." I trailed off, trying to gather my thoughts.
"What?" Emmett asked, raising an eyebrow. I shared a look with Edward, who gave a slight nod.
"I think that's why Bella and Jacob have such a strong bond, regardless of her love for Edward and Jacob being my soulmate. The wolf lineage that flows through Jake's DNA is still magic... and I think it recognized that trace in Bella's lineage. Like a memory... ugh, I don't know how to describe it."
"You did a great job," Carlisle reassured me. "We know what you're trying to say."
"Huh. Who would've thought..." Jacob murmured to himself, lost in thought.
"Carlisle?" Edward turned to his father, his eyes filled with uncertainty.
"Right, I need to check on Bella." Carlisle excused himself from the room and followed Edward upstairs, their voices fading with each step.
"A hybrid and a wolf." Emmett grinned, sinking into the couch. "Now that is something you wouldn't think of as a good match."
"Actually, it would be two hybrids." Chloe chimed in, cutting him off. "One vampire-human and one wolf-witch."
"That's true." I murmured, letting Chloe's words sink in. What would that mean?
"Wait, Leaf. Are you..." Rosalie raised an eyebrow, still holding Renesmee.
"I don't think so..." I said uncertainly, causing Jacob and everyone else to turn towards me. "I would know if I was."
"Is there a possibility?"
"Well, yeah. I am still human with a reproductive system functioning somewhat properly." I rolled my eyes at Emmett's sly smirk growing on his lips. "But I'm not worried about me right now... Bella's upstairs fighting for her life."
That seemed to jolt everyone back to the present because the Cullens all glanced towards the stairs before dispersing to various areas of the house, each on their own little mission. Leah and Chloe hovered in a corner, whispering to each other for a few minutes before Leah kissed Chloe's cheek and headed outside, Seth trailing behind her.
"I have to go check on my dad," Jacob murmured to me distractedly as he kissed my forehead. "Do you need anything while I'm gone?"
"No, I think I'm okay." I gave him a half-hearted smile. "Tell Billy I said hi."
"Hey Jake," Chloe called from across the room. "Do you mind if I tag along? I'd like to stop by the store and pick up a few things for myself."
"Sure. I'll be outside." Jacob nodded before walking out of the room. Chloe studied my face as she came over to the couch.
"Do you want me to get you a pregnancy test? You know, in case you want to take it?" She whispered.
"I... think that might be a good idea." I looked at her with wide eyes, feeling a bubble of panic threatening to burst inside me. She wrapped her arms around me, smoothing down my hair.
"It'll be okay, Leaf. Either way... you're going to be okay."
Without another word, Chloe left, the front door softly closing behind her. I dropped my head into my hands as I sat in silence, not looking up when I heard Carlisle and Edward come back downstairs.
"You did everything right, son." I heard Carlisle reassure Edward. "We just have to give Bella some time and wait to see."
"I'm going for a quick hunt. I won't be too far away," Edward muttered in response.
Carlisle didn't reply; the silence that followed Edward's words felt tense as if someone was still in the room. Feeling the burning sensation of being watched, I lifted my head up a tiny bit to see both men looking at me, puzzled and concerned expressions on their faces.
"Are you okay, Autumn?" Carlisle asked, moving to my side and placing a hand on my forehead.
"Just peachy," I said sarcastically. "Other than there's a very good chance I'm pregnant."
"You weren't planning for a baby." He said matter-of-factly.
"I know it's not an ideal time," Carlisle said slowly, "but if it's any consolation... I think you and Jacob will make great parents."
I stared at the doctor in front of me, taking in his genuine smile and soft eyes. Tears sprang to my eyes and I had to look away to stop them from falling.
"Thank you, Carlisle." I said softly. "As far as I'm concerned, you're a great father figure to look up to."
Carlisle patted my hand comfortingly before disappearing from the room, on his way to Esme, I suspected. Edward lingered in the doorway, his gaze carefully studying me.
"He's right, you know." He spoke after a few moments. "You both would be great parents."
"And you're going to be a great dad, too."
We shared a brief smile, understanding passing through us; Edward turned to head out the door when I stopped him.
"Edward... do you know what Bella wanted to talk to me about? Before she went into labor?"
"Of course." He grinned, the first real smile I've seen from him since his wedding day.
"We wanted to ask you and Jacob to be Renesmee's godparents."
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