《When We're Older- The Maze Runner (Newt)》the maze
Fear was all I felt as I placed my hands on the cold concrete walls. What did I just do? It was like my body was on autopilot when I leaped between the closing doors, almost being squished to death.
The thought of Newt's terrified eyes made its way into my mind as I turned around to face Thomas and Minho, feeling angry all of a sudden. If Thomas hadn't ran into the Maze, then I probably wouldn't have either. He just put the cherry on top for the decision I was already considering. I clenched my jaw as I launched myself towards him, gripping the collar of his shirt.
"If we don't make it out, I'm gonna kill you," I muttered, my face about an inch from his, "Do you hear me? I'm gonna kill you."
Thomas looked at me, the same amount of fear that I had showing through his eyes. I sighed and let go of his shirt, knowing that I had to stay calm.
"And I'm too upset to come up with a witty description of how I'm going to kill you, but I'm gonna do it, okay? I'm gonna—"
"You both are the shuckiest shuck-faced shucks I have ever met in the world!" Minho yelled, stomping across the ground to us. His jaw clenched as sweat and grime covered his forehead, telling me that it was no normal run in the Maze for him and Alby. The Runner pointed his fingers at Thomas and I, "You two just killed yourselves."
Thomas' eyes went wide as he stared at Minho, "W-What?"
I groaned as I stood up, walking towards an unconscious Alby. Both of the boys watched as I pointed at him, concerned but not showing it, "What happened to him?"
Minho looked down to the floor, "He was stung."
Thomas stood up and walked beside me, "How?"
"A stupid Griever, shuck-face! What do you think?" He yelled at the Greenie. I groaned and stepped in between the two, the last thing we needed was for the both of them to get into an argument. We had only a couple minutes before it turned dark, and we needed to figure out what to do quickly.
"Hey!" I called to both of them, feeling my annoyance and fear rise, "You both need to calm the shuck down! We need to get Alby somewhere before it's dark out, then we can figure out what the hell to do—"
"No," Minho breathed, turning his head and stumbling down the long corridor, "We're already dead.."
"We can't just leave him here," Thomas and I said at the exact same time, making us turn our heads to each other. Minho kept muttering words to himself as if he were waiting for something.
Suddenly, a loud monstrous cry was heard from deep within the Maze, far away from where we were now. But it was only a reminder of what would be coming if we didn't move. Minho apparently had the same idea, because he quickly walked back to me, placing his hand on my shoulder and pointing towards the Maze.
"We gotta move," He told us, losing his cool with every moment that passed. I've never seen him like this. He was always throwing sarcastic comments around, teasing anyone who deserved it... Now he looked terrified, having absolutely no hope for himself and his friends. It bothered me, but I understood. All I could do was try to help Alby and make it through the night with these two. I didn't have my inhaler, so that would be somewhat of a problem, but I found that worrying about it only made the attack stronger.
Thomas looked down at Alby's body, "Pick him up, we gotta take him somewhere."
Minho stared at him as though he had three heads, "Are you shucking crazy? I've been carrying him all day and you see where that got me! Where are we even gonna—"
Deciding I've had enough of him, I let out a frustrated grunt and turn around harshly, grabbing the collar of is shirt and shoving him against the wall, "Listen here, buddy! Newt's in the Glade alone while all of us are in here. The reason Thomas and I shucking ran through here was to save your sorry butt from dying! So you're not gonna stand there and tell me that we ran in here for no reason, and that we're already dead, do you hear me? Because I'm not leaving Newt, no matter what the shucking cost is," I pointed at Alby's unconscious body, "And he's the reason Newt was even worried in the first place, so if we go back there tomorrow without our little shucking leader then this will all be for nothing. So quit complaining and help your damn friend."
The boys stared at me as I tore myself off of Minho and grabbing both of Alby's arms. There was no way I was gonna be able to move him by myself. He weighed like 200 pounds and he was at least a foot taller than me. Even if I could bring Gally to the ground, I couldn't move a deadweight teenager. I tugged and tugged on his arms frantically, only moving him about an inch before Thomas and Minho finally grew a pair and sat him up.
"Count of three," Thomas muttered, moving Alby's arm over his shoulder. Minho did the same thing, nodding in agreement.
They both grunted as they lifted the heavy leader in the air, grabbing his legs. Now that Alby was up, the four of us began moving through the corridor, knowing we couldn't stay here all night.
I listened to the rumbling sounds of the Maze, and the distant screams of the Grievers that seemed to get louder by the minute. Everything felt like it was closing in as I followed Minho's directions, turning when he told me to turn and going straight when he told me to go straight. It seemed like we were going in circles. The only thing ahead and behind us were the towering walls, reminding us that we were trapped. When the light of day started to get dimmer, Minho finally told me to stop and he told Thomas to put Alby down.
"Set him here," He breathed, nodding to a wall. They both sat him down and I rushed over, just to make sure he was still unconscious.
Another loud cry came from our left, and all of our heads shot up towards the noise. Minho let out a scared and hopeless whimper, pacing back and forth along the wall, trying to keep himself together. Thomas on the other hand, looked at Alby and sighed, turning to the Runner.
"We have to do something, we can't just leave him. I-Is there a place we can hide him or something—"
Minho grunted in frustration and pushed the boy against the wall, "Look around you, shank! There's nowhere to go!"
I rolled my eyes helplessly and moved my head away from the scene. That's when I saw it. The ivy.
Standing up slowly, I made my way over towards the long plants. Minho and Thomas were still arguing behind me, but I tuned them out as I pulled one vine from the wall. I pulled down on it harshly to see how strong it was. When it didn't break, I wrapped my hand around it and placed my feet against the wall, seeing if the ivy could hold me in midair. Granted, I'm probably not the right one to test this out, since I literally weighed the least out of everyone in the Glade, but it was enough for me to know that we had to try.
"Hey," I called to the boys softly. They turned their heads towards me as I leapt off of the wall and pointed towards it, "The ivy. We could tie him up."
Thomas let out a breathless laugh, walking towards me and testing the ivy for himself. When it still didn't break, he walked back over towards Minho and Alby. He cocked his head towards the unconscious one, motioning for some help. Just as I was about to move forward, Minho sighed and grabbed hold of Alby's arm, hoisting him up into the air. They brought him over to the wall of vines and looked to me for what to do.
"Okay," I stared enforcing the plan I had made within three seconds, "We're gonna tie this one around his waist and then we're gonna raise him up with this one."
I grabbed another piece of strong ivy, showing the boys as they nodded. Minho placed his hands on his hips and looked to the ground. It was like I could read his mind. He thought my plan was mental, and that we were all gonna die. To be honest, the hopes for myself were as good as his were for all of us. If I couldn't make it back to the Glade and back to Newt, I sure as hell wasn't gonna let all of us die, leaving him with nobody.
I tied the thick ivy around Alby's waist three times just for good measure. When I nodded back to the boys, we grabbed the other thick piece together.
"How far are we gonna lift him?" Thomas asked.
"As far as it takes for me to feel like he'll be safe," I murmured in all honesty. He nodded while Minho let out another frightened grunt. I looked at him, "It'll be okay, Min."
At my words, he slowly nodded and tightened his grip on the ivy, getting ready to pull the vines like I suggested. I turned my body back to the wall and widened my stance, "Okay, ready?"
Nobody answered, but I took that as a yes.
I grunted as I started to pull, feeling Thomas and Minho kick in as soon as I gave them the cue. I never knew Alby weighed this much, if only he didn't have all of that muscle on him. But then again, that muscle helped build the Homestead and the rest of the Glade.
The three of us kept lifting him until he was high enough. I don't know how long it took, maybe minutes, maybe hours...but when I looked around, I noticed how it was dark, making my fear of what was to come start to increase. My muscles burned from lifting the boy up for as long as we were, and my legs couldn't take any more of the pressure I was putting on them. I kept my breathing steady, remembering how fear only makes it worse. If Newt were here, he would tell me to stay calm, so that's what I did.
Another loud cry sounded, but this time it was a lot closer than I expected it to be. Chills ran down my back as we lifted Alby another inch into the air and to his safety. A creepy fog started to slowly surround our feet, making the whole experience more nerve racking than it already was. I could hear Minho breathing heavily in the back, and Thomas, who was muttering words of encouragement to himself and to us, even though we weren't listening.
From the corner of my eye, I could see Minho look over his shoulder and peek around the walls, as soon as he did, his breathing increased in fright.
"We gotta go!" He breathed to us. I shook my head at him.
"One more," I said, referring to Alby.
The Runner gave us one more long pull before he looked around the corner once more, this time yelping a little in fright, "Thomas! We need to go now!"
Thomas shook his head, keeping his hands tight around the ivy, "Minho, we're almost there, just a few more!"
Minho slowed his breathing down and started to loosen his grip, making Thomas and I hold on tighter. In that sudden moment, I knew the decision he was about to make. He let fear consume him, no matter what the cost. His body and brain were on autopilot as he let go of the vine and took a step back.
"I'm sorry guys..." Were the last words he said before he turned and sprinted away, catching Thomas and I off guard. His foot slipped into mine, causing me to lose my balance on the slippery concrete floor. The weight of the boy we were holding up crashed down on us, and we both slid against the hard wall, doing anything to keep our grip on the ivy and not let Alby fall.
When I heard the growling sound of what had made Minho run away, I felt my breath hitch in my throat. The clanking of the claws began to draw closer, and I scrambled out from under Thomas' body. I dragged myself underneath a broken piece of the wall, keeping hold of the ivy. Thomas followed, pressing his back to my chest as the Griever finally rounded down the corridor we were in.
The ivy hid us from the creature, easing only a fraction of my nerves. I held my breath as the threatening sound of its claws clanked against the concrete, and the greenish ooze trailed from behind it. Thomas and I were silent, not even able to hear each other breathe. The only sound that we could hear was the thumping of our hearts against our chests. The Griever growled once more and let out an earth-shattering scream, making me pinch my eyes shut and grip into the ivy with all my might as a stress tool. In that moment, I thought of all of the things I hadn't done yet.
I didn't even get to go to a stupid shucking arcade.
As if someone was looking out for Thomas and I, the Griever turned around and crawled down the rest of the corridor and out of our sight. I closed my eyes and let out a shaky breath as the clanking of claws grew quieter. I leaned my forehead against Thomas' back, feeling exhausted.
"That was so scary..." I whispered. He nodded and tugged the ivy out of my hands, bringing it around a large root. He tied it there quickly, scrambling out from underneath the little arch we hid under. I watched as he stepped back, motioning for me to follow him.
I crawled out, taking his hand as he helped me up and pushed me around the corner to hide behind the wall as the same Griever showed itself again. My breathing hitched again as I squeezed Thomas' hand as hard as I could, feeling him squeeze back in fear. We waited there until the sound of the claws decreased again. Because I couldn't move my frozen body, Thomas pulled me out from behind the wall. I sighed in relief when I saw nothing but the dark corridor ahead of us.
"God damnit, Thomas," I breathed, "I hate you. I really, really hate you..."
He ignored me and turned around to look at Alby's hanging body. He nodded when he realized that the boy was going to be safe in the air. I pulled on his shirt, finally realizing that we couldn't stay here.
"We have to go," I whispered to him. He nodded again and started to walk backwards from his spot, starting down another corridor.
Suddenly, Thomas stopped in his tracks, making me stop as well. I looked at him in confusion and furrowed my eyebrows when he suddenly grabbed my hand tightly and turned around. My heart started to race, the thought of him turning from relieved to panicked in only a few seconds was enough to make me scream. The threatening fog started to increase around us as Thomas and I slowly lifted our heads into the air, seeing noting but darkness. My hands started to shake in anticipation mixed with fear and adrenaline at the thought of us waiting for something. When something cold and slimy dropped on Thomas' shoulder, I froze. We both slowly turned our bodies around, and were met with the thing that's been tormenting our nightmares from day one.
There comes a moment in life where some people just give up. Fall to the ground in a fit of tears, promising themselves that they will never get up to see the light of day again. There comes a time where all you want to do is scream, destroy a room, hurt someone, be violent...show a part of yourself that nobody's ever seen before. And then there comes a time where you have to fight. No matter how fatigued you are, no matter how little strength you have left in your aching body. You will yourself to get up and attack whatever is keeping your body from collapsing. From giving up. From lashing out. Even though you wanted to do all of those things, you know you can't. So you fight.
And then, there comes a time where all you can do is hope.
And run.
We both screamed as soon as the Griever fell from it's hiding place above our heads. Thomas and I scrambled back on our hands and knees, feeling too shocked and too weak in the moment of pure fear. My hands shook, and I couldn't catch my breath as the creature looked us both in the eye and let out a monstrous scream that I seemed to hear a lot lately.
Thomas was the one to get to his feet first, grabbing the collar of my shirt with him.
"Go!" He screamed in pure terror. We began running blindly, down any corridor we could find. The sounds of the metal legs was right behind us as I quickly turned my head over my shoulder to see how much time we had before the thing caught up to us.
I wanted to cry, scream from the ache in my legs and the heavy feeling in my chest as we sprinted for our lives. If we stopped running, then we would surely die. I rounded another corner, not even paying attention to see if Thomas was following me or not. I ran as fast as my legs could go, maybe even faster than the day I had beat Minho. I didn't even notice how Thomas had come up beside me, looking over his shoulder every five seconds to see where the creature was. He screamed again, and I looked behind me this time, now seeing the Griever gaining on us.
We turned left, having no clue what we were doing, but just wanting to loose the horrible thing that was following us so that we could wait it out until the sun came up. But we knew this was going to happen. If only Minho were with us, he could possibly lead us to somewhat of safety. But he got too scared.
Thomas held his arm out in front of me suddenly as we both let out another scream. The Griever was now somehow in front of us, launching itself towards our bodies. We sprinted down the closest corridor we could find, taking a right, another right, and then a left. Coming to a long sort of hallway, I no longer heard the sound of the metal claws behind Thomas and I, but we knew that it couldn't be far behind. We placed our hands on a wall, catching our breath and looking behind us for only a second before we started to run again.
But we were met with a dead end to our right and to our left, trapping us once again.
"Oh, shit..." Thomas and I muttered at the same time. It's like we were one brain right now, turning down the same corridors only to be met with an end to the road.
Was this really the end?
When the Griever ran out from behind the wall, that's what I thought. I thought that was when I was going to feel the disgusting Griever teeth penetrate my skin, and the claw rip me in half. But as soon as Thomas grabbed my shirt and tugged me to the right, I knew he was going to do anything to get us both out of this mess.
He pulled me down a half corridor, with a dead end.
"What are you doing?" I yelled at him in terror. When he jumped onto a rock and launched himself at the small ivy leaves that were poking out, I knew that was our only way to escape. I followed his actions and leapt into the air, catching myself on one of the strongest pieces and using the little strength I had left in me to pull myself up to the top of the wall.
Apparently, the Griever had the same idea as us, because it jumped up as well, almost landing on my foot ad I pulled it over the edge. I reached my hand out to Thomas, and he took it. With a grunt, I jerked him up the rest of the way, and we both rolled out of the Griever's sudden grasp, scrambling to our feet. He led the way again, jumping over a break in the walls. I widened my eyes and ran faster, knowing that if I didn't want to fall to my death or get eaten by a Griever, that's what I was going to have to do. He stopped running as he watched me make the same jump he did, and I surprisingly landed in somewhat of a superhero position on my knees.
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Sucked into the void without warning, a handful of people from around the globe suddenly find themselves in the foreign world of Scyria, a place filled with people who can jump three times their height, conjure fire from thin air, and perform any number of other inhuman feats. Scattered across the realm and armed with newfound powers far greater than those of the native Scyrians, they each struggle to find their path in this unfamiliar reality. Their unforeseen arrival sends tremors throughout the world, toppling a centuries-long age of relative peace, prosperity, and progress as they each leave their mark on the world in their own ways. But Scyria has its own share of intrigue, even without these unwelcome guests. A major metropolis is wiped from existence out of nowhere, triggering a manhunt across the continent for those deemed responsible. Two feuding nations decide to bring their hostilities to a new level. Blades clash, nations fall, and plots years in the making begin to reveal themselves. This is the story of some unwilling trespassers, taken from their lives against their will and thrown into situations they barely understand. This is the story of some unfortunate Scyrians, their lives blown apart by the newcomers’ sudden and destabilizing existence. This is the story of Scyria, a world with a lost past buried beneath millenia. But as both the Earthlings and Scyrians are about to find out, sometimes the past doesn’t stay buried forever... I marked the story as having Gore, Sexual Content, and Traumatising content because it does contain a bit of all three, though not what I believe is a significant amount. Just wanted to be safe. It does contain a whole lot of profanity, though. That one is very much deserved. I post one chapter ahead on Patreon here, you can get it for a dollar: https://www.patreon.com/IrateRapScallion My Discord server for discussing the story and whatever else: https://discord.gg/uycZBbv Please vote for my story on Top Web Fiction by clicking here: http://topwebfiction.com/vote.php?for=displaced Thanks! Cover by Jefferymoonworm
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