《Vocabulary / Word Lists for writers》Expressive Phrases [P.3]
I capitulated by inadvertence
I cut my reflections adrift
I felt a qualm of apprehension
I suffered agonies of shyness
I took the good day from the hands of God as a perfect gift
I was in a somber mood
I was overshadowed by a deep boding
I was piqued
I yielded to the ingratiating mood of the day
Ill-bred insolence was his only weapon
Ill-dissimulated fits of ambition
Imbued with a vernal freshness
Immense and careless prodigality
Immense objects which dwarf us
Immersed in secret schemes
Immured in a trivial round of duty
Impassioned and earnest language
Impatient and authoritative tones
Impervious to the lessons of experience
Implying an immense melancholy
Imprisoned within an enchanted circle
In a deprecating tone of apology
In a flash of revelation
In a gale of teasing merriment
In a misery of annoyance and mortification
In a musing ecstasy of contemplation
In a sky stained with purple, the moon slowly rose
In a spirit of indulgent irony
In a strain of exaggerated gallantry
In a tone of after-dinner perfunctoriness
In a tone of musing surprise
In a tumult of self-approval and towering exultation
In a vague and fragmentary way
In a wise, superior, slightly scornful manner
In accents of menace and wrath
In its whole unwieldy compass
In moments of swift and momentous decision
In quest of something to amuse
In requital for various acts of rudeness
In the air was the tang of spring
In the dusky path of a dream
In the face of smarting disillusions
In the flush and heyday of youth and gaiety and loveliness
In the heyday of friendship
In the mild and mellow maturity of age
In the perpetual presence of everlasting verities
In this breathless chase of pleasure
In this chastened mood I left him
Incapable of initiative or boldness
Inconceivable perversion of reasoning
Indolently handsome eyes
Indulge in pleasing discursiveness
Ineffable sensation of irritability
Infantile insensibility to the solemnity of his bereavement
Infantine simplicity and lavish waste
Innumerable starlings clove the air
Insensible to its subtle influence
Inspired by the immortal flame of youth
Intangible and indescribable essence
Intense love of excitement and adventure
Intimations of unpenetrated mysteries
Into her eyes had come a hostile challenge
Into the purple sea the orange hues of heaven sunk silently
Into the very vestibule of death
Involuntarily she sighed
Involuntary awkwardness and reserve
Involved in a labyrinth of perplexities
It came to him with a stab of enlightenment
It elicited a remarkably clear and coherent statement
It is a flight beyond the reach of human magnanimity
It is a thing infinitely subtle
It is not every wind that can blow you from your anchorage
It lends no dazzling tints to fancy
It moved me to a strange exhilaration
It parted to a liquid horizon and showed the gray rim of the sea
It proved a bitter disillusion
It seemed intolerably tragic
It seemed to exhale a silent and calm authority
It was a breathless night of suspense
It was a desolating vision
It was a night of little ease to his toiling mind
It was a night of stupefying surprises
It was all infinitely soft and refreshing to the eye
It was an evening of great silences and spaces, wholly tranquil
It was sheer, exuberant, instinctive, unreasoning, careless joy
It was the ecstasy and festival of summer
It was torture of the most exquisite kind
Jealousies and animosities that pricked their sluggish blood to tingling
Joy rioted in his large dark eyes
Judging without waiting to ponder over bulky tomes
Kind of unscrupulous contempt for gravity
Kiss-provoking lips
Laden with the poignant scent of the garden honeysuckle
Language of excessive flattery and adulation
Lapped in soft music of adulation
Lapse into pathos and absurdity
Large, dark, luminous eyes that behold everything about them
Latent vein of whimsical humor
Lead to the strangest aberrations
Leaping from lambent flame into eager and passionate fire
Leave to the imagination the endless vista of possibilities
Life flowed in its accustomed stream
Lights and shadows of reviving memory crossed her face
Lionized by fashionable society
Long intertangled lines of silver streamlets
Lost in a delirious wonder
Lost in irritable reflection
Love hovered in her gaze
Ludicrous attempts of clumsy playfulness and tawdry eloquence
Luke-warm assurance of continued love
Lulled by dreamy musings
Luminous with great thoughts
Magnanimous indifference to meticulous niceties
Making the ear greedy to remark offense
Marching down to posterity with divine honors
Marked out for some strange and preternatural doom
Mawkishly effeminate sentiment
Memories plucked from wood and field
Memory was busy at his heart
Merged in a sentiment of unutterable sadness and compassion
Microscopic minuteness of eye
Misgivings of grave kinds
Mockery crept into her tone
Molded by the austere hand of adversity
Moments of utter idleness and insipidity
Moods of malicious reaction and vindictive recoil
Morn, in yellow and white, came broadening out of the mountains
Mumble only jargon of dotage
My body is too frail for its moods
Nature seemed to revel in unwonted contrasts
New ambitions pressed upon his fancy
New dreams began to take wing in his imagination
Night after night the skies were wine-blue and bubbling with stars
Night passes lightly in the open world, with its stars and dews and perfumes
Nights of fathomless blackness
No mark of trick or artifice
Noble and sublime patience
Nursed by brooding thought
Obsessed with the modishness of the hour
Occasional flashes of tenderness and love
Oddly disappointing and fickle
One gracious fact emerges here
One long torture of soul
One of the golden twilights which transfigure the world
Oppressed and disheartened by an all-pervading desolation
Oppressed with a confused sense of cumbrous material
Outweighing years of sorrow and bitterness
Over and over the paroxysms of grief and longing submerged her
Overhung and overspread with ivy
Overshadowed by a vague depression
Pale and vague desolation
Pallor of reflected glories
Palpitating with rage and wounded sensibility
Panting after distinction
Peace brooded over all
Pelted with an interminable torrent of words
Penetrate beneath the surface to the core
Peopled the night with thoughts
Perpetual gloom and seclusion of life
Pertinent to the thread of the discussion
Pervasive silence which wraps us in a mantle of content
Piles of golden clouds just peering above the horizon
Platitudinous and pompously sentimental
Plaudits of the unlettered mob
Pleasant and flower-strewn vistas of airy fancy
Pledged with enthusiastic fervor
Plumbing the depth of my own fears
Poignant doubts and misgivings
Power of intellectual metamorphosis
Power to assuage the thirst of the soul
Precipitated into mysterious depths of nothingness
Preening its wings for a skyward flight
Pressing cares absorbed him
Pride working busily within her
Proclaimed with joyous defiance
Prodigal of discriminating epithets
Prodigious boldness and energy of intellect
Products of dreaming indolence
Profound and chilling solitude of the spot
Proof of his imperturbability and indifference
Provocative of bitter hostility
Pulling the strings of many enterprises
Purge the soul of nonsense
Quickened and enriched by new contacts with life and truth
Quivering with restrained grief
The City of the Dragon Twisted
. 🐉 . The City of The Forever-Peace witnesses a pale young Buddhist Monk fighting his fearful thoughts of whether to cross the borders to Nepal and India against the death penalty. Why would that matter? In that September Autumn night of circa A.D.655, Emperor Táme’ Tie’-Zeon has been ruling an empire spanning 13,000 miles from the East to as far as the Baikal Sea in the Western Regions bordering the Middle East kingdom and the Rome Empire. Meanwhile, news has traveled that his Dharma-Son, Pan G. Monk faces an incredible Guillotine Execution that will chop off his waist in halves. The Empress Wǔl Zénder-Tan’ couldn't be careless. Why would that matter to the imperial family? Monks are just officials with equal vicarious duties and privileges. She would then spare her resourceful energy to maintain the fruitful relationship intertwining The Grand-Khan Jurchen-Warlords Clans in the North-East Desert in attempts to affirm her fate as the first and only female-Emperor, in the Medieval Ages of the Great City of the Dragon. Whereas The Abbot Master Xend'-Zeon of the Jade-Lotus Temple faces factions of religious politics. Particularly in the present, the Empress needed to manipulate the Master’s reputation to desperately seek life and/or the after-life merits. She decreed to be addressed as The Old Buddha Grand Father. The Master has had ideals of service to sentient beings since he was young. He could have traveled the Silk Road to the Far West entrance-point bypassing the five beacons as shortcuts save that he lacks the pertinent travel documents. Instead, he chose to cross the 800-mile овь-Gobi Desert that is as vast as the Baikal Sea, on foot. A route that is impossible in the history of the Buddha dharma. His heart never withers to support the mage of the red lotus that promises the Enlightenment of the Buddha-Land. Except that no one has ever endured the latitude of the heat. The pain. Alive, out of the desert sea. But he is also vulnerable to recognize the un-staticity of The Truth, The Truth itself, and the truth of seeking passion and mission for compassion in humankind. The mind and body reciting The Sūtra and The Heart, A phenomenon they knew better as if souls in chemical layers of their physique. Realizing enhanced mind training attaining controlling powers of life and death. Realizing the transformation of the unbearable pains and grievances he thought possible. . 2 . 🐉 . Meanwhile, dreams have been watching him to open The Third Eye, at The City's Amethyst-Jade Palace of the Second Emperor, Third Emperor, and Fourth Empress. Old Monks at The Nālandā Temple at the Far West Buddha Land; Householders Masters and Kings of the Jeek’-Foot Mountains of The City of the Naga-Dragon Twisted; in the Far West of The City of the Ever-Peace witness adventures of The Master. Lives at brinks of suicidal choices slaughtering ordeals. Who have inadvertently neglected the Master's karmic inflictions that would paradoxically affirm in a point of Near-Death Experiences; The Two-Profound-Reflective presented upon attaining The Deep-Active-Meditatitive Flow of Equanimity Samādhi. Eventually, The Seer Consciousness sees the Active Heart that is replete with The Latent Unconditional Love, Compassion And Empathy; that had been so close to us that we could not see it; as if one cannot see her own face. . 3 . 🐉 . Meanwhile also, the Imperial Criminal Affairs Clerk Ewen Hawk-Jean suffers too much seeking possession of desires and relief from a certain situation. Pan G., the Assistant Dharma-Translator to the Abbott Master Xend'-zeon has voluntarily or otherwise fallen into the supposed conspiracy or plain indifference. The imperial family's agenda of the Imperial Family of The Fang’-Chucks of course longs for a waist cut in halves not simply as souvenirs. Awaiting the Abbot Master is to come out from the disturbance. Incredibly transformative factors of the Mind-Transcendence-Samadhi are profoundly desired to spare the Monk Pan G. from the Post-Autumn Guillotine Execution that will chop off his waist in halves...... …But why would it matter to You?
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I do not own the images.
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