《I Do. (August Alsina)》I Do, 27


"Wazzam woe?" Christian said to August dapping him up.

I shake my head laughing. "What did you just teach my child?"

August shook his head, shrugging. "I ain' teach him dat."

"You lying." I laughed.

"Nah. When ya brutha comin through?" August asked.

I shrugged sighing. "He said he was on his way like thirty minutes ago."

"You sho you wanna do this shit again?" He asked grabbing Christian.

Christian laughs, trying to run away from him as August tickles him.

I smile and nodded. "Yeah, plus it's just with my mom instead of with my dad."

"Remember I'm hea fa you. She say some slick stuff, I'll be the first one in thea. Ya heard me?" He said looking into my eyes.

I nodded looking away from his intimidating stare. "I hear you."

After 15 minutes we heard a knock on the door. I sighed, getting up to answer the door. I look through the peephole and saw Simon and my mother. I open the door letting them inside.

"Dats ma' nephew? Lil nigga bout to get all dem hoes." Simon said causing my head to snap in his direction. "Ma' bad, I-I mean he gon be an amazin' chile."

"Thought so." I said walking into the living room area and sat on the couch. "Christian come here."

He got out of August's grip and sat next to me on the couch. "Yes." He smiled at me.

I smiled back, kissing his cheek. "I wanna introduce you to someone. This is my brother Simon, Simon is your uncle."

He looked up at Simon and just stared. After minute of them having a staring contest, Christian laughs.

"You got money?" Christian asked.

"Yeah, why what's up?" Simon answered.

"Can you buy me a-a McDonald?" He asked so innocent.

I laugh, shaking my head. "Christian you ate not to long away."


He just smiled shrugging. My eyes slowly drift over to my mother who was trying hard to hold back tears.

The sight of her wanting to cry had me in edge. I know I have to talk to her, but now I'm contemplating on if today should be the day to talk.

I have so much anger and hurt inside me that I could explode in her and I don't wanna do that. No matter what she said or put me through she was still my mother.

I got up and walked over to her. "Can I talk to you privately?"

She nodded and followed me to the bedroom. I sat on the bed, trying to get my words together. I was confused honestly. First time in five, six years I was actually going to have a conversation with one of my parents.

What do I say? Do I tell her about my hardships since leaving New Orleans? I don't know.

"H-he's so beautiful. He looks just like you." She whispered.

"I know. He's my twin," I laughed bitterly. "Ma-"

"I'm so sawry Sarah. I didn't know what ta do. When I saw you in dat hospital, I j-just shut down. I couldn't even recognize ma' own baybeh and then to find out you were pregnant. I was lost a-and confused and I-I don't know. I'm so sawry." She cried.

I bit my lip, staring at the ceiling. My eyes watered as I stared at her. I took a deep breathe before speaking.

"You really hurt me." I said as my voice cracked. "When I was locked away with Raymond, all I could think about was going back home to my parents. Y'all holding me, praying for me, and telling me y'all loved me. Y'all hadn't seen me in months and when y'all finally do, I'm a disgrace, I'm disgusting, I'm dirty, I'm a dumb ass, a fuck up. Because I didn't want to kill a part of me."


"Sarah–" She begin to say, but I hold my hand up.

"I'm not finished. The first time y'all asked about an abortion, I was all for it, then YOU told me if I didn't feel comfortable with it, don't go for it–"

"Sarah, please." She begged crying.

"Let me fini–"

"I'm so sawry, baybeh."

"I SAID LET ME FINISH!" I screamed.

She nodded apologizing again.

"You told me if I didn't feel comfortable with an abortion, don't do it. You gave me hope and courage enough to say no and keep my child, no matter what his father put me through. But when dad found out every went left. Suddenly, I'm a pathetic little bitch because I decided to take your advice and not abort. When dad found out, I no longer had you on my side. You were someone I thought I could trust. You're my mother for crying out loud. I didn't leave y'all, y'all left me the minute I said I wanted to keep that precious, handsome, and kind spirited little boy out there."

"I'm sawry." She whispered

"After six years now you're sorry? I went through so much. I went through bullying, which caused me to drop out of high school, I was homeless, starving myself day in and day out because I had to make sure my baby boy eats. Let's not forget depression. Looking in the mirror and hating who I saw. So many time I stared back at my reflection and wanting to kill myself. I had no one to talk me off the ledge. I talked myself off of because I knew I was here for a reason and that reason was that little boy out there."

"Sarah, please." She wiped her tears.

"Please what? Accept your apology? I will, just not right now."

She nodded wiping her tear drenched face. "I love you, I really do."

I nodded. "Okay."

"WHERE THE FUCK IS MA' WIFE." We heard and exited the room.

"Ima need you ta back the fuck up." August said pointing his finger in my dad's face.

"Fuck you gon do, nigga?"

August pulled up his pants. "Just back the fuck up. You bussing all up in ma shit on tip, calm yo punk ass down foe I work yo dumb ass."

"What's up then nigga." My dad said, walking up closer on August, but Simon got in between.

"Dad, calm down, it's a baybeh in hea."

"Fuck it."

"Aye bitch, ma son ain' no muthafuckin it. I'a beat yo ass, boy."

I finally stepped it seeing how angry August was getting. I placed my hands on his chest pushing him back to the couch.

"Calm down." I said.

He clenched his jaw. "Get these muthafuckas out Beto I turn this bitch up." He said lowly.

"You and Christian go to the room."

He nodded and grabbed a crying and confused Christian.

Once the bedroom door closed, I turned my attention back to my parents.

"It's time for y'all to leave. Simon, you have my number so if you wanna talk to Christian just call. It's time to go."

"So you got another nigga takin care of that bastard child?"

"You have three seconds to leave before I call the hotel managers."

"I hate you, bitch. You ain't no damn daughter of mine." He said walking out the room with my mom following close behind him.

"I'm sawry sis." He gave me a hug and I shrugged.

"See you later. I'm tired and we leave tonight."

"Aight. Call me when y'all get back ta Atlanta."

I nodded and he left.

I stared at the door, fanning my face so the tears wouldn't fall.

"Come hea'." August grabbed my arm pulling me to him. "You don't need that nigga. You good, baybeh. I gotchu." He assured.

I sniffled nodded. "Okay."

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