"Baybeh, wake up!" Angel yelled in my ear.
Groaning, I took the earphone out of my ear so I could sleep in peace.
Just a few minutes later, though, my mom was banging on my door. "Audriana Rumi, get up. Now!"
"I'm upppp!" I yelled back, finally sitting myself up and climbing out of bed.
I put the earphone back in my ear.
"Hello. Hello! Audri-"
Angel chuckled. "You finally up, mama?"
"Shut up."
"Don't be mad at me because you decided to go to sleep at three in the morning."
I walked into the bathroom to shower and get myself ready for school. Today was my first day back after the incident, and I was not excited. Last night, I was so nervous that I wasn't able to fall asleep until just two hours ago.
I'm currently hating myself for that.
"I couldn't help it."
He sighed on the other end of the FaceTime call. "I know, baybeh. You feelin' betta?"
"No. I'm tired."
"Other than that. How you feelin' about ya first day back?"
I shrugged, turning on the shower. "I don't know. I'm too tired to feel anything right now."
"Well showa', wake ya'self up, and call me back."
I stepped into the shower as he hung up the phone. I felt a bunch of emotions come over me, and before I knew it, I was crying in the shower as I brushed my teeth.
"Dad?" I called out, hoping he was listening so I could talk to him about my emotions.
Just as I was getting out of the shower, the picture frame I had of my dad and I over my bathroom mirror shook enough just to grasp my attention.
A smile grew on my face. "Hi, dad. I know I've been talking your ears off recently, but I need you more than ever right now. I'm so nervous for today. I don't know how to feel about possibly coming face-to-face with Cedrick, Dayna, or Nicole."
There was a gush of wind beside before feeling as though arms were wrapping around me. Honestly, a hug from my dad was all I needed at this point in time.
When I used to get bullied in middle school, my dad was the only one that I was comfortable with talking to about it. He always knew when to make a joke out of it, he knew the right time to hug me, and he always knew the right time to intervene.
"I love you, dad." I wiped the tears that started to dry on my face. "Be with me today. Please."
After finishing up in the bathroom, I went over to my vanity to do my make-up and call Angel back.
I laughed. "What, Angel?"
"You fine as fuck."
"Thank you, baby."
He continued to stare at me. "Them eyebrows on fleek."
"I'm not even done with them yet, but thank you."
"What that is?"
I held up the concealer. "Concealer to clean them up a little."
"You doin' foundation and all that?"
"No." I shook my head, finishing off my eyebrows to put on my lashes and mascara. "Just brows, lashes, and lip gloss today."
His eyes were glued on me as I did my lashes. "You did that shit fast as fuck."
"I'm basically a pro, huh?"
"Hell yea."
He scrunched up his face as I put on lip gloss. "I'on like kissin' you wit' that shit on."
"Don't kiss me then."
"But I wanna kiss you. I ain't seen you in two days."
I fixed my hanging curls. "And who's fault is that?"
"You're such a liar." I laughed.
He joined in. "I had to help my dad wit' some shit, mama. You know that."
"I still don't know exactly what you had to help him with, but okay. Anyways..."
"Don't start." He glared at me through the FaceTime call. "Step back, lemme see what you got on."
"Why the fuck you got on them shorts?"
I smacked my teeth. "Babe, I didn't feel like looking for anything else to wear."
"Yea aight."
"Don't worry." I smiled, putting away my make-up, but sticking my lip gloss into my bag. "I'm all yours."
"I know. I ain't worried bout none of that."
I smirked. "Good. But hey, I'm going down for breakfast. I'll see you at school, okay?"
"Aight, mama. I luh you."
"I love you more."
I hung up the phone and grabbed my book bag before going downstairs. My mom and Kenz were already setting up breakfast.
I overslept so I'm glad Kenz is here to pick up my slack, because if she wasn't mom would be on my ass right now for oversleeping.
"Good morning, my loves."
My mom smiled at me. "Good morning, honey. Glad to see that you're in a good mood. Talked to your dad this morning?"
"I did. I was so nervous, I had to."
"Did you pray?"
I nodded proudly. "I did. I'm feeling a lot better right now."
"Cause I'm taking on the day with you." Kenz smiled, bringing my plate over to the table and kissing me on the cheek. "You ready?"
I nodded. "I am. Owe healthy breakfast today."
"We need to start eating healthier." My mom raised her eyebrow at me. "Orange juice or water?"
I thought about it for a second. "Water, please."
She brought over my water and they finally sat down and joined us for breakfast.
"How did you girls sleep last night?" My mom asked.
McKenzie sipped her juice. "Mine was okay. I had a last minute essay to do so I was up kind of late."
"What did I tell you about last minute work?"
"I got it done though." Kenz grinned.
Mom shook her head. "But what did I tell you guys about that?"
"That we do our best work when it's last minute?" I questioned, knowing damn well that wasn't what she told us.
Fun fact, though, I did hear that doing last minute work made your creativity flow more. If that makes any kind of sense.
"Absolutely not. Last minute work is for procrastinators. Procrastination is for losers."
Kenz and I laughed. "Sorry, ma. It won't happen again."
"Mhm. What about you, Dri? How was your sleep?"
"I didn't get much of it, but it was good while it lasted."
Kenz started gathering our now empty plates. "Why you ain't get much of it?"
"Why didn't you." My mom corrected her, making us laugh again. "Get up and get your things, we're heading out in a second."
I got up from the table before answering Kenz's question. "I was super nervous."
"Let's go, girls!" She shouted from by the front door.
Kenz wrapped her arm around me. "It'll be fine. I got you, sis."
"Let's hope for the best."
"Send me that picture." Angel pointed at one of the pictures I had Kenz take for me this morning.
I did as told, sending him one of the only ones that I hadn't already sent him.
He stared at the picture for a second before turning to me.
"Fuck." He groaned, picking me up and placing me on the window sill by the back of the cafeteria. "You so damn fine."
I giggled. "Thank you, baby. You're not too bad yourself."
"We gon' make some sexy ass kids."
"Woah, calm down horsey."
He chuckled. "You gon' ride me like a horse?"
"Okay, let's go back inside." I laughed.
We were inside with McKenzie and Amere, but Angel wanted to bring me to the side just to see how I was really feeling.
I honestly felt okay, but it was probably just for now. I haven't seen Dayna, I haven't seen Nicole, nor have I seen Cedrick so it was fine.
But, Angel and I have classes with Dayna today so that's where the real test is going to happen. He's been able to act as if she didn't exist because he's been around her since the incident, but I haven't.
I thought I had enough time to mentally prepare myself, but I'm not sure. I won't know until I see her.
On top of that, I have to pretend like everything is okay. So, if she speaks to me, I have to be normal and speak back because if I give off any hints that I know anything or that I'm uncomfortable and don't want to talk to her, she may catch on.
And we don't need that.
The bell rang, signaling that we had 10 minutes to get to our first period classes. Angel and I had Mr. Tane together in building C while McKenzie and Amere had classes in building F.
"You got this, sis."
I nodded. "I know."
"Text me if you need anything, okay? I love you."
"I will. I love you too."
Kenz stepped to the side so Mere could hug me. "I'm only a few buildin's away."
"I'll keep that in mind." I chuckled, hugging him back.
"Aight, sis. Love ya."
"Love you too."
Angel hugged Kenz before he dapped up Mere. "We gon' link back up in da parkin' lot afta' school."
We all agreed before going our separate ways. Angel interlocked our fingers as he kissed the back of my hand.
"You ready?" He looked down and asked me as we stood by the classroom door.
I let out a deep breath. "Yea, come on."
"Nice to have you back, Ms. Ibanez."
I smiled at Mr. Tane. "Nice to be back."
"Aye. Chill on my lady aight?" Angel joked, pushing me into the classroom.
We took our usual seats as I anticipated Dayna's arrival. As bad as I wanted to slap her as soon as I seen her, I had to keep my cool.
I had to.
Lord, I need your guidance today. And forever. But, mainly today.
The devil being nothing but the devil, Dayna walked in with a big ass smile on her face. It went away as soon as her eyes landed on me, but she tried to cover it up with a shocked expression.
I seen you, bitch.
"Hi, Audri!" She came over and sat next to me, pulling me in for a hug. "How was Louisiana?"
That was the lie I had to make up. According to what the detectives told me to say, I was in Louisiana touring Southeastern Louisiana University's campus since that's one of the colleges I plan on going to.
It isn't my first choice, though. Everyone who really knows me knows that TSU is my first choice, but it was a lie that worked so.
I didn't care if nobody believed it as long as the people that needed to believe it, believed it.
"It was amazing." I forced a smile on my face. "I loved it. That's definitely a choice."
She sighed. "I have so much to catch you up on!"
Throughout the entire class, she felt the need to tell me about Nicole and Melani. I obviously know who Nicole is, and I knew Melani was the other chick from the sleepover.
I didn't care enough about them to know what they had going on so I don't know why she was telling me, but whatever.
Unfortunately, she didn't say anything about Cedrick or the name of the other guy that was there. But, something is better than nothing I guess.
Supposedly, Nicole and Cedrick are seeing each other now which was hilarious to Angel and I. The girl Melani was dealing with chlamydia and trying to find out who gave it to her.
I didn't realize Melani was the same age as us because she looked a lot older, but the more I learned the better.
Maybe it won't be that bad pretending as if I know nothing about their sneaky asses. This could work out for us in the long run.
I squeezed Dri's ass while she walked in front of me. I couldn't help it, dat shit was jigglin' and my lil nigga was gettin' happy down thea'.
Pressing up against her, I put some of my weight on her and wrapped my arms around her as we walked through the hallways to get to the student parkin' lot.
To be real, I was tryin' my best to keep Dri distracted cause we gotta walk past the gym and that's whea' Cedrick be befo' goin' to practice.
I leaned into her neck. "Wassup, mama?"
"Can we get food before I go to work?"
"Of course." I kissed her jawline. "Take you and Kenz to the crib so y'all can change and do whateva' y'all gotta do, drop Mere them off at his crib, and then we can go."
She smiled. "Okay, yay. I think I want Chi-"
She paused in the middle of her sentence and she stopped walkin'. I felt her body tense up so I already knew what the pro'lem was without even havin' to look up.
I stood up wit' my arms still wrapped around her. Lookin' up, I saw Cedrick fuck ass starin' right at us wit' a smirk on his face.
If only his bitch ass knew what I would do to him if it wasn't for this investigation shit.
"Just keep walkin', mama." I mumbled in her ear.
She hesitantly nodded as she started walkin' to the parkin' lot again.
"Don't even look that fuck nigga way. You hea' me?"
She nodded again, lookin' in the opposite direction.
My baybeh girl was actually havin' a good day today. Last thing we needed was this fuck nigga messin' it up. I knew it was gon' be hard for her, but I ain't lettin' her do this on her own.
She got me, she got McKenzie, she got Amere, she got her mama, she got her pops, and most importantly she got herself.
That's all she need.
"We'll be right back." Audri leaned ova' to kiss me befo' her and Kenz got out to go change.
Dri had to change into her work clothes and Kenz was just changin' into some comfortable clothes to go to Mere house.
I guess they was gon' be chillin' thea' today.
Amere sat up in da back seat. "Wassup, bruh?"
"I think I know what I'm bout to do about this Cedrick situation."
"What you mean, bruh? We can't do nothin' or we gon' fuck shit up."
I looked back at him. "We ain't gon' touch him."
"What you got planned then? You know I'm with it."
"Thank you, Audriana."
I nodded. "No problem. I wasn't busy anyways."
"I was so backed up, girl. You're like a lifesaver."
"It's nothing, honestly. I don't mind helping, especially when I have nothing to do."
My co-worker, Delilah, nodded. "Monday's are always slow, but that paper work is always hell after the weekends."
"I see."
"I'm going on break now." She walked over to the time clock kiosk. "If you need me, give me a holler."
I laughed at how white she was. "Sure thing, Lilah."
Going back over to my empty station, I started cleaning it up for the 300th time today. We were so dead so all I was doing to occupy my time was clean.
Most of our usual customers were already out of town- or state- for the holidays coming up.
Most people would be happy getting paid to stand around and do nothing, but I'm not most people. I hate just standing around, especially at work. I could have stayed home and let my man pay me for the day instead of being here and doing nothing.
So, to make use of my time, I helped Delilah finish up most of her paper work. Now, I'm going to redecorate the kennels because... why not?
A few minutes in, I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket.
I stuck my phone back in my pocket right on time as a customer walked in. With my back still to the door, I greeted them.
"Hello! Welcome to La Vie Pet Salon and Daycare. Are you a first time customer?"
I heard them clear their throat. "Yea. Brent here and I are new to town. We heard you guys are the best so here we are."
"Sounds good." I smiled, standing up from the kennels. "Let's get your paper work started and then we can-"
I dropped the glass container of puppy cushions in my hand, jumping as it hit the floor.
It's him.
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