"Hey, I'm walking into the school right now. Where are you?"
Cedrick yawned. "I'm by the cafeteria, but I'll come meet you halfway."
Hanging up the phone, I slid it into my back pocket. I showed the security guard my school ID before being able to walk into the school.
"Good morning, baby girl." Cedrick hugged me.
I hugged him back. "Good morning."
"Oh, I can't take you to your interview today. I have practice right after school."
"Really, Cedrick?"
"I'm sorry, baby girl."
I rolled my eyes. "That's what it always is with you. You cancel everything with me last minute. I told my mom to stay at work and I depended on your word, again. And you cancel on me, again."
"You really that mad?" He chuckled. "Because I can't take you to your interview? It ain't that serious."
I wanted to punch him in his throat and knock his damn tonsils out.
"Nothing's ever serious to you. I'm going to class."
"Chill out." He grabbed my arm, holding my face in his hands. He kissed me, but I didn't kiss him back. "So you not gon' kiss me back?"
"You always do this, Cedrick. Always. Every time we plan something, you cancel on me. This is the fifth time this week, and it's annoying. I'm tired of being your girlfriend, but you can't even make time for me."
"I'm busy, baby girl. I have shit I have to get done."
I scoffed. "But when your boys wanna hang, you're always available."
I'm starting to think he low key.
The minute music started to play in the hallways.
"I gotta get to class, Dri. I'ma text you, okay?"
I nodded. "K."
"Give me a kiss."
Leaning down, he met me halfway and I reluctantly gave him a kiss before going to Ms. Calloway's class.
I waved at the teacher before taking my assigned seat next to August's assigned seat.
"Good mornin', beautiful."
I tried to smile. "Good morning, handsome."
"Why the long face? What's wrong?"
"Nothing." I lied. "I'm just exhausted."
"Don't lie ta' me."
I shook my head. "I'm not lying to you, Angel."
"And Trump is a good president." He stale faced me, making me laugh. "Tell me the truth, mane."
"It's just... Cedrick."
He sat up in his seat. "What happened? What he did to you?"
"He's just always bailing on me. I asked him two weeks ago to take me to an interview that I have today after school and he kept saying he would be able to do it so I told my mom to stay at work late and not to worry about taking me. And then today he says he can't take me because he has practice. You didn't know two weeks ago that you would have practice today? Like, I was really excited for this interview. And knowing that I can't depend on him kind of pisses me off."
"I'a take you."
"No, I don't want you to have to cancel your-"
He interrupted me. "I'a take you, ma. It ain't nothin'. Don't let that ruin ya' day cause I'on like that frown on ya' face."
"Thank you, Angel."
Things hadn't become awkward between Angel and I after my birthday night simply because he didn't remember any of it. He didn't remember taking me home, kissing me, none of it.
Or at least that's how he acts.
I'm not going to bring it up, and I'm not going to tell Cedrick. If Angel doesn't remember, then there's nothing to tell because nothing happened.
"You leavin' tomorrow night ain't you?"
I nodded. "Yep. Back to Vegas."
"You excited or you ain't really feelin' it?"
"I'm not super excited, but I'm not really dreading it either. I'm kind of just ready to go, get it over with, and bring McKenzie back home."
McKenzie opened up to Angel and Amere about what was going in her personal life, and they've been super supportive since.
Kenz literally broke down in Mere's arms. I'd never seen her do that with anybody other than my mom before especially because she doesn't even like crying in front of people.
I don't really know what McKenzie and Amere have going on right now, but I'm not going to question her about it either. I know if it's anything serious, she'll tell me. In plus, he seems to keep her in happy spirits so that's all that matters.
"We gon' all be goin' to the same school. Me, you, Mere, Kenz. That's gon' be hell." He laughed, making me laugh. "She'ca replace Dayna as ya school friend since y'all ain't friends nomo'." He pursed his lips.
I rolled my eyes. "I never said we're not friends anymore. I just said she was really getting on my nerves with her attitude."
After Dayna didn't go to Angel's party, or come around for my birthday, I checked in with her to make sure everything was okay. I didn't come at her like "bitch, why the fuck you ain't spend my birthday with me?" I simply said to her, "hey, I expected to see you last night. Where were you?"
This girl said "the world doesn't revolve around you, Audriana" so I figured she was in a bad mood or something was going on so I asked her if everything was okay. When she didn't reply, I just gave her space.
Tuesday, in school, she apologized to me and I forgave her. I wasn't making a big deal out of it because there was no need for it.
Being a friend, I asked her if there was anything going on with her and she said no, she was just tired and cranky. I left it at that because if she wanted to tell me what was going on, she would tell me on her own time. Not if I kept bugging her about it.
So we went into a conversation and she asked me how my birthday went and how Angel's party went so I told her how everything started and how everything ended. Long story short, she got mad because of what went down with Angel and I. She called me an idiot, said I was going to be another one of Angel's hoes, said that she should have never introduced me to such a "great guy" like Cedrick just for me to hurt him, and that was that.
We haven't talked ever since and, honestly, I was okay with that. I don't have the time or energy for that kind of negativity in my life. I get I may have fucked up with Angel, but damn.
When she wants to talk like a mature human being, we can do that. Until then, girl bye.
"She prolly jealous of you."
"Jealous of me for what?"
He smirked. "Cause you got what she want."
"Cedrick? She basically hooked us up."
"Na. Me."
I laughed. "Dayna does not want you, Angel."
"That girl been wantin' me since middle school."
"I bet."
"Mane, I'm dead ass fa'real."
I furrowed my eyebrows together. "Oh you serious?"
"She used ta' like me in middle school, but then I dated ha' best friend. I cheated on ha' best friend, but eva' since then she be actin' like she hate me. I'on really give a fuck though, but..." he shrugged.
"I would hope that somebody who's supposed to be my friend doesn't switch out on me because of a nigga. No offense to you."
Angel chuckled. "None taken."
"If that was the case, she should have told me that. I asked y'all a while ago if anything had went on between you two and y'all both said no."
"Cause it ain't. I'on got no type'a feelins' fa' that damn girl. So on my end, ain't none goin' on. If she felt some type'a way, she shoulda' told you that. That's yo' friend."
Dropping the subject, I converted my attention to Ms. Calloway.
"Gon' start the car." Angel dug in his pockets for his car key. "I'a be out thea'. I gotta run ta' my locka'."
I grabbed the keys from him. "Okay. I don't have to be there for another hour and La Vie isn't far so don't rush."
"Aight. Don't talk ta' strangers." He winked, making me laugh.
I walked out of the school building, heading to the student parking lot. I just so happened to see Cedrick getting into his car.
I could go over there and make a scene about him lying and saying he had practice right after school, but the way I carry myself, that's not in me. He can be a liar all he wants to be, but not with me.
Lie to a stupid bitch and get away with it, but I ain't stupid. Far from it, actually.
I turned on the a/c as I seen Angel walking out of the school with the same girl from the club. I only recognized her because of her hair.
They held a short conversation before they went in different directions. She went to one side of the student parking lot and he went to the other side, coming to the car.
"So..." I started up the conversation as he climbed into the front seat. "Is that a potential bae?"
"Who? Nicole? I'on know, maybe."
"I ain't too sho' yet though."
"Why not?"
He shrugged. "I'on know yet."
"Hm. Okay."
"Yea, nosey ass. You want somethin' ta' eat befo' you go to ya interview?"
"I'm not really hungry. I'm nervous, but I'm not hungry."
"What that mean? You can't eat when you nervous?"
"Hell no. I'll throw everything up as soon as it hits my stomach."
He side-eyed me, mumbling something.
"Nothin'." He laughed. "What you doin' afta' ya interview?"
"I don't have anything planned other than packing."
"Aight, coo'. I'ma go pick up Mere while you at ya interview, come back and pick you up, then we gon' all slide to yo' crib."
I chuckled. "So you think because my mom adores you guys that you can just come over whenever you want."
"She told me I could so yea. You can't stop me, you'on pay no bills thea'."
"Oh shut up." I laughed, shoving his arm.
A song came on and August turned it up, bobbing his head.
"Aye this my shit, baybeh."
He started rapping, pointing at me and rubbing my face.
This was about to be a long ride.
"Oh damn."Angel grunted, licking the cheese off of the side of his mouth. "These hoes good as fuck."
"I told you she can cook." Kenz hyped me up.
I put another tray of the spring rolls on the table. "It's a shame I had to cook to celebrate me getting the job."
"Ain't it." Amere shook his head, shoving another spring roll in his mouth. "Make these hungry asses cook next time."
"You a part of them hungry asses, boy." I laughed, picking up a spring roll for myself.
He shook his head. "Oh na. Don't put me in that group."
"You're already in it." Kenz said. "I have an idea though."
Mere snatched her spring roll out of her hand, shoving it in his mouth. "Wassup?"
"I'm about to beat your ass." She swung at him, but he ducked. "Let's play a game."
"What game?" Angel questioned, seeming intrigued.
"Truth or dare, spin the bottle, never have I ever. Doesn't matter."
"Truth or dare."
"Yea, truth or dare."
"That'a do."
Kenz nodded. "Okay great."
"We can go out to the patio." I suggested, grabbing the plates off of the table and putting them into the dishwasher.
We made our way outside to the back patio by the pool, sitting around the little table.
"Okay. Dri, truth or dare." Kenz started.
I thought for a second. "Uh, truth."
"Okayyy." She drew out. "Is it true that you a bad bitch?"
I stuck my tongue out. "It's true that I'm a bad bitch."
"Bitch, I eat my rice and cabbage."
"Ass so fat he wanna grab it." I twerked in my seat.
"Sho' 'nuff do." Angel mumbled, licking his lips.
Mere busted out laughing. "Nigga, you a foo'."
"Mane, grab it? I wanna love on it and all. Use that shit as my pillow, my nigga." Angel laughed, making the rest of us laugh.
I cleared my throat. "Alright, Mere. Truth or dare?"
"Alright. I dare you to suck Kenz toes."
McKenzie laughed, taking her sock off. "Get to sucking, my boy."
He snatched the sock off of her foot, and with no hesitation, he stuck her white painted toes in his mouth. Kenz eyes widened before her mouth formed into the shape of an 'o'.
"Okay, okay." She squealed, pulling her foot of Amere's mouth.
I scrunched my face up. "That's disgusting."
"Angel." Mere wiped his mouth. "Truth or dare."
"I dare you to kiss Dri and make it sloppy." He laughed.
Angel smirked at me before pulling me onto his lap. I sat sideways on him so he pulled my leg over so that I was now straddling him.
Wrapping his hands around my face, he pulled me closer to his so our lips could connect. I was a little surprised when his tongue swiped against my bottom lip, but I obliged, letting his tongue enter my mouth.
His hands found my butt, and I didn't even realize it, but I began grinding against him in his lap. Giving my butt a hard squeeze, my mind finally caught up with how far this was going.
Pulling away, I softly bit his bottom lip before climbing off of his lap.
"I said Angel kiss Dri, not Dri get my nigga dick hard. Look what you did." Amere laughed, pointing out Angel's bulge.
I knew it was there because I felt it under me just a few seconds ago, but I wasn't going to point it out. Mere did though.
Leave it to Mere.
"Aight, can somebody dare Kenz to kiss me." Amere clapped his hands together, licking his lips playfully and smirking at Kenz.
Let's see if he remembers this one.
- In Serial21 Chapters
Arctic Wolf
The new cover is thanks to a fan of mine, and I think they did a very wonderful job! @mwontobey Jamie, small, fragile, a major nerd.Ross, tall, strong, a major jock.Jamie is a runaway, he ran from the place that tortured him for being different and ended up in a different pack.Ross, the soon to be Alpha has yet to meet his mate, Jamie just happens to get captured by his pack.What will happen?
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Rarity and spike or AJ and spike
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Entwined ✔️
They took everything from her ...the damned Werewolves. Her mother, her coven, her freedom.And then, she found out she was the mate of the Alpha prince whose father destroyed her life as she knew it. She was the one. She was fated for him, but could she handle all that being his mate would entail? Could she handle the politics? The jealously? The sex?〰️〰️〰️I was determined to ensure he couldn't ignore me. Looking around nervously to make sure everyone was still preoccupied, I removed my flats from my right foot. Then I leaned closer and found his leg again. I ran my stockinged toes over his ankle, moving it up, slowly.He looked at me again, sharply, his eyes darkening. I gave him an innocent smile and looked away.I continued to move my foot up, higher and higher, ignoring his eyes. Soon, my foot found his already hard erection.Good goddess, he was always ready.Gently, I pressed the curve of my foot against him, feeling the fast pulse of his erection. I heard his sharp intake of breath and glanced up at him. His eyes were now black with arousal but he was looking at me intensely, like he wanted me to stop.Tough luck.〰️〰️〰️Started: 25 June, 2020 ......Rated R
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once upon a time, oliver sterling and reed bishop were best friends. with a shared love for swimming, they were inseparable. but one night changed everything between them and when oliver moved to london, their friendship fell apart. five years later, oliver is back in manchester and the past he has been avoiding for so long catches up with him. old friends, current and ex-girlfriends, feelings he thought he had buried long ago; they all rise to the surface in a hard to ignore mix. most impossible to ignore is reed, with his scowls and icy blue eyes. it's clear he wants nothing to do with oliver, but why does he find it so hard to stomach reed's hatred? because there was a time when it came close to something else entirely and oliver would be willing to do anything to get that back.
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"I was a boy when I met her and loving her taught me how to be a man."SEXUAL CONTENT.BOOK TWO ON @RE2RAW
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