"So..." My mom started, following me into my room. "How was your first day?"
"It was pretty good." I said truthfully. "I met a few people. I met this girl that literally could be like my cousin or something."
I nodded. "Yes, we look so much alike to me. It was weird."
She dismissed my statement. "Any boys?"
"A few tried to talk to me throughout the day, but you know I don't pay them no mind. There was one that was really persistent."
My mom grinned. "What's his name? Was he cute?"
"Angel, and eh. He's okay."
"So he's ugly?"
"No." I laughed. "He's not ugly, but he's not my type. He seems like a trouble maker."
"Well I'm glad you enjoyed your day. Go ahead and get to your homework." She stood up from the bed. "I'm going to head back to work and finish up. I should be back home in about two hours, okay?"
"Your uncle is supposed to be coming over later so if somebody knocks, it's probably him. But, of course, check before you open the door."
I followed her towards the front door. "I know, mom."
"Okay. If you get hungry, my credit card is on my dresser. I love you."
"Okay, I love you too. Drive safe."
"I will. See you later, sweetie. Lock the door."
I watched her as she walked out, making sure she got in the car safely before closing the door and locking it. Turning on the alarm system, I headed back to my room to start some homework.
I heard my phone vibrating against my dresser as I started on my biology homework. I was a bit relieved when Kenz's contact name popped up.
"Hi, my love!"
"Hey, Audri! How was your first day? I miss you!"
I got comfortable on my bed. "It was actually okay. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. I miss you more."
"Have you met any friends? Any guys?"
"Um, I wouldn't necessarily call it friends. I met this girl that looks like she could be my cousin. Like it's creepy how we have a lot of the same features. There were a few guys that tried to talk to me, but one in particular was very persistent."
"Who was he? Was he cute?"
"You sound just like my mom." I chuckled, making her laugh. "His name is Angel, and he's decent."
"Decent as in cute decent? Or decent as in I don't want to say he's ugly, but he's ugly decent?"
"Enough about me." I sighed, changing the subject. "How was your day without me?"
"Boring as fuck. I avoided everybody, walked around with my earphones in my ear. I'm legit thinking about moving up there with you."
"I told you to do it. That would make my life so much easier."
I heard the doorbell ring.
"I think my uncle is here."
Kenz got excited. "Your dad's brother?"
"Oh his fine ass!"
"And on that note, I'm hanging up on you." I laughed.
She laughed too. "That's fine. I'm about to clock in to this hell hole that you left me at anyways, bitch."
"Awe, I love you too."
"I love you more. I'll text you, bye."
I made it to the front door, sticking my phone in my back pocket as I looked through the peep hole. It was, indeed, my uncle.
"Uncle Mikeee." I drew out as we pulled each other into a hug.
"Wassup niece?"
"I was just upstairs doing homework. It's about time I get to see you."
"I know, I been busy with work. I definitely gotta come over here more often since we not far from each other anymore."
"Oh yea, definitely." We walked into the living room, sitting on the couch. "If you didn't, I would hold it against you."
He chuckled. "Trust me, I know. How you been though? How was your first day?"
"It was okay. I tried to keep to myself as much as possible."
"Any lil' niggas tried to push up on you?"
"No." I lied. "I ignored everybody all day."
If I was to tell my uncle about the Angel kid, he would be at my school in the morning in the principal's office asking for somebody named Angel.
Nope, not doing it.
"Good cause you know I'll be up at that school bright and early. I'on play."
"I know." I laughed. "Did you have to work today?"
"Yea." He huffed, laying back on the couch. "That's why I'm so damn tied."
"I was going to ask how your day went, but I guess that explains it."
He nodded.
"Why are you staying at a job that you don't like?"
Uncle Mike shrugged. "I'on really know what to do anymore. Tom and I was working on getting me partnered up with his business, but..."
"But he got taken from us before you guys could finalize it?"
"Exactly." He shook his head, letting out a scoff. "That shit piss me off every time I think about how they just took him." My uncle leaned up, propping his elbows on his knees and placing his face in his hands.
My uncle wasn't emotional at all, but I knew my dad's death was the last straw for him. After losing my grandparents, both of his and my dad's parents, I knew he probably felt like his world was closing in around him.
All he really had now was my mother and I.
I didn't really know what to do or if I should do anything at all so I placed my hand on his back just so he knew I was there.
"I'm sorry, Dri."
"No, it's okay. It's good to let it out. Trust me, I do it all the time. Usually, dad wouldn't let me but I'm guessing you probably needed to let it out since he didn't stop you."
Mike chuckled. "He never liked to see you cry."
"Yea, I know. Sometimes I have to though."
He sighed. "Anyways, though. You bout to be 16 soon, ain't it?"
"Sure am. I'm ready to get my license."
"Don't you be drivin' now?"
I laughed. "Yea, illegally. I'm supposed to have a guardian over 21 with a valid license with me every time I drive, but my mom be letting me go out by myself sometimes."
"You gotta be careful with that shit down here. I know up there in Vegas, them popos wasn't checking for shit. Down here, they be quick to pull ya over for nothin'. Especially if ya young drivin' the kinda car ya mama got."
I had heard before that police were always on people's asses down here in Florida. He was right, in Las Vegas the police didn't care about nothing up there.
"You still tryna work with animals when you graduate?"
I confidently nodded. "Yep. I don't think that's ever going to change."
"Still wanna go to TSU?"
"Of course. You still gonna buy me my first apartment up there?"
He smirked. "You ain't forget that, huh?"
"You know what the deal was. You graduate with A's and B's and get accepted to TSU, I'll get you ya first apartment up there. As long as you keep yo' end of the deal up, I'll keep mine."
My realization for how much I loved and cared about animals set in when I was in the 9th grade. It didn't take much longer after that for me to find a university that I wanted to go to where one of their top majors was what I wanted to study.
I've always been a good student in school so when I announced to my mom, my aunt, my dad, and my uncle about my plans after high school, they each made me a different promise.
My aunt Trini promised me that she'll throw me a huge graduation party, my mom promised me that she would get me a money cake, my dad promised to send me off with the car of my dreams, and my uncle promised to pay my first and last month's rent at the apartment of my choice close to campus.
All I had to do was graduate with A's and B's and get accepted into Texas State University. I knew I could do it.
Before we could go into another conversation, my mom came through the front door.
My uncle Mike got up to greet her and then they went off to the kitchen to catch up.
Guess I'll go finish my homework now.
Sipping my tea, I continued to flip through the pages I was supposed to be reading for my AP history class.
A class I did not sign up for because when I see "AP" the first thing that comes to my mind is "too much work".
Which is exactly what this was already.
My mom was at work, of course, which means I was at home alone, of course. This became the norm which didn't really bother me, but there were times where I needed my mom and I just wished I could go down the hallway to talk to her.
I don't hold that against her though. I know she's doing her part as a mom and I love her with all of my heart because of that.
She'll never let me go without.
I got tired of reading so I unlocked my phone and flipped to my favorite app, Instagram. I really wanted to annoy Kenz right now, but I did that all morning and she was at work now.
My phone buzzed in my hand, a notification popping up that I had a new follower on Instagram. Literally three seconds later, my phone buzzed again indicating that I had a dm request.
I went into my dm's, tapping on the requests.
I rolled my eyes, slightly laughing out loud.
Angel had been stalking me around school, outside of the classes we shared, ever since my first day. At times it was kind of cute, other times it was honestly annoying.
This wasn't the first time going to the library to link up and do homework, it would just be my first time linking up with him. I met up there a few times this past week with Dayna, though.
She was a really cool girl which was why it was so easy for us to click and hit it off.
I requested an Uber as I put on some decent clothes. Grabbing my bag, I made sure everything I would need was in it before heading downstairs to wait for the Uber.
I sent my mom a quick text, letting her know I was going to the library along with the license plate of the Uber's car and the name of the Uber driver like I always did.
It made us feel a lot better about the whole Uber thing. We were iffy at first, especially her, but since I had no other way of transportation to get around I didn't really have a choice.
About another 4 to 6 minutes later, the Uber pulled up. I made sure to lock the door behind me before going over to the car.
"How are you today?"
"I'm good, thank you. How are you?"
"I can't complain. You're headed to the library next to the high school?"
I smiled at her through the rear view mirror. "Yes."
Thanking the driver, I closed the door behind me before unlocking my phone to leave her a $3 tip before walking inside the library.
I went to the tables in the back once I didn't see him in the front. Sure enough, he was in the back being the flirtatious, distraction he was always being.
There were three girls at the table in front of him clearly doing their work, but there was Angel interrupting them. One was obviously annoyed, but the other two were eating it up.
Being around Angel in school, and based on the few things Dayna would tell me, the girls seemed to flock to him for some reason. He was a very sweet guy, but the way they argued over him at school and on social media, you would think he was some famous rapper or some shit.
I didn't get it.
I sat down at the table, pulling my things out. Once he acknowledged my presence, a smile grew on his face. He left from the table where the girls were and came over to me.
"Wassup, beautiful?"
"Hey, Angel."
"You'on know what dat smile do to me, Audri."
I chuckled. "Shut up. What is it that you needed help with?"
"How to get you to be mine."
"Aight aight." He put his hands up in surrender. "You know dat packet we got from bio?"
I nodded.
"I'on know none of the shit dat's on the motha'fucka. It's like anotha' language to me when I read it."
"It's really a common sense thing, I think you just overthink it. Here, let me see it."
He dug through his messy binder before pulling out the wrinkled up packet.
"You need to organize your stuff."
"Organize it for me."
"I would gladly do it because that's a mess."
He licked his lips. "Look at you already lookin' out fa' a nigga. You'a make a good wife so when you wanna get married?"
"Never. Now focus on the packet..."
"Now if this is messed up by the time Monday comes around, I will be so upset with you."
"I'a try to keep it neat for you."
"I won't hold my breath."
He chuckled. "Yea, don't do dat. See you so smart."
"Shut up." I giggled as we walked out of the library.
I managed to get Angel to finish all of his homework and I organized his binder for him like I said I would.
There was nothing more to why I did that for him other than the fact that it was incredibly messy.
"Whea' you parked at?"
"I got an Uber here. My mom's at work."
"You coulda' told me dat. I woulda' came and picked you up."
"Thank you, but you stalk me enough at school. I wouldn't want you stalking me at home too." I joked.
"If I wanted to know whea' you lived, I would know already." He said blatantly. "I'ca take you home or we can go get somethin' to eat. It's still kinda' early."
I looked at the time on my phone, 8:04 pm.
I figured since I didn't have any texts or calls from my mom, that meant she wasn't home yet so it wouldn't hurt to go get food with him.
I never turn down food. Especially free food.
"Okay, that's fine."
"Aight c'mon."
I walked behind him to the side parking lot. I tried to guess which car was his as we walked through it, but boy was I wrong.
"This is your car?"
Angel chuckled. "Yea."
I wasn't expecting him to own a 2017 black Dodge Charger. I mean, I wasn't expecting it to be a 1998 Chevy, but I definitely wasn't expecting it to be this either.
I was impressed.
And it made my mind wander.
He said himself he didn't have a job so how could he afford something like this?
"You said you don't work, right?"
He chuckled, glancing over at me. "I said I'on work a nine-to-five, but I do have a job."
"Oh... okay."
My mind went a lot of different places, but I decided not to speak on either of the routes my mind was taking.
It wasn't any of my business anyways.
"What you feel like eatin'?"
"Chinese sounds really good right now."
"I'on like Chinese food. They be eatin' dogs."
I gasped. "Wow, that's racist."
"I'm just playin'." He chuckled. "But I feel like eatin' some Mexican food. Dat shit be bussin'."
"I guess I could go for some tacos or something."
"You ain't have no choice."
I scrunched up my face. "You ain't have no choice." I mimicked him making him laugh.
"You so beautiful."
"Thank you, Angel."
He winked at me, putting his focus back on the road in front of him.
I took in his appearance from the angle I was sitting in; his jawline was very muscular, his face seemed really proportional which is very rare, his lips were extremely plump, the way he leaned back in his seat just enough to where his arm didn't extend too much as his fist clenched the wheel was very attractive.
He was very attractive.
I would never tell him that though.
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Ghostly Bodies
John, an introverted medium, meets a ghost named Lona, an extroverted poltergeist. He is the first person she could speak to in what felt like forever to her. So, she follows him home and now he's stuck with a new roommate. She finds out she can possess dolls, which is pretty handy and they decide to buy her a sex doll and to learn American Sign Language. They fall for each other in the process. Ghostly Bodies Pitch Video I've decided to publish this as an official novel. If you want a physical copy, please consider buying it. Any future updates will be exclusive to this new edition.
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