《I cant think of a title for this.》Too far


It was after school, Jinkx had walked home. He saw in the driveway that Alaska's car was gone but Sharon was home. Jinkx hoped he wasnt still upset with him...

Jinkx walked in the house and put his bag down at the table. Sharon greeted him with a smile.

"Sit down Jinkxy we need to talk ." Sharon sighed

Jinkx gulped and sat down knowing what was coming. Sharon sat next to him .

"Jinkx you know what you did last night got to me deeply." Sharon said " I want you to tell me the honest truth everytime."

"Yes sir." Jinkx responded .

" so while mommy is out because I know it upsets her, you'll be receiving a good spanking now " Sharon said

"But but but " Jinkx stuttered

"I have made up my mind Jinkx I want you to learn your lesson from last night." Sharon crossed his arms.

Jinkx wanted nothing more than to break down and cry. Alaska was not home, she always comforted him after his punishments. Sharon was so strict and mean sometimes, he took disciplining Jinkx too far. Sharon took Jinkx hand and led him to Jinkx' room. He felt it was only natural he punish Jinkx in his room like an actual father figure would. Jinkx was sat down on his bed. Sharon shut the door.

"I dont like having to do these kind of things i hope you know." Sharon sighed

"I know daddy, I'm really sorry..." Jinkx faintly spoke

"Well I suppose I better get to it." Sharon said taking off his thick leather belt

Jinkx' mouth dropped. He earned the belt?! He had NEVER got the belt from Sharon before! He must have screwed up. This was unbelievable. Jinkx' stomach sunk like a stone.


"Daddy I-I-I" Jinkx pleaded

"I-I-I think you need to realize what you did was wrong and theres no way around this." Sharon frowned "I'm sorry Jinkxy, this is what you earned."

Before sitting down, Sharon placed a heavy wooden chair in a corner. He placed himself next to Jinkx.

"Whats the chair for?" Jinkx asked

"After your spanking you are going to sit and think for a little while." Sharon replied.

"Ohh.." Jinkx looked at his feet.

"Alright baby, cmon lets get this over with." Sharon said standing Jinkx up. "Hands."

Jinkx put his hands on his head and felt the button on his jeans become undone. Those pulling down exposed blue and pink panties. Those sunk to his knees slowly after. He was positioned over Sharon's lap with his plump round ass high in the air. Sharon rose the belt.




Jinkx broke and was already sobbing.




"Dadddyyy I'm so sorrrrrryyyyyyy!!!!" Jinkx cried as the belt connected once more and then again



Sharon stopped and rubbed Jinkx back. Jinkx was a bawling mess. His bare ass was RED with raised off-purple welts. Sharon stood him up. Jinkx wanted hugs and cuddles so bad. But it wasnt time yet. Sharon led him to sit in the heavy chair. Sitting down on his bare ass felt sooo sore and bad. Jinkx cried more. Sharon timed an egg timer and set in on his dresser. Opening the door he spoke sternly sending more chills down Jinkx spine.

"If I hear you get up out of that chair we will REPEAT the punishment young man." Sharon spoke.

"Ye-yes sir." Jinkx sobbed squirming around in the chair trying to make the sting go away.


The timer hadnt went off yet when Jinkx could hear someone yelling . Then heels clanking or practically running up the stairs. Heavier steps followed.


"No! Dont talk to me, you went way to far doing that!" Alaska yelled at Sharon

"He has to learn from his mistakes Alaska!" Sharon replied back sharply

Jinkx heard Alaska stop just before his room and whip around.

"He has NEVER lied to you before, a few warning smacks would have been FINE. You had no reason bringing a belt down on his bare ass. " Alaska spoke through her teeth.

"Alaska lets talk about this.." Sharon said stroking the back of his head.

Alaska busted in to Jinkx room and grabbed him up from the chair. She pulled his panties and pants up. Ripping open the closet she grabbed his back pack and tore some clothes from the closet off the hangers and threw them into the bag. Jinkx just stood and watched.

" You obviously are not right in the head. Jinkx and I are going to the Valoria Prestige while you think about what YOU did to him." Alaska yelled back

She grabbed Jinkx hand and pulled him through Sharon who stood there shocked. Alaska always stood by him. She never did something like this. Maybe he really did go to far, but it was too late she was so angry with him. Now she took Jinkx too...

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